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Falang tv,does your wife watch it?

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She likes American Horror Story and other scary stuff like The Haunting of Hill House. I imagine she would like Game of Thrones and Walking Dead too. Doubtful she would get the greatest US sitcom ever...Seinfeld...as most of the comedy would be lost on her. And she does love her some Thai soaps! Some of which I've watched through over the years. 2 or 3 have been quite entertaining! ????

Edited by Skeptic7
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Today we went to see
" X Men Dark Phoenix " at the cinema...was very good,my wife prefers English with Thai subtitles...I always joke about the cringe worthy
"handsome voice" Thai voice overs used in foreign movie's or series....I'm sure there are only 2 voice actors one male one female that play every role.

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My gf and I don’t watch tv, but I am absolutely amazed at her knowledge of western cinema.  Even some of the older (60s & 70s) more obscure stuff.  I believe it is because she worked at a video rental store for a number of years way back when.  Not only can she tell you the actors names (and quite possibly the other movies they were in) but she almost has some sort of uncanny photographic memory of sorts where she can remember some of the smallest plot details.  She’s not a big fan of Thai movies.


Now here is where it gets strange.  At night, before bed, she has two things that she loves to watch on YouTube.  One is some strange heavyset Thai woman who just sits there and eats (with the microphone picking up every chomping and slurping sound) and the other is anything to do with people hunting for mushrooms out in the woods.

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