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Piscatorial Parasites


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...................................FISH FRENZIED FARANG..................................

Hi all

I have a problem parasite that i have not been able to identify in my pond and it is killing my Koi.

Have been and seen Louis (behind lotus) and used treatments (aquatic cleansing salt, bio-knock and Sites a parasite controller) advised but have still lost 1x 2' koi and 1x large ornamental goldfish. I have 4x 3'6"- 4' koi left and really dont want to lose these also.

Symptoms for last 3-4 days are not eatin, redness behind gills, red blotches on body, very lathargic. The 2 that died had same symptoms also had abundance of white slime and white film over the eyes which others have no signs of (yet).

Does anyone know of a good vet that has good knowledge of koi or of coarse any experianced TV members that could identify and help me solve my piscatorial problem.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help

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" I have a problem parasite that i have not been able to identify in my pond and it is killing my Koi."

I have a suspicion you should also post this in the farming n agriculture thread under the general forum. I love fish myself and was just reading about fish farming in Thailand the other day. There are alot of knowledgeable Farang out there, and you ought to tap their brainpower. Yes, you definitely need to find someone who can help you treat them locally, or supply you with the right remedy, but see if any of those folks have heard of these problems too. I do know Koi are very sensitive to many many factors.

Good Luck !

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not sure if this work for you ,

My father used to sell Goldfish when i was a kids.

When the Goldfish is sick . or have some weird sickness

What he do is . - use a small Bowl about 6 inch deep . - put in water allowing the fish to be inside and little space to move around ..

add SALT in the water - - ratio is about 3 table spoon of Salt per 500 ml .

and leave the fish for 1-2 hour in it .

Suppose to kill the parasite and cure some other fish problem .

- it work on Goldfish . but not sure if it work on Koi .

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Think Ta22 is on the right track, probably your first course of action should be to remove the fish into some medicated water and sanitize your pond /renew water etc as this is where the problem has started.

have a google on koi if you havnt already,lots in there re diseases of koi.

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