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A Happy Life

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Exploring my ability to write poetry, and this one popped out





Your life is just like a movie,

It passes frame by frame,

Every second that you get

You can never reclaim.


If you laid out a roll of celluloid film

And called it your life

There would millions of frames

Filled with a mixture of pleasure and strife


The Buddhist way is great

Live for the moment taking the good from what you can

And having happy moments

Seems to me to be a good plan


What is a happy life? It must be a string of happy moments,

That we can never get back,

and experiencing the pleasure that being alive brings

then you’re on the right track


Enjoy the early morning bird singing,

The sights and sounds of people going about their day,

And before you know it,

you’ll begin to see your life in a different way


Fill those frames with happiness

Enjoy even the bad,

And if you can do that

A happy life must be had!




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