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These are very good news, pumpuiman, hope this worked well for you and may you have a nice life to go. Cheers!!!

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If collective thought does work for the good, you're sorted fella.

You're in all ours. :D

Absolutely, all the best Pumpuiman :o

Told you........... :D

All the best for a speedy recovery too.... :D


ps; nice comment about the TV community BkkMadness. :D


This is a bit late as well (been AWOL for a couple of days) Just to say well done big fella and I hope the pain killers have now got it under control :o


Thanks so much....to everyone. Your posts really help me through this.

A little improvement today. I am able to turn in bed on my own.

The pain has receded a bit...Praise the Lord.

My wife is an angel.

She's got to do everything for me.

Including listening to me whine like a baby about my pain.

Yesterday, I was so angry with the hospital for sending me home so quickly.

I was unable to sit up, turn, move my legs, go to the bathroom, walk unassisted etc.

Still...it's time to go.

Insurance regulations.....statistics said I was fine to go home.

I also had a fever...101.3 F And my blood pressure was 100 over 70.

I was sent on my way. Carefully stuffed in the car by my 84 yr. old dad and my wife Pan.

For the 2 hour drive home.

This is how one of the "best hospitals in the world" operates.

Insurance companies have got them by the short hairs.

(and the hospital wants a free bed)

O.K. done whining for now. :o

Thanks again everyone....you've lifted my spirits :D


Glad to hear of the successful op Pump',

I think you will get used to the pain intime and it will go away, BP is a little low though and thak heaven for a good wife in these troubled times.

Good luck


Yesterday, I was so angry with the hospital for sending me home so quickly.

I was unable to sit up, turn, move my legs, go to the bathroom, walk unassisted etc.

Still...it's time to go.

Insurance regulations.....statistics said I was fine to go home.

I also had a fever...101.3 F And my blood pressure was 100 over 70.

I was sent on my way. Carefully stuffed in the car by my 84 yr. old dad and my wife Pan.

For the 2 hour drive home.

This is how one of the "best hospitals in the world" operates.

Insurance companies have got them by the short hairs.

(and the hospital wants a free bed)

That's how most hospitals in the US work these days - to get the patient out as quickly as possible. Same thing for routine visits to doctors. Much of that seems to be that there are so many people seeking medical care or treatment, and a limited number of medical staff to attend to the demands, that quick turnover is the trend. And yes, part of it does seem to be about business profits.

Had your surgery been done in Thailand, your stay in the hospital would've most likely been at least 5 days.

Regardless, good to hear you're making improvements! You've got a great wife and family helping you make a good and steady recovery. :o

Yesterday, I was so angry with the hospital for sending me home so quickly.

I was unable to sit up, turn, move my legs, go to the bathroom, walk unassisted etc.

Still...it's time to go.

Insurance regulations.....statistics said I was fine to go home.

I also had a fever...101.3 F And my blood pressure was 100 over 70.

I was sent on my way. Carefully stuffed in the car by my 84 yr. old dad and my wife Pan.

For the 2 hour drive home.

This is how one of the "best hospitals in the world" operates.

Insurance companies have got them by the short hairs.

(and the hospital wants a free bed)

That's how most hospitals in the US work these days - to get the patient out as quickly as possible. Same thing for routine visits to doctors. Much of that seems to be that there are so many people seeking medical care or treatment, and a limited number of medical staff to attend to the demands, that quick turnover is the trend. And yes, part of it does seem to be about business profits.

Had your surgery been done in Thailand, your stay in the hospital would've most likely been at least 5 days.

Regardless, good to hear you're making improvements! You've got a great wife and family helping you make a good and steady recovery. :o

I guess that the "third world" hospitals in Thailand have some advantages!

Bumrungrad is wonderful....I don't know if the surgeon would have been as good though.

Who knows...maybe He/she would have been better.

The service and emotional treatment would have definitely been better.

I guess that the "third world" hospitals in Thailand have some advantages!

Bumrungrad is wonderful....I don't know if the surgeon would have been as good though.

Who knows...maybe He/she would have been better.

The service and emotional treatment would have definitely been better.

You're right. Bum Hosp is an excellent facility. Thailand has a number of excellent hospitals that meet US standards. In my opinion, sometimes exceeds those standards. Like anywhere, even in the US, it's a good idea to check up on a physician's qualifications and experience. And it helps to get recommendations or input from others familiar with specific physicians. Same for hospitals.

Just thinking back a bit, Don Ho (singer from Hawaii) had a stem cell procedure done in Thailand for a heart problem. He's doing much better now as a result.

I'm not trying to snub US hospitals. Just saying that there are good medical care and facilities in Thailand as well. Persoinally, the specific medical treatment I've had done in Thailand was in some ways better than the same thing in the US. But that's just my own personal experience.

I guess that the "third world" hospitals in Thailand have some advantages!

Bumrungrad is wonderful....I don't know if the surgeon would have been as good though.

Who knows...maybe He/she would have been better.

The service and emotional treatment would have definitely been better.

You're right. Bum Hosp is an excellent facility. Thailand has a number of excellent hospitals that meet US standards. In my opinion, sometimes exceeds those standards. Like anywhere, even in the US, it's a good idea to check up on a physician's qualifications and experience. And it helps to get recommendations or input from others familiar with specific physicians. Same for hospitals.

Just thinking back a bit, Don Ho (singer from Hawaii) had a stem cell procedure done in Thailand for a heart problem. He's doing much better now as a result.

I'm not trying to snub US hospitals. Just saying that there are good medical care and facilities in Thailand as well. Persoinally, the specific medical treatment I've had done in Thailand was in some ways better than the same thing in the US. But that's just my own personal experience.

I'm sure if I had been to Bumrungrad, I would currently be tended to hand and foot by beautiful Thai nurses in a room that rivaled a hotel suite.

My family would be given the option to stay as well.


Well, I have my own beautiful Thai nurse here at home.....and she's great.

100 pounds of muscle!!

She pulls me around like a rag doll, and all with a smile.

I'm so lucky to have married her.

She lifted my huge arse up and got me walking for a few minutes. I got tired very quickly....but felt better that I moved a little.

Hoping tommorow I may be able to get out of bed myself.

Thanks again to everyone.

Hey Macb....thanks for your posts.....How's the baby and mom doing?



Good Luck PPM

Got a back surgery 4 years ago at the BKK Hospital, by a Neuro surgeon called Nantasak.

Great job. Fully recovered. And the time spent in the hospital after operation was a kind of reward after all the pain before it !! Being taken care by so many great nurses..mmm......

Take it easy, take time, and cheers.........



Hi mate well I found a nurse for you here you go



AS for the daughter she is gorgeous she had her head shaved we look the same well not really : She is pretty I am not. :D



Keep recovering mate : Did you say the wife does EVERYTHING Ahem


Yes....bless her....everything.

What incredible fortitude.

She cared for her ailing grandfather for years, he was completely immobile.

She says I'm easy to care for in comparison.

I had not heard about her grandfathers illness before, just that he passed away before I'd met her.

I learn new and incredible things about her all the time.

She amazes me.

Here is a post of mine from long ago.....which might help understand her character........

When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.She had no toys. She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.She watched with a child's eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to repossess the refrigerator.She worked in the fields enduring scorpion bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 baht needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck. She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her

She gives me strength.

Thanks for the pics mac.

Don't tell your daughter...she may develop a complex....but she looks just like you!!



There but for the grace..............

Your wife is a saint Ppm. I'm lying on the sofa with a bit of flu and a tear in my eye after reading that, do I feel humble now or what.

I'm gonna get up and stop bein a wuss, <deleted> man there's no Scorpions. :D

Good luck to you both fella. :D



There but for the grace..............

Your wife is a saint Ppm. I'm lying on the sofa with a bit of flu and a tear in my eye after reading that, do I feel humble now or what.

I'm gonna get up and stop bein a wuss, <deleted> man there's no Scorpions. :D

Good luck to you both fella. :D


I know the feeling.

She is a wake up call to me as well.....yeah I'm in pain, but I can lay in my bed being fussed over.....I don't have to go out and work in the hot sun so my family can eat tonight.

I guess the pain is not so bad.

After resurrecting that post, I feel guilty for complaining so much.

She has inspired me again.

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