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Breaking The Rules.


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I had a look at the rules here at ThaiVisa.... I found that I am breaking the rules at this very moment and have been for a long time. :bah:

The rules state that you may not have more than one identity here... Well... I have 2 names on here I think.

I know I created a name here a while ago but I forgot what it was so I created this identity :o

I thought I could continue to post here and not care that I was giving all of you good people the middle finger but I find that I can't live this lie any longer! I have 2 identities on here. Me! and the other me :D:D

If I would remember what my first identity was on here I would banish it to H.E. double toothpicks! :D But I don't remember anything about the first me...............

I feel better now and I want to lay myself at the tender mercies of the moderators... Well... Not the real me is laying at their mercies, the cyber me is laying at their tender mercies... Well I hope it is their tender mercies... Hey! Anyone know what tender mercies look like or smell like? I could be laying at dog poo for all I know :D

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Well, you are right about the rules on a number of counts:

1. No discussion of moderation;

2. No having multiple accounts.

Now, a number of people have had multiple accounts at times because they didn't know the rule, or multiple accounts because one of their accounts had something go wrong or they forgot their password, or because of a bad history and they asked admin for a fresh start. Usually when they became aware of the problem (assuming it was still a problem, for example they realised they were posting under both and didn't want to get in trouble, wanted to choose one main account, etc.) they report it to us by PM and we reconcile the issue- usually if this is voluntarily reported there isn't any problem. However, you seem to be starting this thread- why? To discuss multiple accounts? To discuss moderation? To obsess about yourself?

If you are really concerned about your multiple accounts, PM one of us privately and we'll reconcile things, most likely. If this is just a ploy to get attention, then it's not a good one. Either way, I'm closing the thread.


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