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Trump administration loses bid to lift bar on funds for border wall


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Let's go find another partisan judge to thwart the elected POTUS. It won't stop him and just irritates neutrals who see it for what it is (a la Thailand style). 

Edited by BobBKK
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12 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Let's go find another partisan judge to thwart the elected POTUS. It won't stop him and just irritates neutrals who see it for what it is (a la Thailand style). 

Ahhh bob you do know that congress has to approve that kind of stuff rite?donald tryed an end around and failed he needs to build the votes or fail

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6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Actually Congress thwarted him and the court upheld that, which was a pretty obvious conclusion.

Yup because they are...?  courts in US are partisan from Supreme down.

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Just now, Spike1938 said:

He is failing because he is far from a statesman. Only other dictators and wannabes like him are his friends.

We will see 2020 won't we? it's not a forgone conclusion but he is only President because of Dems utter failures (and should not be I grant you... but a huge slice of America, and the world, do not want pc libralism and choose the obnoxious opposite to make that stand).

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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

We will see 2020 won't we? it's not a forgone conclusion but he is only President because of Dems utter failures (and should not be I grant you... but a huge slice of America, and the world, do not want pc libralism and choose the obnoxious opposite to make that stand).

One can never brush aside the inherent stupidity of people when it comes to "their" president. But that is not restricted to the US it seems to be a global phenomena

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Just now, expatfromwyoming said:

One can never brush aside the inherent stupidity of people when it comes to "their" president. But that is not restricted to the US it seems to be a global phenomena

Americans are stupid now are they?  of course they are if they don't follow YOUR way.  I really hope whoever wins the Dem nomination stands up and say's

"hey, America, you are STUPID"  it worked well for HIllary's   "deplorable's"

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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

Americans are stupid now are they?  of course they are if they don't follow YOUR way.  I really hope whoever wins the Dem nomination stands up and say's

"hey, America, you are STUPID"  it worked well for HIllary's   "deplorable's"

I would suggest with much reverence you read my post again and explain to me your comprehension of what I said and attempt to justify your pique.

By the way I still am a registered Republican and left US when Obama became president in 2008- choosing  in 2016 not to live under Trump either.

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1 minute ago, expatfromwyoming said:

I would suggest with much reverence you read my post again and explain to me your comprehension of what I said and attempt to justify your pique.

By the way I still am a registered Republican and left US when Obama became president in 2008- choosing  in 2016 not to live under Trump either.

Your suggestion was that people might make a stupid choice. As my post was about 2020 one might reasonably draw the conclusion you were referring to that. 

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6 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

"The Constitution assigns to Congress the power of the purse. Under the Appropriations Clause, it is Congress that is to make decisions regarding how to spend taxpayer dollars."


Congress spent more than 40 million dollars attempting to overturn the 2016 election.  They are still not giving up their Russia! 


One disgruntled Federal Judge has more authority than The President of the United States.  Most people are aware by now that the 9th Circuit Court, located on the West Coast is made up of Obama appointees...


These judges cannot be trusted to set politics aside in their unelected offices...this lone judge political power tripping situation needs to be revised...


"....has more authority than The President of the United States."


Setting the bar kinda low there, with the current occupant of the White House.



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Happy Birthday to the US of A. You must be a very proud nation today, although you have my sincerest condolences about 'you know who' (potus), - and I wish you all the very best in your efforts to rid yourself of this vermin you appear to have elected as the presidential family of the United States, (may we call them "PFOTUS")?


One point I feel I must make..... If Mr. super fantastic President, (To some, Mr God almighty, (ahem,) declared an EMERGENCY', (and we all know what the word means, don't we - nudge,nudge), in February and that it is now the 4th July, (some 4.5 months along the way), …………………….would someone please explain to me what the 'emergency' actually is/was/will be/?

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6 hours ago, Katipo said:

The wall is a stupid idea that won't stop people smuggling or illegal immigrants getting to the US. It'll also have no affect on the 'war on drugs'. As such it's a complete waste of time. Now, if the US stopped destabilising countries in the region, that might make a difference, as you're turning off the tap at the source. 

really?....well what about the Berlin Wall or the wall Hungary have put up to keep illegals out or the Great Wall of China that kept the Mongols out or the wall in Israel....all of them are or have been extremely successful in maintaining the security of the country.....the fact is that the USA and most other Western countries are controlled by the enemies of the West who wish to see the end of the majority of white populations in their own lands and what is presented as democracy is just a puppet show

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1 minute ago, Dumbastheycome said:

"There's battle lines being drawn, Nobody's right if everybody's wrong  -- Stephen Stills"


Better line  from those  lyrics  might be "Everybody look whats  going down " !

There are"none so blind as those who will not see".

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