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Shipping Cost Of Furniture

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I'm planning on purchasing furniture for my new 4 bedroom home.

I would like to have teak, and am told Chiang Mai is the least expensive place to buy teak furniture, as that is where most is made.

Does anyone have some idea as to what I may expect for shipping/moving costs from Chiang Mai to Pimai (45 minutes northeast of Korat)

I have a bad back and don't want to lift anything myself, and of course want things treated with care.

Any ball park figures would be appreciated.



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As lotus eater said. I've purchased teak furniture in Chiang Mai for both a place in Thailand and for shipping to the US. In both cases the dealer arranged it all. It was quite a while ago, so my costs probably wouldn't be useful, even if I could remember them, but I remember it was inexpensive.

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