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"British" man fallen on hard times in Bangkok set to be repatriated

Jonathan Fairfield

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5 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Perhaps he doesn't have a family, Embassy I think you can forget, and I'm sure he doesn't have "a plan B". And last, I don't think he planned to end up as a street bum.

He have the daughter in England. Contact already

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4 hours ago, cheapcanuck said:

Wouldn't immigration just deport him if he overstayed? Free ticket home if that is the case.

Not overstay.

have the visa until augaust 

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7 hours ago, faraday said:

As Sammie says a similar scene in the UK...


So sorry for him, came here no doubt with some dreams, & it all goes horribly wrong.


Despite what anyone might think, we are all just a few wrong turns from homelessness or any of the sad unfortunate events that too many people experience.


Truly hope he is able to access proper help in the UK. But being a single older man, it won't easy.

I hope he has some understanding, reasonably well off relatives in the UK, or he could end up even worse off than here. The present government certainly won't help him in any way, shape or form.

    Anyone tried sleeping rough in an English winter? 

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33 minutes ago, AlexRich said:
6 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

What ever happened you are responsible for your self and always have a plan b.  

He could just go embassy and contact family 

Why end up as a street bum??? 

There is more to the story that we know and hear of... 

To meny come here with little money and end up with nothing 

Remember this.. 

You can't live a champagne life on a water budget...  

So everybody deserves the bed they make for themselves? Even with mental health issues? 

Where the news said he has mental health issues??? 

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8 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

I suspect that's the headline will be hearing a lot soon and looks like a similar scene from any UK town and city good luck to him ????

Haven't been to the UK recently, but was shocked when I travelled to Auckland this year, as how many homeless there were, especially middle-aged white men.

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13 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

I hope he has some understanding, reasonably well off relatives in the UK, or he could end up even worse off than here. The present government certainly won't help him in any way, shape or form.

    Anyone tried sleeping rough in an English winter? 

I haven't no, but young, homeless people die in UK town's & cities every year in the winter, from exposure.

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12 minutes ago, Henrik Andersen said:

Where the news said he has mental health issues??? 

What does it have to do with mental health, except, of course, giving your Thai partner your last pennies? No job, no dole... the thing to do is ask your embassy for a flight ticket. They will ask you to pay back the money later, but at least you have a chance to get back onto your feet.

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7 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

So to ensure your point has a sound factual basis, rather then a point based on your own personal prejudices perhaps, provide a link or links supporting your statement "usually guys in Thailand who fall into that state".

That was my personal opinion based on personal experiences of acquaintances , I cannot provide a link to my personal opinion  , well, I suppose I could provide a link to my post above where I stated my opinion ?

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1 minute ago, StayinThailand2much said:

What does it have to do with mental health, except, of course, giving your Thai partner your last pennies? No job, no dole... the thing to do is ask your embassy for a flight ticket. They will ask you to pay back the money later, but at least you have a chance to get back onto your feet.

The embassy won't lend you the money, unless theres someone in the UK who'll guarantee it and pay their extortionate fees on top...

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

That was my personal opinion based on personal experiences of acquaintances , I cannot provide a link to my personal opinion  , well, I suppose I could provide a link to my post above where I stated my opinion ?

But as you must now be aware from other posts, your personal opinion was far far from the truth.

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5 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

But as you must now be aware from other posts, your personal opinion was far far from the truth.

No, no other post has stated that he didnt drink alot or that there wasnt a woman  involved in his downfall .

Many Ex-pats in Thailand spend all their money on a wife and home for the wife and when that relationship finishes , they are left heart-broken and pennyless , pennyless after spending the rest of their money on alcohol to drown their sorrows 

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10 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

The embassy won't lend you the money, unless theres someone in the UK who'll guarantee it and pay their extortionate fees on top...

And most embassies won't release such funds until the reimbursement funds are in the bank of the home country. 

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, that post says that he wasnt "cheated" by a woman , I didnt suggest that he was cheated , just general relationship issues is what I suggested .

You are started to get argumentative and you just want to prove me wrong .

  If you regularly read Thai Visa threads , nearly every hardship thread involves females and alcohol , infact , I dont ever recall even one thread that doesnt ..................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzcannot be bothered  

Been a few where problems have been caused by accident or illness.

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56 minutes ago, Henrik Andersen said:

Where the news said he has mental health issues??? 

"whatever happened you are responsible for yourself"?


Your words, not mine. So, generally speaking, if someone developed mental health problems they are responsible for themselves? You are making a general comment about other human beings ... and in my view an unnecessarily harsh and ill judged comment.







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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

"whatever happened you are responsible for yourself"?


Your words, not mine. So, generally speaking, if someone developed mental health problems they are responsible for themselves? You are making a general comment about other human beings ... and in my view an unnecessarily harsh and ill judged comment.







!00% agree with you. Read my post above as the poster your replied to is not the only one.

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4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

There is a need for "wraparound" services, housing, social workers, counsellors, financial counsellors, mental health workers, doctors and ancillary support workers, employment placement.

The need is growing in western countries. Lack of Social Services in Asia, is scary  

Roof over the head is just the begining


Why the need for wraparound services as you call them? Who pays for this? 

Why cant people take personal responsibility themselves instead of seeing themselves as victims and requiring someone else to solve problems of their own making, which is 99% of the time??

I guess you love paying tax.


This continuing infantilism will be the undoing of the western culture eventually.



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9 hours ago, tracker1 said:

Could be a few more the way the Baht is going !

Will you take over his sleeping place? 


  Rumor was rife in comments that this might be a man who came to Thailand with money and who met a Thai woman who relieved him of his money. 


  How dare they? A Thai woman would never ever ask a foreigner for one single baht! That's what I've read from some posters on this forum. So it must be true, innit? 

Edited by Isaanbiker
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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Would it not be possible for TVFourm members to set up a baht fund that could help these poor unfortunates. I'd be willing to chip in 500 baht and provide some emotional support through PMs.


So much of what we read is heart-tugging. It's not always the fault of greedy, mercenary Thai ladies. Sometimes it's just plain bad luck. Or, indeed, the person could have brought it on themselves, through carelessness, drugs or drink even.

There is no such thing as luck, good or bad. Everything is a consequence of our choices and actions.

When I first started work as an apprentice many decades ago I said to one of the tradesmen training me how lucky he was to have a very nice car. He responded by saying that the harder he worked the luckier he got. That stuck with me all of my life,

Playing the lottery may be called luck but its not really, its a calculation of odds against winning or losing a certain set of numbers.

Exchange rates are not a matter of luck. It may have a negative outcome for some (and I empathise with those folks), but it is not luck.

Brexit is not a matter of luck, just an unforeseen event.


Most, and I mean most, people in this guys situation are there because of booze,drugs and/or gambling.

the mental health issues usually become apparent after they are broke, not before.




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9 hours ago, Essex Reject said:

Looking at those pics this is about as bad as it gets.


I use to wonder how on earth people could get into such a mess but can see now that some bad luck, bad decisions etc, and it can happen.

And what about all those homeless people in the UK?



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13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Maybe you could respect my opinion ? 

Its quite rude of you to suggest that my opinion is "obnoxious babble "

Its my opinion that females and alcohol had something to do with his situation .

I cannot fathom why you so vehemently disagree 


14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Maybe you could respect my opinion ? 

Its quite rude of you to suggest that my opinion is "obnoxious babble "

Its my opinion that females and alcohol had something to do with his situation .

I cannot fathom why you so vehemently disagree 

"I respect the fact that we are all entitled to an opinion" was my starting sentence or did you not bother to read it. But still others as well myself have commented on your stance. You just sleep well tonight.

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9 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

There is no such thing as luck, good or bad. Everything is a consequence of our choices and actions.

When I first started work as an apprentice many decades ago I said to one of the tradesmen training me how lucky he was to have a very nice car. He responded by saying that the harder he worked the luckier he got. That stuck with me all of my life,

Playing the lottery may be called luck but its not really, its a calculation of odds against winning or losing a certain set of numbers.

Exchange rates are not a matter of luck. It may have a negative outcome for some (and I empathise with those folks), but it is not luck.

Brexit is not a matter of luck, just an unforeseen event.


Most, and I mean most, people in this guys situation are there because of booze,drugs and/or gambling.

the mental health issues usually become apparent after they are broke, not before.




I'm glad that you've used "usually". IMO, there are often people with mental deficits who come to Thailand because they believe the girls are so different and being a foreigner alone makes all of us so attractive. It's just not true, Thai women are not much different from their Western counterparts. 


A lot of people with mental issues from various different countries come to Thailand, but none of them can leave their illness at the airport. 



  Yes, it's shocking to see people like him living under inhuman circumstances, but there are way more Thais who live under the existence minimum in very similar circumstances. 


  But they don't show us these people because they want to make us believe that this country is flawless. Since the takeover, all has gotten worse and that's coming from a Thai Psychiatrist. 

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...true or not....


...it is true for thousands of other foreigners....


...yet nary a Thai woman has ever been charged.....go figure...


...headlines for Thai female victims of 'romance scams'.....


...barely a random peep about Thai women cleaning out foreign men...


...on false pretexts of 'love'...'romance'....'marriage'...


...then sooner or later...usually with assets secured...another false pretext for getting away with the spoils..


....and it has been going on for decades...


....a crime is a crime....and these are up there with the most despicable...


...human rights...justice...good deeds...bla-bla-bla-bla-bla....







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4 minutes ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...true or not....


...it is true for thousands of other foreigners....


...yet nary a Thai woman has ever been charged.....go figure...


...headlines for Thai female victims of 'romance scams'.....


...barely a random peep about Thai women cleaning out foreign men...


...on false pretexts of 'love'...'romance'....'marriage'...


...then sooner or later...usually with assets secured...another false pretext for getting away with the spoils..


....and it has been going on for decades...


....a crime is a crime....and these are up there with the most despicable...


...human rights...justice...good deeds...bla-bla-bla-bla-bla....







Can't blame the women for that!

Where is the crime??

Maybe the stupid (usually an older naive fool who has met a much younger woman) westerner instead?

How can a 25 year old honey do this me a 65 year old man...she said she loved me..wah wah wah.

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