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What is it with middle aged western men who live in Thailand?

I'm not talking about expatriates who are employed in Thailand, becasue they generally keep their standards.

It's men of a certain age, 50+, a generation that you might associate with smartness, and a sense of dress.

Somehow all this goes astray in Thailand. I don't expect old men propping up bars to be dressed in a suit and tie, I think it would be presumptious to expect them to wear trousers and a collar, and I can see the sense in shorts and T-shirts.

But why oh why is it they seem incapable of seperating their whites and their colours when they do their laundry.

What ever do they think they look like in their blue grey everything? Blue grey shorts (formerly White), a blue grey vest with a grubby golden Singha emblem and the source of all this blue, some rather dodgy looking three quater length socks - that look rediculous when worn with their sandals.

This sight is only made worse by the fact that it generally matches the complexion of the old codger wearing it. A sort of condemned veal look.

I blame their ex wives.

Having spoiled their husbands by doing their washing all their married lives, they then ditch the old man and set him loose on Thailand without a clue of how to launder clothes.

One would think it is not too much to ask these women to teach the 'Responent' how to seperate their colours as a mark of gratitude for the removal of 70% of the marital wealth.

It is one thing to relieve a middle aged man of his wealth, it is quite another to let him wander the world marked with the sign of failure - That sign is blue grey.. and poorly pressed!


You mean I'll have to do my own laundry when I move to Thailand? Dagnabit! That was one of the reasons I wanted out of the States. Housekeeper, laundress, maybe a cook (maybe not, I like to cook). I can tell whites from colored laundry even at the age of fifty something.

I would have thought they were having it done for them, but maybe they just lump the whole thing in a bag and so it gets washed that way by their laundry service. I really don't want to do my laundry, so I hope that sorting it will solve the problem.



I never seem to have a problem, tho some of my white "T"s do look a little off white.

But when is so important to look so spiffy when you are minding your OWN business, spending your OWN money and living your OWN life? :o

If the guy don't appeal to you then stay away from him,he pobly ain't gonna like you anyway, and if his cloths are dirt free and he don't smell to bad,and he ain't with you,then it is none of your business,,I do not see to many Thais in snow whites and color brights either,and it is them that he is around as this is their country. :D



Do you think I'd get in trouble for using one of those little stun gun/cattle prods on nosy white guys and mouthy white girls? Oops, did I say that? Uhmm, never mind, obviously I'm typing without enabling the pc filter on my pc.

[Note: Nosy White Guys, no I wouldn't actually shock you. Mouthy White Girls, no I wouldn't shock you either, but I do so love it when your get your knickers in a knot.]


p.s. If for a little bit, it says I'm a mod here, I'm not. It was a case of mistaken identity. It will be corrected in the near future and you can slag me all you want with impunity. At least from me.


Yes! I agree with the post starter.

I lived in Thailand for 14 years, but that was over 9 years ago and have been back 15 times since, as we visit the relatives in Koh Samui.

KevinN seems to be one of the fellows that prompted this thread :o

I notice in the outlying areas, that the farang really lets himself go. When in Rome? or just a lazy dirty bastard?

You are what you consume and also what you wear, I see many bottles of Chang walking around with the same brand clothes and aftershave.


Really don’t mean to offend anyone, but quite a few men I’ve seen in Bangkok really don’t have a clue when it comes to dress sense (and it’s not only the old codgers). Apart from the blue grey and poorly pressed crimes, the greatest fashion faux pas is wearing ankle freezer trousers and tapered jeans – the other fashion crimes can be overlooked. :o

Blaming the ex wife for not “teaching” her husband how to separate his laundry is a cop-out - remember you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink (or should that be “think”) :D:D


usgrame;; well seeing that I don't drink,I guess thats out, and seeing that I have never done my own laundry in Thailand I guess thats out to.

But seeing that I do not live in a fine city like Pattaya or the thriving metropolis of Bangkok, we do not have city water and a 27 million dollar water system, we had a shallow well as there was no water down 200 meters and had to settle for what we could get.Therefore the water most times was turbid and that is not the thing to get lilly white cloths, and besides I don't think that most farang here wash their own cloths and I guess that they could change their laundry lady, but that is hard to do if you have already married her, And not an advised way to marital bliss if you tell her she ain't doing your french cuffs the way your other gal did em.

So some of us will just continue to wear off whites and if you don't like the way we look, well I guess that you can just kiss our ass. :o

NAT; 2 texans can do that,,

1 hold his head underwater and the other suck his ass.

NAT; 2 texans can do that,,

1 hold his head underwater and the other suck his ass.

:D but that just results in drawing mud :D

Back to laundry, I did see a funny sight last year on samet. A bloke had his laundry done at one of the bungalow establishments, but was not happy with the results. He had mixed coloured clothing with all his white hippy shirts – there must have been a very red item in the batch because all his whites came out pink. He was ranting and raving that he could not wear pink clothing :D (as a girl it wouldn't have bothered me as I like pink :D ) – looking at the situation he did only have himself to blame :o .

usgrame;; well seeing that I don't drink,I guess thats out, and seeing that I have never done my own laundry in Thailand I guess thats out to.

But seeing that I do not live in a fine city like Pattaya or the thriving metropolis of Bangkok, we do not have city water and a 27 million dollar water system, we had a shallow well as there was no water down 200 meters and had to settle for what we could get.Therefore the water most times was turbid and that is not the thing to get lilly white cloths, and besides I don't think that most farang here wash their own cloths and I guess that they could change their laundry lady, but that is hard to do if you have already married her, And not an advised way to marital bliss if you tell her she ain't doing your french cuffs the way your other gal did em.

So some of us will just continue to wear off whites and if you don't like the way we look, well I guess that you can just kiss our ass. :o

NAT; 2 texans can do that,,

1 hold his head underwater and the other suck his ass.

:D ever heard of a filter? :D At least we will know who you are :D

BTW, I am puckered up and ready! :D


Any Farang living in LOS that cannot hire a gal to do your laundry should shag-ass back "home". For crying out loud! It's cheap! :o


usgraeme, ever heard of a filter? At least we will know who you are

BTW, I am puckered up and ready! ""

Yes I have heard of a filter,both charcoal and paper particle filters,,but try buying one here,,I finally found an irrigation particle strainer, I dont know how long you have lived here or where you live,,but things here are different,and you can not just go to any store and buy what ever you want.

NAT,,###### sure would have a horse full of mud if you tried it with my well water :o

Really don’t mean to offend anyone, but quite a few men I’ve seen in Bangkok really don’t have a clue when it comes to dress sense (and it’s not only the old codgers). Apart from the blue grey and poorly pressed crimes, the greatest fashion faux pas is wearing ankle freezer trousers and tapered jeans – the other fashion crimes can be overlooked. :o

Dress sense, or 'fashion' are a woman thing. 99% of men do ot give a monkey's as to what is in fashion, what 'goes' with what, et cetera. If it is fifteen years old, familiar and comfortable, then keep it and wear it.

(Substitute eighteen for fifteen, your own word for 'wear' :D )

Dress sense, or 'fashion' are a woman thing. 99% of men do ot give a monkey's as to what is in fashion, what 'goes' with what, et cetera. If it is fifteen years old, familiar and comfortable, then keep it and wear it.

(Substitute eighteen for fifteen, your own word for 'wear' :D )

I feel the same way about an old pair of runners, wife hates them, she's binned them 3 times, but I keep rescuing them. :o

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