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Cambodia Visa Run Duty Free.


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I bought some in Arunyaprathet once, openned the carton lit up and gave the rest away. They were the most vile ciggies I have ever smoked. Faked Marlboros...not worth it IMHO.

And ofcourse fake goods are not legal in any country unless it is medicine :o:D

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can't speak for smokes, but bought a bottle of Jack Daniels at Poipet and 100% it was not Jack Daniels, luckily i don't drink it, but my wife and 2 freinds were excedeingly ill for 2 days afterwards. They were complaining it didn't taste right but still drank it, stupid i know.

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Three truisms in life

You get what you pay for

You buy cheap you buy twice

There's one born every minute

How much do you save? Cigs are extremely cheap here, Jack isn't I'll grant you (and if it were a real duty free don't you have the right to exchange) :o

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JMO. The best ciggies are Texas 5 and Ara for 10 baht per pack. For lights Ara lights im told are good.

Some of the better known brands, marlboro, B&H , Dunhill etc are not the same as what you might be use to.

Be warned that they are getting a lot tougher on those that bring back more than the legal amount (200 cigs). The fine is around 8000 baht per carton over the limit, and its not only the border officials you have to wory about, its also the army guys at the checkpoints close to the borders that are checking vehicles.

Edited by COBBER
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I just want to reiterate what others have said.

I don't smoke but bought a pack of 200 Malboro for a friend from Aranyapratet. He smoked one, described it as rancid and binned the rest.

In answer to your question. Yes they can all be fake the people selling them no full well that you are a fleeting visitor and that you are not going to make a 10 hour round trip to return them.

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I have to do a visa run sometime soon and want to know if anybody has bought smokes in Poipet. I remember the last time I visited there were piles of boxes of Marlboros.

They can't all be fake, can they? Anybody tried them?

But it begs the question ... why would you go to Poipet from Pattaya?

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i've had good experiences with the Texas 5 brand...but the marlboros are definitely not up to par with what i'm used to...

i also bought a small bottle of johnny walker black label at poipet and it doesn't taste right...

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