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Best Web Based Email


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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

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If you want something that actually *works* and is reliable, then nothing beats gmail and yahoo. Even hotmail is horrible in comparison. If you want privacy and all that, there are plenty of places, like hushmail, but don't expect the same level of service, convenience, features, reliability, etc.

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No matter what email you use, it is saved and tracked. That is why it is the internet.... As the story goes, if you wouldn't say it out loud, then don't put it in an email.....

Write a letter...

That's certainly true for webmail.

You can have POP mail accounts that get cleared out every time you access via your mail client so your mail stays on the server only a short time. I don't know any free ones, I use .Mac mail which is kind of overpriced ($99/year).

Alternatively, GMail does allow you to delete mails - it stores everything by default, but you _can_ delete stuff.

jinjok - would you mind sharing your concerns about Gmail/Google?

The only incident I recall was when the U.S. government asked all mail providers for data and everyone complied except Google, which fought for its users privacy in the courts. Google was definitely the good guys then - unlike Yahoo, MSN (hotmail), AOL, and others.

Edited by nikster
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If you want something that actually *works* and is reliable, then nothing beats gmail and yahoo. Even hotmail is horrible in comparison. If you want privacy and all that, there are plenty of places, like hushmail, but don't expect the same level of service, convenience, features, reliability, etc.

I agree, I've heard nothing but good about gmail.

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No matter what email you use, it is saved and tracked. That is why it is the internet.... As the story goes, if you wouldn't say it out loud, then don't put it in an email.....

Write a letter...

That's certainly true for webmail.

You can have POP mail accounts that get cleared out every time you access via your mail client so your mail stays on the server only a short time. I don't know any free ones, I use .Mac mail which is kind of overpriced ($99/year).

Alternatively, GMail does allow you to delete mails - it stores everything by default, but you _can_ delete stuff.

jinjok - would you mind sharing your concerns about Gmail/Google?

The only incident I recall was when the U.S. government asked all mail providers for data and everyone complied except Google, which fought for its users privacy in the courts. Google was definitely the good guys then - unlike Yahoo, MSN (hotmail), AOL, and others.

You can get a free POP mail account from yahoo.co.uk

Faster than a .com one

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i had a yahoo acct but dont like the domain 'yahoo' but also if you want to create a new acct everything clever is pretty much taken. the new interface is nice. i like the way gmail is set up as well. but i dont like gmail - they sold out to china and im sure they will give the us govt anything they desire at the drop of a hat despite claims to 'do no evil'.

of course its all there to be had by many means (sitting on server, back ups...) but actively working at retaining email and 'reading email' to sell you stuff is something im not pleased with. gmail does have excellent spam filter though, ill give it that.

fyi: pop accounts are just as bad if not worse for privacy and yes email can be plucked from th ether. and yes, there is hushmail but its more trouble than its worth - perhaps its gotten better - i think the other person has to use hushmail.

my musings are not anything nefarious --- id simply write a coded message and encrypt it cmon'.

nikster (all): just not pleased with the bold lack of privacy and back door deals with mafia govts like china (and us?).

nikster - it did not want to reveal HOW it obtains its information which it considers proprietary. but the mail thing... it DID cave.

yes, hotmail sucks. it sucked as soon as it was bought years ago. but it was the first big webmail acct - give it that.

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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

Sorry, who is reading billions of emails every day at Yahoo, HotMail or Google?

The emails may pass through a search engine for recognizing interests and targets for ads.

Even in situations like a person has been missing for months or years, his relatives could see his HotMail account still active (meaning, he is logging in at least once in 30 days) the court (in Canada) ruled that his account password should not be disclosed.

Right now, nothing beats Yahoo. Google has only a fraction of Yahoo's customers although they are both free. Could be, that initial requirement that gmail account could only be granted by invitation. Lifted since but people still don't go there en-masse.

Yahoo, for email is the same what AT&T is for telephony. Nobody builds a parallel phone system just because AT&T is not encrypting your calls and anyone can (much easier than with emails) tap into your conversations.

Just think of mobile phones who send hart-beat every minute about the location where the set (and you) are.

Edited by think_too_mut
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Guest Reimar

Doesn't matter which E-Mail ISP you use, your own ISP, Yahoo, Hotmail or whoever: all mails are tarcked and the info are stored for some periode od time.

All E-Mail services using (MX) backup servers for to keep copies of e-mail's, logging all transfers from whom and from where to whom and to where. Even all e-mail's are checked for "special" sentences, let say words like "bomb" or others. The complete Spam "checking" is based on the search of "special" words or sentenses as well and so on.

But what is the most safe procedure? If someone needs to send "really" confidential infos over e-mail, use PGP! But keep in mind that you need to give the "key" you use for crypting to the receiver as well.

I use my own Mailserver which I hosting in my office. For to be abler to get all mails, I run a MX-Backup Server by my DNS Provider. If my Mail Server isn't reachable, the MX-Backup Server keeps all Mail for a time of max. 7 days and as soon as my own Mail Server is back on duty, all mails will be downloaded. But I know that the DNS Provider still keeps track of all mails even if my server runs without problems.

That's the way how it works!

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exactly what i had said - id just encrypt the mail if i had something nefarious to hide. yes...it all tracked everywhere, hence i have stayed with gmail after migrating from yahoo - i just no longer like the corporation.

as for yahoo being some grand provider... i juct use email. i could care less for the rest of it. they even deleted my travel photos. i do still like the financial pages for ease of use / quick look ups.

anyway - thanks for you input

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You can have POP mail accounts that get cleared out every time you access via your mail client so your mail stays on the server only a short time. I don't know any free ones,

Hotpop have free pop mail http://www.hotpop.com there's a couple of others around.

Personally, I don't like web based mail, not secure (but is any email) and I like to keep my email (I've got mails going back to 1996) not all you understand, just the important ones.

Anything private gets double zipped (so the file names become invisible) and encrypted with PGP, not totally bomb proof but they'll have to try really hard to get my bank details :o

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It’s Gmail for me after many years with BigPond, Hotmail and/or Yahoo. I’m not too concerned about email security so I don’t look at that when selecting my email account.

2.8Gb file space, quick access, POP and SMTP, very good SPAM filtering and after recent outages with others through the Taiwan cable failure Gmail was always there.

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they sold out to china and im sure they will give the us govt anything they desire at the drop of a hat despite claims to 'do no evil'.
I am not so sure about that. The nature of Google's business means that they would be crazy to invade the privacy of their users. That's why they resisted (successully) the recent government attempts to make them hand over a sample of user search data. There are probably circumstances where they can be legally compelled to hand over information.

Everyone has sold out to China, but for Google this had to do with not supporting search/access to sites prohibited by the government. So this was a case of *not* handing over information (to users), not giving user data to the government.

of course its all there to be had by many means (sitting on server, back ups...) but actively working at retaining email and 'reading email' to sell you stuff is something im not pleased with. gmail does have excellent spam filter though, ill give it that.

It's not so much a case of reading it as using automated scanning to match advertising. I guess they could apply the same to help the government look for people it didn't like, but I think you'll find the government has its own system for that.

fyi: pop accounts are just as bad if not worse for privacy and yes email can be plucked from th ether. and yes, there is hushmail but its more trouble than its worth - perhaps its gotten better - i think the other person has to use hushmail.

All POP access to Gmail accounts is over an encrypted connection, so it cannot be casually read in transit. Also, if you access your webmail account using the prefix https:// to get to the login page, you will stay in an encrypted connection the whole time (instead of reverting to unencrypted connection after the login).

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All POP access to Gmail accounts is over an encrypted connection, so it cannot be casually read in transit. Also, if you access your webmail account using the prefix https:// to get to the login page, you will stay in an encrypted connection the whole time (instead of reverting to unencrypted connection after the login).

For all intents and purposes, SSL is pretty much unbreakable. The array of computing power needed to brute force it means that few if any are ever going to need to worry about it.

I think the OP needs to dial back the paranoia somewhat.

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Until recently, I had a Yahoo.com (US) Premium account for the extra storage, but let the Premium part lapse when I realized I was using Gmail far more. I was then dismayed to learn that a normal US Yahoo account has no POP-3 mail facility for downloading emails, nor does it allow forwarding emails to other accounts (other Yahoo domains .sg, .uk, etc., still allow this). I finally had to use Thunderbird with a Webmail extension to "fool" Yahoo into allowing me to download nearly 10 years of my email -- a slow, painful process, not without its own set of hiccups. I've since uploaded the downloaded Yahoo email into GMail as an offline backup.

It's goodbye to Yahoo -- I couldn't see being held hostage by Yahoo (no POP-3 for secondary local backup) when others like GMail offer more features and more storage for free.

Edited by talatnat
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  • 1 year later...

From gmail's T & Cs:

Gmail's privacy notice states that "Google"s computers process the information in your messages for various purposes, including formatting and displaying information to you, delivering advertisements and related links, preventing unsolicited bulk mail (spam), backing up your messages, and other purposes relating to offering you Gmail".

Your mail is stored & scanned for keywords for the benefit of Google's advertising realm - much the same way as China does.

My current 'night job' employer does the same. No foreign words allowed to be used in their system. Painful, with so many Viet, Indian & Philippine workers. Moreso when you consider what English is made from...

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Well. over the years (15y using internet) I have tried them all from A like AOL to Z like Zmail and come to the conclusion there's nothing better than Gmail, at least for my needs!

In the meantime I have 5 accounts with them, even pay for extra space and I am happy with it and won't trade it for another program. For Thailand I can say sometimes it is not to accessible within "a second" but Gmail has its own link to Thailand (Asia) and except the problem Gmail faced about 10 days ago I can't remember any downtime longer than 1 or 2 minutes - if it was actually a downtime and not a routing related issue.

https is the word. Users who still connect with http will face loading problems. Gmal got everything. Check out the LAB features and you will confirm that. Well, I am handling all my mail accounts with IMAP not POP and must admit in the very beginning of their IMAP service there were some glitches, but who is perfect? I can't complain of the reliability of their IMAP. No, I don't promote Gmail but I use the Internet over 17years and wrote about my experiences. An as some OP mentioned there is no secret chamber where hundreds of people read emails... If you want a good reliable service go for Gmal or Yahoo but don't even think a second about using hotmail (better known as crap mail)...

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This thread is pretty old, but anyway, Gmail now allows you to set 'always use https' in the preferences somewhere, well worth doing. And you can use Gmail with your own domain name free (for up to 50 accounts) by signing up for Google Apps. I moved our work email to Google Apps (because our in-house mail server was a disaster) and it has run flawlessly ever since, great option for small business.

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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

The very best: www.hushmail.com


there are some excellent webmails not-english,check your ancestors country,if you remember their language.

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I have used FastMail.FM for many years now. They have many options and I am curently using their new beta version. Prices are reasonable well worth a look IMHO. (I also have Gmail, Yahoo, hotmail, .mac, and others but use them for different things.)

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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

https://www.fastmail.fm/ FTW BO!

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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

I have Hotmail, quite a few years now. I would have recomended then untill Feb. Since I have been hacked twice. First time they sent spam from my hotmail address, posing as though it was me that sent it, second time they did it they cleaned out all my email addresses. Plus they won't answer my emails, they are ignoring me.

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im growing increasing alarmed at what im reading about google politically [news/info/email] (and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent) and ive never like the yahoo.com domain - although i have accounts at both.

is anyone aware of a stable/established free web based email other than above?

and im all to aware that it reads and records every email sent

In 2006 an estimated 60 billion emails were send daily worldwide. I trust this figure might have doubled already.

I don't know Googles share of this cake. But lets guess its only 10%, then they must have employed a few millions of staff for that 'mail reading' job. I am stunned... must be a hel_l of a job :o

It is true providers must store emails for some time but read them....? :D

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Until recently, I had a Yahoo.com (US) Premium account for the extra storage, but let the Premium part lapse when I realized I was using Gmail far more. I was then dismayed to learn that a normal US Yahoo account has no POP-3 mail facility for downloading emails, nor does it allow forwarding emails to other accounts (other Yahoo domains .sg, .uk, etc., still allow this). I finally had to use Thunderbird with a Webmail extension to "fool" Yahoo into allowing me to download nearly 10 years of my email -- a slow, painful process, not without its own set of hiccups. I've since uploaded the downloaded Yahoo email into GMail as an offline backup.

It's goodbye to Yahoo -- I couldn't see being held hostage by Yahoo (no POP-3 for secondary local backup) when others like GMail offer more features and more storage for free.

You can get POP and forwarding w/ Yahoo by changing your profile in Account Information to Asia. UK might work as well, but I know that Asia works. After you change the profile, you have to select POP from the new POP/forwarding link that will appear.

It's thought that Yahoo will eventually offer POP on all profiles.

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