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Shall We Have A Forum For Moans And Moaners?


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Would we need a big forum for general complaints, with smaller subforums for whinging and bitching or just keep them together?

Either way, someone will complain. :o

having read this thread, a thought springs to mind that there exists such a forum for moaners and crybabies elsewhere.... nought to do w/. thaivisa though. inhabited by ex members? forget the name now....

It's called Whinge, Moan, Gripe in Phuket forum I think.

You're thinking of Patong :D

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I think it is a great idea.

Gathering those among us who constantly moan and whinge about other people having differing opinions about Thailand and 'all things Thai' and then dispatching them to their own happy corner may offer many benefits:

They can happily post simplistic eulogies of life in Thailand leaving the rest of us who are capable of discussing the real complexities of living in Thailand can do so.

There is of course a down side..... Dispatching the saffron tinted spectacle brigade to their own corner would rob us of the contribution they make in sharing their experiences and advice on how to deal with living in Thailand...

... Hang on a minute.... I was just thinking.... When I look back at the posts put out by the worst offenders in the 'If you don't like it s0d off camp' it seems they don't actually offer any help or advice to anyone.

When was the last time you read anything from any of them that might be considered as an insight into Thailand and life in Thailand?

Reading most of what they put up leaves me wondering how long they've actually been in Thailand, what they actually know about the place and indeed have they actually lived in Thailand?

The evidence of what they post, and importantly what they do not post suggests the real problem they have with two sided debate, is not having any thing at all to offer.

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Clarification, please: Is whinging and whining the same thing? (From the verb "whine?") Is the first a British/Aussie spelling or slang?

'Ey up lad! I think whinging is Lancs/Yorks dialect, not exactly slang. Emigrants to Oz took it with them and it's less often heard in the UK nowadays than in Oz. Whining is still current because it describes a variety of noises, not only emitted by living creatures. Both come from Anglo Saxon and resemble modern German = winseln and weinen, but the meanings are reversed in English since whinging is usually associated with shedding tears together with moaning. Whining describes an annoying continuous tone very well. 'Ope that 'elps!

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Alot of people come here to get help in adjusting to, or dealing with a new country and culture, so that's always going to slant things in the direction of problems, or complaints. It's not that they are whingers (though those certainly exist), they're just a fish out of water needing advice on how to adjust. I've seen many people show up complaining who over time have settled down and are now giving advice to newcomers who show up with the same complaints. :o

There you go. Takes that old Canadian Inuit Watermelon with the face of a Harlequinade to nail it.

The Forum is Therapy. George should charge for every post that lies on a couch and bares all. My childhood must certainly be to blame for all the ills I despair of in HKT let alone LOS. Maybe they should have called it Jung Ceylon. Did he advocate shopping as therapy?

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Alot of people come here to get help in adjusting to, or dealing with a new country and culture, so that's always going to slant things in the direction of problems, or complaints. It's not that they are whingers (though those certainly exist), they're just a fish out of water needing advice on how to adjust. I've seen many people show up complaining who over time have settled down and are now giving advice to newcomers who show up with the same complaints. :o

There you go. Takes that old Canadian Inuit Watermelon with the face of a Harlequinade to nail it.

The Forum is Therapy. George should charge for every post that lies on a couch and bares all. My childhood must certainly be to blame for all the ills I despair of in HKT let alone LOS. Maybe they should have called it Jung Ceylon. Did he advocate shopping as therapy?

Quite right! Why don't we drop the "big boys don't cry" stuff and all have a good weep. Women do it and it's a hard man who's not moved by it. Where's me hankie! :D

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Alot of people come here to get help in adjusting to, or dealing with a new country and culture, so that's always going to slant things in the direction of problems, or complaints. It's not that they are whingers (though those certainly exist), they're just a fish out of water needing advice on how to adjust. I've seen many people show up complaining who over time have settled down and are now giving advice to newcomers who show up with the same complaints. :D

There you go. Takes that old Canadian Inuit Watermelon with the face of a Harlequinade to nail it.

The Forum is Therapy. George should charge for every post that lies on a couch and bares all. My childhood must certainly be to blame for all the ills I despair of in HKT let alone LOS. Maybe they should have called it Jung Ceylon. Did he advocate shopping as therapy?

Quite right! Why don't we drop the "big boys don't cry" stuff and all have a good weep. Women do it and it's a hard man who's not moved by it. Where's me hankie! :D

Time for a group-hug.

:o KD

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