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Thailand Borders Bursting With Illegals Wanting In


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Borders bursting with illegals wanting in

BANGKOK: -- The immigration police chief has admitted the borders are bursting with illegal immigrants seeking to enter Thailand as new alien worker management rules are ushered in.

Pol Lt-Gen Charnwut Watcharapuk said Burmese, Cambodian and Lao people were pouring into towns on the border with Thailand.

Thousands of Burmese migrants were waiting to enter via border districts in Chiang mai and Tak.

Authorities were cracking down on illegal immigrants in the run-up to compulsory alien worker registration due to start on July 1.

Migrant workers from neighbouring countries must report to the authorities.

They would be fingerprinted and issued with ID cards which would allow them to stay temporarily for one year.

He said there were thousands of Burmese immigrants waiting to enter the country via Chiang Mai's Mae Aye and Tak's Mae Sot.

Under the new regulations, all illegal workers from Burma, Cambodia and Laos would be obliged to report for a headcount.

They would be issued with special identification cards which would allow them a one-year temporary stay.

The employed migrants would be issued work permits and entitled to health benefits.

Pol Lt Gen Charnwut estimated that there were currently up to 800,000 illegal alien workers in the country.

In Kanchanaburi, authorities were reported to be increasing patrols and check-points to prevent an influx of migrant workers.

In Chiang Rai, Pol Col Sa-ngob San-udon, immigrant police of Mae Sai, said a total of 1,486 illegal alien workers were arrested in this month's crackdown.

--The Post 2004-05-28

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