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Court Report.


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Libya, you are doing a great job reporting the news and you seem to have an abundance of stories from Pattaya city news.

However we never see any reports of court convictions and I think this gives an unbalanced view of Pattayas crime problem.

A zero conviction rate is what it seems.

Can you can get a source for court reports or outcomes of cases if they're dealt with outside of court, it's getting to the point where I'm feeling; so what it's another crime, why should I bother posting a comment because nothing ever happens anyway.

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I couldn't agree more!

When will we hear follow ups and outcomes on a regular basis. It makes it seem like these muggers, robbers and murderers get away with it as it's just left.

If there had been a follow up on the killer of the russian women when he was bailed from previous Korean robbery, maybe people would start to highlight Thai justice, but we never know what's going on in the courts, after the publicity of the arrest dies down or verdicts!!!!!!!!

Pattaya people news had a big story on TV about a Swedish man who killed a girl in his room. He was filmed describing the whole story.

No follow up and all forgotten, or at least that's what it appears. Amazing!

It was dealt with here and news posted, thankfully

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