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Britain's May offers to quit to get her Brexit deal over the line


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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Published by a company bent on denying global warming.


You really should check your sources.

So should you, the original article was a Daily Telegraph publication. I only used the gwpf copy because for some contributors the original source (DT) is behind a pay wall. Apologies gratefully accepted.





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58 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Stop exaggerating , no one has claimed that they are "enemies of the people" , they are people with an opinion and welcome to it , some people also have a differing opinion .

  No one is the "enemy of the people"

I happen to believe that you are an enemy of the people Max ... and as you say I am welcome to hold that view.

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59 minutes ago, Caledonia Boy said:

Theresa May must be the first leader in history to fall on her sword and miss!

May should have known negotiating a deal was always a 27:1 odds suicide mission. Her handling of it was too weak. Now she’s failed and had enough of it and is offering to leave the sinking ship rather than go down with it. But who else have we got that can do the job….. ? The silence is deafening.

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55 minutes ago, Spidey said:

The report was compiled by GWPF and the Telegraph did an article on it.

Wrong the GWPF article published 24/2 was a copy (not compiled) of the DT article published the day before 23/2. Either way the conclusions regarding the BBC and fake news were from Paul Homewood ….Statistical Analyst and Christopher Booker....DT Journalist...….nothing to do with GWPF. 



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2 hours ago, Caledonia Boy said:

Theresa May must be the first leader in history to fall on her sword and miss!

At that time she would have given BJ the lead. But he has pissed off faster than a fart in the wind. Stupid of her having accepted the mission Impossible.

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14 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Because she says so? 


It would be really interesting to see how a new PM is being picked; whether they pick a strong PM with a clear and compelling agenda or someone that merely lobbies for Brexit. If I was a citizen, I would be pretty sick that politicians keep dancing around Brexit while no one is dealing with actual issues. 


That’s the problem. The Tory M.P’s who we all know are mainly for remain,voted For remainer T.May to become the Prime Minister. Now If it’s down to the same Tory M.P’s to again vote for a new P.M, guess what, you got it, another remainer P.M. 

 Better to have a G.E and dispose of all those M.P. Who promised on their 2017 manifesto, to implement the people’s decision.

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Her deal could now be dead and buried within the hour...


She needs to get it through by end of business tomorrow to get the extension to May 22, but MP's will have to agree to sit tomorrow.



BUSINESS TO BE TAKEN AT 5.00PM BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE No debate (Standing Orders No. 15 and 41A(3)) The Prime Minister That, at this day’s sitting, proceedings on the Motion in the name of the Prime Minister relating to Sittings of the House (Friday) may be proceeded with, though opposed, until any hour, and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply.


They can now block it by voting against sitting tomorrow.


Would not surprise me if the Tories have already started to line up candidates for European Elections on May 23rd.

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I'm going to go with the Customs Union being part of May's deal. That would resolve the hard border, and her deal would be passed.

Why? because something has to give, and that's the least damaging compromise needed for the UK to leave the EU.


i'm sure Kent would approve, not having to manage massive lorry jams.






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On 3/28/2019 at 6:47 PM, Nigel Garvie said:

I've heard Davies and Raab talk plenty of times, that's quite enough for me thanks, plenty of wank##s, get qualitfications, so what. I am not an American - full stop - but it is clear that Trump is one of the most unspeakably foul men ever to hold high office in any country anywhere. He actually manages to make that rather sad and utterly vulgar man Fromage, look human. Trump must have the vastest bum of any leader on the planet, Fromage to his credit looks quite slim, maybe it's the fags and/or the beer.

Whatever my (Or your) views I agree we have a terrible crisis in UK politics. Nicola Sturgeon is the only party leader in Britain with any statesmanship, and she obviously doesn't first the UK wide bill. If you really want to solve anything you have to have the ability to compromise, which means being a moderate in your party. Hammond, Starmer, or Clarke would get my vote. You are actually looking for mature people here, not frothing at the mouth ideologues like JRM or Corbyn, May is already toast, and as flexible as a RSJ  (Rolled steel joist).

Now that has to be one of the strangest comments here on TV that I have read ( in bold print above ) . So you judge men by the size of their bum ?    BTW Trump is odds on favorite to serve the next term as POTUS. .

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15 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

She like a infuriating dumb blond...
All game for strip poker even though absolutely hopeless at poker.
But wears 6 pairs of knickers.

It was Basil B that said this - not malageteddy, so I apologise in advance.


I've never played strip poker in my life, but did play poker once with my boyfriend's (at the time) friends after a v. boozy night, after which they all came back to our place.  I won, but we all lost insofar as we all had to call in 'sick' an hour or so later ????.


I'm pretty sure that nobody has ever thought of me a "dumb blond", and I hate this type of stereotype.

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3 hours ago, superal said:

Now that has to be one of the strangest comments here on TV that I have read ( in bold print above ) . So you judge men by the size of their bum ?    BTW Trump is odds on favorite to serve the next term as POTUS. .

I apologise, I should have been more clear, I meant to indicate that Trump was a container for unbelievably vast quantities of excrement that he spews over all and sundry at regular intervals. ..........thus the relevance of bum size. 

It never ceases to surprise me that the US with all their experience always manage to top the wrong presidents. (Apart from the 4 possibly 6 fatalities there are something like 40 attempts on record so I read).

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4 hours ago, stephenterry said:

I'm going to go with the Customs Union being part of May's deal. That would resolve the hard border, and her deal would be passed.

Why? because something has to give, and that's the least damaging compromise needed for the UK to leave the EU.


i'm sure Kent would approve, not having to manage massive lorry jams.






It seems like a sensible option for those willing to compromise. I doubt that it will happen, even if voted for. May is party first, so what we’ll get is a General Election ... a hung parliament ... a Corbyn led coalition ... with coalition partners forcing him to agree a second referendum ... and then no Brexit at all.



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30 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

It seems like a sensible option for those willing to compromise. I doubt that it will happen, even if voted for. May is party first, so what we’ll get is a General Election ... a hung parliament ... a Corbyn led coalition ... with coalition partners forcing him to agree a second referendum ... and then no Brexit at all.



Sadly as you say compromise is not in TMs vocabulary, however it may be possible to drag her to the altar. I'm not a Corbyn fan, though a hung parliament in which he is shackled could make things work. The GE risk is simply too high for me, and the Tory Tabloids will tear apart an already unpopular Corbyn. No Deal is surely dead, clear votes against it 3 times (I think), MPs are simply not that mad you would hope. I could accept a customs union Brexit on the one condition that the EU can stamp out the Tax avoiders schemes. It still seems to me that whatever nonsense was sold to the foot soldiers of Brexit, this is what lies behind it, possibly even for Cameron as well.

Edited by Nigel Garvie
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Duvh a pleasant person you must be..wish every politician I didn't like could be " topped "

I apologise, I should have been more clear, I meant to indicate that Trump was a container for unbelievably vast quantities of excrement that he spews over all and sundry at regular intervals. ..........thus the relevance of bum size. 
It never ceases to surprise me that the US with all their experience always manage to top the wrong presidents. (Apart from the 4 possibly 6 fatalities there are something like 40 attempts on record so I read).

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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