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Britain's May tries to break Brexit deadlock with offer of 'new deal'


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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

The problem with this is that everyone knows the may/eu deal to be very bad indeed - the worst possible of all 'deals' and certainly not leaving the eu!  Plus Farage initially left politics when he thought the referendum result would be respected, and has now returned to UK politics as a result of the opposite happening.


Did Farage resign as a MEP when the result was known. Oh no, he wanted to max the gravy train slurping first.

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43 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You clearly have no idea what the British constitution and its representative democracy is.


It isn't an absolute democracy. Switzerland has an absolute democracy but other "first world" democracies don't/


That's because they don't want a simple majority by a small margin dictating to a nearly as big minority.


The whole idea of a representative democracy in which parliament is sovereign is to try to prevent knee jerk decisions, ensure all are represented with differing views but to also make decisions THEY believe are best for the country.


As for Canada - wonder if they'll impeach the corrupt Trudeau or allow him to influence the justice system which must be politics free in any real democracy?

That may well be.

However, the referendum ensured a 51/49 percent split in favour of leaving.

Leaving us in a completely divided country with a parliamentary elite refusing to implement the will of the people.

I voted remain but Farage/Johnson's tour bus of lies made sure it went the other way.

The EU haven't even tried to make it hard for us to leave. All the self interested, naval gazing clowns in Westminster have made sure we have self destructed.

SNP/DUP/Irish border issue have only served to outline and bring to the surface all the tribal issues and difficulties the UK faces.

I don't think people realise how serious this is.


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4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

No Deal is the only way for us to go now. It won't be a disaster, especially as everybody has had time to prepare for it over the past two and a half years.

Business hasn't a clue how to prepare for it. Apart from stock piling and no one knows how financial/pharmaceutical etc trading will work.

The negotiations haven't even started on the details of our trading etc relationship with the EU.

You think they are going to make it easy for the UK?

A 10 year time frame to decouple us from the EU is not unheard of.

That also could be the time frames for some international trade deals.

Meanwhile, the Tory party is being ripped apart and the very real prospect of the most left wing Labour government in history being elected.


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Business hasn't a clue how to prepare for it. Apart from stock piling and no one knows how financial/pharmaceutical etc trading will work.
The negotiations haven't even started on the details of our trading etc relationship with the EU.
You think they are going to make it easy for the UK?
A 10 year time frame to decouple us from the EU is not unheard of.
That also could be the time frames for some international trade deals.
Meanwhile, the Tory party is being ripped apart and the very real prospect of the most left wing Labour government in history being elected.
Not a chance re labour govt.
The msm will rip them apart..starting with jc..ira lover..anti jewush...hamas lover..mcdonnell..has dome kinda plaque of ira on his desk..diane abbot the home secy..
Champions lge stuff..you are having a laugh

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She really is desperate now.  Surely time to admit defeat and fall on her sword.  British politics have been dragged down to gutter levels as it is.  Nobody is going to buy this latest "deal".  It is just more of the same.  She could never deliver the Brexit people voted for (based on bullsh*t and lies) and the best she can muster is a pathetic half way house.  No one has come up with a viable alternative and her critics have just resorted to sniping from the side lines.



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This all boils down to her invoking article 50 - to much cheering from the leave side - without have any clear idea of what destination we were heading too .


It's the same sort of emotional rush, without thinking of the consequences that you get from marrying a Thai Bar girl after you come over for a weeks holiday. 


now 3 years on, we are still no clearer what leave means - it still means different things to different people -. Pure, No deal leave, is just a cop out, because no one can think of a good way to leave . It's stupid supporting it as it will almost certainly end up the the UK rejoining the EU ten years down the line with a much worse deal and much money and jobs wasted in the meantime. 


TM had her vision of leave, and I genuinely believe she thinks all leavers share that vision ( but then it would seem most leavers believe every other leaver shares their personal leave dream). I'm sure she thinks her deal is delivering that vision  in the best way possible and can't understand why the rest of parliament won't vote for it.


But then she never has been one to see other people's point of view.  

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19 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

This clip is as surreal as it is funny - two Brexiteers, one an MP and the other a gobby nobody, arguing over who is most Brexit.




... and it just goes to show that while leavers always say every leaver voted for my form of brexit - usually no deal  - they didn't. They all voted for their  personally preferred brexit.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Not a chance re labour govt.
The msm will rip them apart..starting with jc..ira lover..anti jewush...hamas lover..mcdonnell..has dome kinda plaque of ira on his desk..diane abbot the home secy..
Champions lge stuff..you are having a laugh

Congratulations! You have proved yourself to be a propaganda success story. Stop reading the Daily Mail.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Not a chance re labour govt.
The msm will rip them apart..starting with jc..ira lover..anti jewush...hamas lover..mcdonnell..has dome kinda plaque of ira on his desk..diane abbot the home secy..
Champions lge stuff..you are having a laugh

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Obviously Malaga doesn't receive world news.

The Labour party were nearly elected at the last election.

Helped by a young something for nothing vote.

If the voting age was lowered they definitely would get in.

I agree with all your points regarding Corybn and McDonnell. They haven't a clue about the economy or business.

Both career politicans with their main interest being supporting any and every left wing, looney cause available.

Remember, Tory governments get elected to clear up the mess that the last socialist Labour government have left.


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"Essentially, the nation is run by political crackheads - they live day to day, craving for the next survival fix that keeps them alive....even as it kills them."

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7 hours ago, natway09 said:

Looking from the outside I see it a little differently to most of you posters.

May tried & worked very hard dealing with the EU parliament who of course did not want

to grant any concessions to the UK & did not want them to leave, & what everyone is forgetting is that they made it very hard to even negotiate.

She finally got a deal, took it back to the chicken farm where they proceeded to

pick to bits everything she had achieved all of the chickens just protecting their patch.

The deal was there & maybe now lost . Why not just leave if so hellbent on destroying themselves. 

I eagerly await the new smart ar.. who thinks they can get a better deal & in the meantime 

is that Rome burning,,,,maybe not but it is smouldering

The Brits want to leave, so.. just as in a football club... when you leave, no rights there anymore.

Did you Brits already agreed about the borders, you want under your own control, for instance N- S Ireland ?

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Obviously Malaga doesn't receive world news.
The Labour party were nearly elected at the last election.
Helped by a young something for nothing vote.
If the voting age was lowered they definitely would get in.
I agree with all your points regarding Corybn and McDonnell. They haven't a clue about the economy or business.
Both career politicans with their main interest being supporting any and every left wing, looney cause available.
Remember, Tory governments get elected to clear up the mess that the last socialist Labour government have left.
I am well aware of the economic shambles that labour govts are famous for.
I have lived and worked thro a few of them.

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5 hours ago, Loiner said:

Unless the EU gives way with some concessions (also possible after eurosceptic decimation) they have nothing else to offer. Roll on our slow slide exit by default No Deal.  

Maybe when you British can agree where the border is you want to have under your own control ( N-S Ireland ? ?0 

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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Did Farage resign as a MEP when the result was known. Oh no, he wanted to max the gravy train slurping first.

British democracy: Even Hitler, Stalin and Mao did not succeed in such

Nigel Farage isn't the leader of a political Brexit party. He's the CEO, chairman and owner combined.

There are only two directors of the company — Farage and his friend, the Brexiteer businessman Richard Tice. The company secretary is Phillip Basey, a former UKIP activist, who was appointed in March. And there are five undisclosed shareholders, with each share worth £1.

Official government guidance suggests anyone with “significant control” is likely to have more than 25 percent of the company’s shares, which in this case, means that Farage owns at least two of the shares.


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42 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


The nioghtmare of every Brexiteer: maybe we loose.

Therefore they panic for any referendum to vote over the Brexit conditions.. It might end in a "remain". All since 2013 for nothing.

2) How you think the response in the EU councils will eb if the UK had any wiords of doubts ? "You want to brexit again?  ( big stormy laugher ! ) 

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How many times have I told you that polls mean nowt.
Before the scottish indy ref. .."yes " were ahead in the polls..odds on in the bookies.
I lifted a nice wedge betting " no "..think I got 11/8.
Also..in the big ref. ... I got 7/2 on" leave " winning.
Polls mean hehaw..best poles are best mates with a washing clothes rope[emoji2]

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30 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

Maybe when you British can agree where the border is you want to have under your own control ( N-S Ireland ? ?0 

Trust me my friend i know where the border is.

My grandfather helped take the guns off the Clyde Valley in Larne on Friday the 24th April 1914.

As a student of history you will know the significance of that date in the history of Northern Ireland.

The free state has a lot to lose if the UK doesn't get a decent Brexit deal.

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11 minutes ago, WillyPlatt said:

The free state has a lot to lose if the UK doesn't get a decent Brexit deal.

Do the English MP's know that also ? Or.. the hack to this country, as long as I get re-elected in my little constituancy seen the Middle Ages voting system in which every Baron wanted to be heard at the Crown. Maybe a split: the green part goes to the Irish Republic and the rest stays in the UK. Far the mayority happy.

Same for the yellow part = Scotland (and a kind of a greater London as new state ?)...

Green = new parts of the Irish rep 2020.jpg


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