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National Police Chief Questions Murder Suspect Of Russian Tourists


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western world write about the very quick arrest and not how maybe how they extracted the confession well dont pataya police :o

Yes and then the Western world would make excuses for the criminal and the girls would be at fault for being shot, well at least when it goes to court (hmmm, just like the Thai mindset). As far as the racist comment maybe there is a half-truth to that, many of these people are unsavory characters in their own countries and are now in Thailand preying on the tourist who may be ignorant to the laws and their rights as tourist in Thailand. We have the same issue in our country (U.S.) a very large influx of immigrants (Mexican, Russian and Asians, to include illegal) who operate in gangs preying on their own and at times it spills over to main stream society, if you speak out your a racist. Think about it Europe, good luck with Islam :D (Sorry Europe, that's kind of harsh, however we are next, because we are nothing, but racist if we disagree or don't care for the actions of another race/religion in our own country). Don't freak bleeding hearts just another point of view, I'm happy that Thailand has and is cracking down on the Visa thing this may help.

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I for one would let the ruskies, pakies and the other low life farang down there keep their little gang wars going and eventually wipe each other out -- just let the tourists know not to trust anything that is offered to them from local non thais -- but then again there are a lot of dodgy thais who frequent tourists sites as well -- if the local police chief does not do his job as deemed but the powers that be - oh well =- give him an advisory post at police HQ in Bkk - normal practice

yeah, let all poor lowlife aussies, uk, us, eu backpackers go out thailand to clean out the police reports and let LOS charge million bahts to living here - will no any rasist posters like at quoted text. Never say for all race - keep in your minds what you speak about some persons only!

Exactly. There is only 1 race = the human race

There are nasty low-lifes like aussimike that stain this planet and plenty like him in every country.

The educated and well traveled are a lot more open minded and even-keeled.

But indeed it is ghastly discourse and dangerous uneducated thinking like this that is the essence of much evil in this world. Sadly this ignoramus appears to have been born in the same country as I, however it is still debatable as whether he belongs to the same race....

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The main mover now in this story is Thailand's acting national police chief Pol. Gen. Sereepisuth Temiyaves.


At last, an honest and incorruptible police officer over-seeing (in reality) this case in the cesspit that Pattaya has become - and is.

This doesn't bode well for Pattaya's finest.

If things don't go well for Pattaya's BIB in the matter of this case, subsequent transfers to inactive posts could cost some of the top brass in Pattaya literally tens of millions of baht in lost yearly revenues.

Edited by bulmercke
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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

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I think that some respect should be paid to the two girls that lost their lives, whilst on a two week holiday, very sad.

Yes, both girls deserve respect and I think regardless of our discussions, we do have compassion for their situation and theirs families, but it is just that, a discussion. That said this post reminds me of a russian "hooker" that I met last year on second road. Pretty girl, blond hair, very blue eyes, and nice figure. She stopped me and kept repeating "fire", which initially panicked me, but after quickly looking around for an inferno, determined she just wanted a light for her cigarette. She had very limited english. To make a long story short, I did end up spending a few hours with here and although she spoke less english than her Thai counterparts, I did have fun. What I did find out, is that she was on a two week holiday in Thailand, and as with many single russian women who visit thailand, knew that she would pay for here vacation and then some by tricking while here. Though here english was hardly passible, I asked her if she had any concerns for her safety, knowing that at least in the US, that their are turfs are established by gangs, pimps and/or mafias. She really didn't answer right away and not very complete, but did say "danger, yes, I think, others tell me so".

That said, another little tidbit of human interest information, related to the posts about Pattaya and how crime is getting the upper hand. I had minor surgery on my last trip and told the doctor that after 3 days in Bangkok, would go to Pattaya to enjoy the rest of my trip. His eyes got big, his jaw dropped and said "Pattaya is very dangerous, why go to Pattaya. You will get in a fight or get mugged or something, don't go there". This is just an example I think of how many thais outside of Pattaya, think of Pattaya. I was kind of surprised by his comment, but having come here for years, have never had anything bad happen. That said, I know the place has gotten more dangerous, with alot more dodgy characters, and I do have to be aware of where I am and what I say at all times. It is not my Pattaya of 10 - 15 years ago, but what is..... :o

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

You are just making yourself look foolish.

Pattaya City is a large city, and offers much more than just the opportunity of hiring a wife.

Actually, the crime in Pattaya is no worse than any other typical European city.

'just plain different' ? NO 'just plain silly'.

Edited by libya 115
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pattaya seems to have more crime on tourist that other parts of thailand.

seems to be disproportionate #s of drugged, beaten, robbed & killed tourists.

the pattaya mail has several stories per week about tourist nightmares.

the dark beach road is lined with assorted weirdos all night .

I've walked beach road at all hours over the past 7 years, jet lagged & unable to sleep, & been amazed at the (I assume) lady boys .. w/ groups of men near by in the shadows .. at 4 & 5 AM

The Phuket forum reports "jet ski & tuk tuk mafia" but I've yet to see reports of drugged / robbed tourists.

sukhumvit has hustles going on til all hours, but I have not seen posts of drugged / robbed tourists.

I stayed on Soi 11 for 5 weeks in august .. & on arrival was walking around at 2 . 3 .. 4 AM & did not encounter the weirdness common on beach road.

i for 1 shall avoid Pattaya.

I lub thailand tu muttt ..

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And the Circus came to town………………

It’s been crazy all day down the bottom of Chaiyapruk

What I just don’t get is why have these top brass been given hundreds of flower gifts today?????

These should have been given as a mark of respect to the murdered girls…not to a bunch of Corrupt fools


Tomorrow is the re-run with the killer 9am...so another circus

Well let me explain.

Here in the LOS any occassion (even an occasion brought about by an act as heinous and evil as this - the senseless slaying of two innocent young women) is reason enough for some Thais to feel the need to be obsequious to others - particularly to those in positions of authority and perceived to be higher in status and rank.

The BIB are no exception.

The patronage system is alive and well - even in Jomtien after all of this!

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex,

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

You are just making yourself look foolish.

Pattaya City is a large city, and offers much more than just the opportunity of hiring a wife.

Actually, the crime in Pattaya is no worse than any other typical European city.

'just plain different' ? NO 'just plain silly'.

Hi Libya:

Wow, you edited my post a lot to make it seem less intelligent.

Can you list the major attractions that Pattaya has to offer (other than sex) which one can't find much better examples of elsewhere in Thailand? What do you think is the number 1 reason people go to Pattaya? If you go there, what are your 3 most important reasons?

While you say that Pattaya has no more crime than "any other typical European city" (keeping in mind that Pattaya isn't a European city at all), I get far more emails from Thai Visa about crime in Pattaya than anywhere esle in Thailand.

Put two and two together. Larger sex scene with more drinking and nightlife than other places in Thailand: larger incidence of crime against foreigners than other places in Thailand.

How can I make this simpler for you? Shady areas have shady people. Shady people are more likely to commit crimes.

As to the name I use here. Think about it. "Just Plain Different" as opposed to.... "Same, same, but different."

I'm afraid that in calling me foolish you just branded your own forehead with idiocy. It looks good on you, though. Very fitting.

Edited by just plain different
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I find this unfortunate story more and more fascinating. The recently appointed acting Police Chief Gen Seripisuth is apparently very unpopular with a lot of "corrupt" and "Lazy" police. He wants them to do their jobs properly and ged rid of corruption. I believe in him. From what he is saying, reading between the lines, he is ridiculing the arrest of the Thai guy as the only one involved, and has said it is the whole of a crime gang connected to the slaying

He has already moved half the district police in an attempt to reduce police corruption in comfort zones. A massive shake up. Now what he is saying is completely different from what we have become accustomed to. I am watching how this story unfolds with much interest!

I think this newly appointed Police Chief deserves some respect.

Jockey - spot-on -

I sincerely hope Chief Gen Seripisuth is watching his back. He's now making some big waves down there in Patters Land!

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

I agree with Libya 115. 'You are making yourself look foolish' especially since you say you have only been here once.

Those girls were murdered at the bottom end of Jomtien not Pattaya, they were alone (not having sex with anyone) and all their belongings still intact.

It's a lot quieter there than Pattaya so if they were here to enjoy the profits from the sex industry it would stand to reason that they would have been in Pattaya showing off their assets to as many people as they could but they were not!

Not only that, it will surprise you to know that there are other things going on here in this city that does not involve sex, sleaze or crime! I would also say that the crime rate here is about the same as any other city.

I've lived here for many years now and have a totally different view to you but maybe that's because I'm female and am not looking for sex.

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I seem to remember that about 5 years ago a new top cop for Pattaya was installed. At the time he said that he was going to clean the city up. A few days later the word on the street was that he had paid 10 million THB to get the job.

I hope that the next time the big cheese comes to these parts he asks what progress is being made in locating and apprehending Kamnam Poh. Maybe one of KP's ex MP sons could assist in police enquiries. :o

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

I agree with Libya 115. 'You are making yourself look foolish' especially since you say you have only been here once.

Those girls were murdered at the bottom end of Jomtien not Pattaya, they were alone (not having sex with anyone) and all their belongings still intact.

It's a lot quieter there than Pattaya so if they were here to enjoy the profits from the sex industry it would stand to reason that they would have been in Pattaya showing off their assets to as many people as they could but they were not!

Not only that, it will surprise you to know that there are other things going on here in this city that does not involve sex, sleaze or crime! I would also say that the crime rate here is about the same as any other city.

I've lived here for many years now and have a totally different view to you but maybe that's because I'm female and am not looking for sex.

I never said the Russian girls were trying to turn tricks! I said I was surprised that they'd choose Pattaya as a main destination (because it seems to have so little to offer other than sex trade and bar venues). I'm not surprised that there are other things to do besides sex in places like Pattaya. But I'll ask YOU the same question and see if you can field it. What is the number 1,2 & 3 reasons tourists go to Pattaya? Be honest, and let's not pretend that the beaches there can compete with other beaches in Thailand. If you read my original post and not just the one misleadingly edited down by Libya, you'd know that I went to Pattaya to see the Teakwood Castle, but the small turnout there makes that a rare attraction that I think most who frequent Pattaya have never visited.

Se, let's get on the same page here. What I said was very simple. OK. Focus. Are you ready?

Areas with more prostitution, bar venues and nightlife activities are also going to have more shady characters (Thai and Farang) and incidents of crime. That's pretty obvious.

So, you might be joining Libya in the silly corner.


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Just to calrify the "rascist" issue here...

As I understand the underlying meaning from some of the posters here, I would like to clarify the word "rascist" some.

The human kind is roughly divided into 3 main branches:

  1. The Caucasian, with roots from the European continent ("Farang" in thai language)
  2. The Mongolian, which goes for east asian people plus eskimoes and native Americans (Indians)
  3. The Negroid, which represent people with roots from Africa

For example...

If I (a Caucasian) said that "I don't like black people" (Negroes). Would that be rascism? -Yes

Reason: No matter what country/region they may come from, I don't like people that look black / look like Africans.

If I said that "I don't like people from Russia". Would that be rascism? -No

Reason: Many! 1) Russians are mostly Caucasians (as myself) 2) Russia is a country, not a rase

With that said, I feel that the word "Rascist" is misused in many places, including this forum.

The phrase "I don't like Russians" is pointed as: -I don't like people coming from Russia, because they are often practising a bad side of their culture wherever they are or may go. They just don't behave as nice or "civilised" like people from the region where I come from.

Rascist? No

Culturecist? More likely (whatever that word means)

Would I be a rascist if I said: "I don't like New Yorkers" ? No

I would then probably be a "Culturecist" ! :o


Edited by Ga-gai
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I've been to Pattaya precisely once.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex,

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

You are just making yourself look foolish.

Pattaya City is a large city, and offers much more than just the opportunity of hiring a wife.

Actually, the crime in Pattaya is no worse than any other typical European city.

'just plain different' ? NO 'just plain silly'.

Hi Libya:

Wow, you edited my post a lot to make it seem less intelligent.

Can you list the major attractions that Pattaya has to offer (other than sex) which one can't find much better examples of elsewhere in Thailand? What do you think is the number 1 reason people go to Pattaya? If you go there, what are your 3 most important reasons?

While you say that Pattaya has no more crime than "any other typical European city" (keeping in mind that Pattaya isn't a European city at all), I get far more emails from Thai Visa about crime in Pattaya than anywhere esle in Thailand.

Put two and two together. Larger sex scene with more drinking and nightlife than other places in Thailand: larger incidence of crime against foreigners than other places in Thailand.

How can I make this simpler for you? Shady areas have shady people. Shady people are more likely to commit crimes.

As to the name I use here. Think about it. "Just Plain Different" as opposed to.... "Same, same, but different."

I'm afraid that in calling me foolish you just branded your own forehead with idiocy. It looks good on you, though. Very fitting.

I read your whole post .... and Libya didn't make it sound less intelligent at all. You went to Pattaya exactly once ... but have an opinion you think you deserve because it makes sense to you. Jomtien is a decent beach ... There are other places nearby that are great!

Your opinions of Pattaya don't really merit much attention ... but why would 2 female tourists go to Pattaya fromRussia as opposed to anywhere else? Could it be that package tours there from Russia are less expensive than to say ... where I live? Could it be that there is a Russian community there? Other people that speak the language? Food that one recognizes? etc?

Strange ... but people didn't make out the woman killed in Samui out to be a hooker ... or the nurse in Kanchanaburi ... or the Brit couple there in Kan .... etc etc ...

There IS a lot of petty crime in Pattaya and some major crime. Why? How much? More than anywhere else in Thailand? Until you can answer these questions your suppositions about Pattaya <and the rest of Thailand for that matter> are suspect!

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

I agree with Libya 115. 'You are making yourself look foolish' especially since you say you have only been here once.

Those girls were murdered at the bottom end of Jomtien not Pattaya, they were alone (not having sex with anyone) and all their belongings still intact.

It's a lot quieter there than Pattaya so if they were here to enjoy the profits from the sex industry it would stand to reason that they would have been in Pattaya showing off their assets to as many people as they could but they were not!

Not only that, it will surprise you to know that there are other things going on here in this city that does not involve sex, sleaze or crime! I would also say that the crime rate here is about the same as any other city.

I've lived here for many years now and have a totally different view to you but maybe that's because I'm female and am not looking for sex.

I never said the Russian girls were trying to turn tricks! I said I was surprised that they'd choose Pattaya as a main destination (because it seems to have so little to offer other than sex trade and bar venues). I'm not surprised that there are other things to do besides sex in places like Pattaya. But I'll ask YOU the same question and see if you can field it. What is the number 1,2 & 3 reasons tourists go to Pattaya? Be honest, and let's not pretend that the beaches there can compete with other beaches in Thailand. If you read my original post and not just the one misleadingly edited down by Libya, you'd know that I went to Pattaya to see the Teakwood Castle, but the small turnout there makes that a rare attraction that I think most who frequent Pattaya have never visited.

Se, let's get on the same page here. What I said was very simple. OK. Focus. Are you ready?

Areas with more prostitution, bar venues and nightlife activities are also going to have more shady characters (Thai and Farang) and incidents of crime. That's pretty obvious.

So, you might be joining Libya in the silly corner.



1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

I agree with Libya 115. 'You are making yourself look foolish' especially since you say you have only been here once.

Those girls were murdered at the bottom end of Jomtien not Pattaya, they were alone (not having sex with anyone) and all their belongings still intact.

It's a lot quieter there than Pattaya so if they were here to enjoy the profits from the sex industry it would stand to reason that they would have been in Pattaya showing off their assets to as many people as they could but they were not!

Not only that, it will surprise you to know that there are other things going on here in this city that does not involve sex, sleaze or crime! I would also say that the crime rate here is about the same as any other city.

I've lived here for many years now and have a totally different view to you but maybe that's because I'm female and am not looking for sex.

I never said the Russian girls were trying to turn tricks! I said I was surprised that they'd choose Pattaya as a main destination (because it seems to have so little to offer other than sex trade and bar venues). I'm not surprised that there are other things to do besides sex in places like Pattaya. But I'll ask YOU the same question and see if you can field it. What is the number 1,2 & 3 reasons tourists go to Pattaya? Be honest, and let's not pretend that the beaches there can compete with other beaches in Thailand. If you read my original post and not just the one misleadingly edited down by Libya, you'd know that I went to Pattaya to see the Teakwood Castle, but the small turnout there makes that a rare attraction that I think most who frequent Pattaya have never visited.

Se, let's get on the same page here. What I said was very simple. OK. Focus. Are you ready?

Areas with more prostitution, bar venues and nightlife activities are also going to have more shady characters (Thai and Farang) and incidents of crime. That's pretty obvious.

So, you might be joining Libya in the silly corner.



1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

Golf. You missed golf. How could you miss GOLF? Is the world going insain?

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Regarding Pattaya...

During my six years here in Thailand, I've probably been to Pattaya six or seven times. This place doesn't interrest me at all. The main reason for me to go there, is to either shop with my wife or to meet some of my friends, when they are coming to "Thailand" for a holiday. I did bring two guys over to where I live, but they couldn't stand one night in this country without the bars and the chrome-poles. So I had to bring them back to the "Adult Nursery" (Pattaya) again, the very next morning.

Call Pattaya whatever you want:

-Dick's Heaven

-The "Pit"

-The "Dump"


-Theme Park


-Pole Position

-Meat Market

-Swiss Army Resort

-Heavens Door

And... Only for men? No... Lots of Bi-sexual and Lesbian western women goes to places like this as well. Eveything for everyone!

One thing for sure... It is NOT Thailand!

It's like that baby in the family, where the parents say: -Go and get money! I don't care how you get it!

Edited by Ga-gai
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Regarding Pattaya...

During my six years here in Thailand, I've probably been to Pattaya six or seven times. This place doesn't interrest me at all. The main reason for me to go there, is to either shop with my wife or to meet some of my friends, when they are coming to "Thailand" for a holiday. I did bring two guys over to where I live, but they couldn't stand one night in this country without the bars and the chrome-poles. So I had to bring them back to the "Adult Nursery" (Pattaya) again, the very next morning.

Call Pattaya whatever you want:

-Dick's Heaven

-The "Pit"

-The "Dump"


-Theme Park


-Pole Position

-Meat Market

-Swiss Army Resort

-Heavens Door

And... Only for men? No... Lots of Bi-sexual and Lesbian western women goes to places like this as well. Eveything for everyone!

One thing for sure... It is NOT Thailand!

It's like that baby in the family, where the parents say: -Go and get money! I don't care how you get it!


But at least your wife likes Pattaya! <Pattaya is bigger than 3 roads and some side streets ... and yes it IS Thailand :o >

(yes I slipped off topic above responding to a post too silly to be left alone!)

It will be good to have the bosses outside of Pattaya step in and do a bit of house-cleaning!

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Just to calrify the "rascist" issue here...

As I understand the underlying meaning from some of the posters here, I would like to clarify the word "rascist" some.

The human kind is roughly divided into 3 main branches:

  1. The Caucasian, with roots from the European continent ("Farang" in thai language)
  2. The Mongolian, which goes for east asian people plus eskimoes and native Americans (Indians)
  3. The Negroid, which represent people with roots from Africa

For example...

If I (a Caucasian) said that "I don't like black people" (Negroes). Would that be rascism? -Yes

Reason: No matter what country/region they may come from, I don't like people that look black / look like Africans.

If I said that "I don't like people from Russia". Would that be rascism? -No

Reason: Many! 1) Russians are mostly Caucasians (as myself) 2) Russia is a country, not a rase

With that said, I feel that the word "Rascist" is misused in many places, including this forum.

The phrase "I don't like Russians" is pointed as: -I don't like people coming from Russia, because they are often practising a bad side of their culture wherever they are or may go. They just don't behave as nice or "civilised" like people from the region where I come from.

Rascist? No

Culturecist? More likely (whatever that word means)

Would I be a rascist if I said: "I don't like New Yorkers" ? No

I would then probably be a "Culturecist" ! :o


how about bigot? maybe too close to religious intolerance there.

or xenophobia maybe? yes, yes, that's much better!

best regards,


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We all know that corruption runs deep within the Thai National Police and Government. I sure as hel_l hope the new chief has surrounded himself with those he can trust because, once he starts to interrupt the cash flow of corrupt cops and government officials, Somebody will want his head on a platter. Just take a good look at the PI. Good cops, government officials and those who want to run for office and say they want to clean up the crime and corruption get knock off all of the time. I hope that this will not be the case in Thailand.

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how about bigot? maybe too close to religious intolerance there.

or xenophobia maybe? yes, yes, that's much better!

best regards,


I remember from one of the Alien movies that one guy didn't call that thing for "Alien". He called it "Xenomorph" instead. I don't know if that guy tryed to be political correct or what... Anyway, those movies are full of pure Xenophobia! Don't judge all Aliens the same, because one or a few are behaving bad! :D

Ehh.... It's getting late here.... :o

Back to the topic!



Edited by Ga-gai
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I've been to Pattaya precisely once.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex,

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

You are just making yourself look foolish.

Pattaya City is a large city, and offers much more than just the opportunity of hiring a wife.

Actually, the crime in Pattaya is no worse than any other typical European city.

'just plain different' ? NO 'just plain silly'.

Hi Libya:

Wow, you edited my post a lot to make it seem less intelligent.

Can you list the major attractions that Pattaya has to offer (other than sex) which one can't find much better examples of elsewhere in Thailand? What do you think is the number 1 reason people go to Pattaya? If you go there, what are your 3 most important reasons?

While you say that Pattaya has no more crime than "any other typical European city" (keeping in mind that Pattaya isn't a European city at all), I get far more emails from Thai Visa about crime in Pattaya than anywhere esle in Thailand.

Put two and two together. Larger sex scene with more drinking and nightlife than other places in Thailand: larger incidence of crime against foreigners than other places in Thailand.

How can I make this simpler for you? Shady areas have shady people. Shady people are more likely to commit crimes.

As to the name I use here. Think about it. "Just Plain Different" as opposed to.... "Same, same, but different."

I'm afraid that in calling me foolish you just branded your own forehead with idiocy. It looks good on you, though. Very fitting.

I read your whole post .... and Libya didn't make it sound less intelligent at all. You went to Pattaya exactly once ... but have an opinion you think you deserve because it makes sense to you. Jomtien is a decent beach ... There are other places nearby that are great!

Your opinions of Pattaya don't really merit much attention ... but why would 2 female tourists go to Pattaya fromRussia as opposed to anywhere else? Could it be that package tours there from Russia are less expensive than to say ... where I live? Could it be that there is a Russian community there? Other people that speak the language? Food that one recognizes? etc?

Strange ... but people didn't make out the woman killed in Samui out to be a hooker ... or the nurse in Kanchanaburi ... or the Brit couple there in Kan .... etc etc ...

There IS a lot of petty crime in Pattaya and some major crime. Why? How much? More than anywhere else in Thailand? Until you can answer these questions your suppositions about Pattaya <and the rest of Thailand for that matter> are suspect!

Thank you for reminding me that I went to Pattaya one time. I said that on the front side, of course, so it's not a "gotcha". As I said before, it struck me as not very inviting or interesting a place as compared to just about anywhere else I'd been in Thailand, and I had no interest in ever returning. The beach was particularly disappointing.

And as I said to the other poster, I never presumed that the Russian women were prostitutes, only lamented, that, if they were tourists, that their tourist package included such an unappealing (though enormously popular because of the sex trade) destination.

As for the amount of crime in Pattaya relative to elsewhere, again, this is a no-brainer. Areas that cater to shady characters attract shady characters. But, a quick internet search shows:

"Sexual assault, food and drink spiking, assault and robbery against foreigners occurs in Thailand, including around popular backpacker destinations such as Khao San Road in Bangkok and the night-time entertainment zones of Bangkok and Pattaya."


Pretty much supports my stating the obvious, that there's more crime where there's more prostitution, bar venues, and drinking. Really, you have a problem with that?

Thank you. You may join the corner with the others.

Edited by just plain different
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1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

I'm afraid that you are only seeming sillier. Do you actually believe the #1 reason people go to Pattaya is to "learn to fly"? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And, it's also curious to me that your top 4 reasons to go to Pattaya have NOTHING to do with Thailand, Thai people, or Thai culture, which says a LOT about you. #5 is simply "temples," as if you wouldn't find much better ones in Banbkok, for starters.

So, again, what are the main 3 reasons people go to Pattaya, and what can they find there that they can't find better elsewhere?

You silly, silly thing.

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I've been to Pattaya precisely once.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex,

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

You are just making yourself look foolish.

Pattaya City is a large city, and offers much more than just the opportunity of hiring a wife.

Actually, the crime in Pattaya is no worse than any other typical European city.

'just plain different' ? NO 'just plain silly'.

Hi Libya:

Wow, you edited my post a lot to make it seem less intelligent.

Can you list the major attractions that Pattaya has to offer (other than sex) which one can't find much better examples of elsewhere in Thailand? What do you think is the number 1 reason people go to Pattaya? If you go there, what are your 3 most important reasons?

While you say that Pattaya has no more crime than "any other typical European city" (keeping in mind that Pattaya isn't a European city at all), I get far more emails from Thai Visa about crime in Pattaya than anywhere esle in Thailand.

Put two and two together. Larger sex scene with more drinking and nightlife than other places in Thailand: larger incidence of crime against foreigners than other places in Thailand.

How can I make this simpler for you? Shady areas have shady people. Shady people are more likely to commit crimes.

As to the name I use here. Think about it. "Just Plain Different" as opposed to.... "Same, same, but different."

I'm afraid that in calling me foolish you just branded your own forehead with idiocy. It looks good on you, though. Very fitting.

I read your whole post .... and Libya didn't make it sound less intelligent at all. You went to Pattaya exactly once ... but have an opinion you think you deserve because it makes sense to you. Jomtien is a decent beach ... There are other places nearby that are great!

Your opinions of Pattaya don't really merit much attention ... but why would 2 female tourists go to Pattaya fromRussia as opposed to anywhere else? Could it be that package tours there from Russia are less expensive than to say ... where I live? Could it be that there is a Russian community there? Other people that speak the language? Food that one recognizes? etc?

Strange ... but people didn't make out the woman killed in Samui out to be a hooker ... or the nurse in Kanchanaburi ... or the Brit couple there in Kan .... etc etc ...

There IS a lot of petty crime in Pattaya and some major crime. Why? How much? More than anywhere else in Thailand? Until you can answer these questions your suppositions about Pattaya <and the rest of Thailand for that matter> are suspect!

Thank you for reminding me that I went to Pattaya one time. I said that on the front side, of course, so it's not a "gotcha". As I said before, it struck me as not very inviting or interesting a place as compared to just about anywhere else I'd been in Thailand, and I had no interest in ever returning. The beach was particularly disappointing.

And as I said to the other poster, I never presumed that the Russian women were prostitutes, only lamented, that, if they were tourists, that their tourist package included such an unappealing (though enormously popular because of the sex trade) destination.

As for the amount of crime in Pattaya relative to elsewhere, again, this is a no-brainer. Areas that cater to shady characters attract shady characters. But, a quick internet search shows:

"Sexual assault, food and drink spiking, assault and robbery against foreigners occurs in Thailand, including around popular backpacker destinations such as Khao San Road in Bangkok and the night-time entertainment zones of Bangkok and Pattaya."


Thank you. You may join the corner with the others.

Somehow, You have gotten way off topic here. The topic was about the National Police Chief Questioning the Murder Suspect Of Russian Tourists. Please remove head from rear end.

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I congratulate the MIB in the capture of the alleged Murderer.

I hope the new Police General takes very stringent action to assure the safety of expats. tourists, and Thai people in Patttaya. I think it was a good idea to reassign some MIB. More needs to be done. The General should institute proactive policeing. He should assure that the MIB are out patrolling, not just kicked back somewhere. Repeat offenders and violent criminals should receive harsh criminal penalites. Any crime with a gun, or weapon involved, should result in some significant prison time. Good quality survielance cameras should be installed in all the tourist areas. Beach road should be patroled at all hours by a visible respectful Police presence. Plain clothed men who are properly trained and ready to take action if necessary should be part of the enforcement effort. This way organized criminals will not be forewarned of police presence. Part ot the law enforcement effort should be using volunteer foreign nationals to assure tourists are not being ripped off by for instance by Baht Bus Drivers, any other bussineses, individual criminals, or crimnal gangs, of any national origin.

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