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New UK PM must put Brexit plan to second referendum - Labour's Corbyn


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4 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

but the PM will need to ask for an extension and he wont be doing that so we crash out at the last minute

that decision (keep up with the many votes we have had) rests with Parliament not the PM - he will never get a majority for anything the lying,treacherous, self-centred,sofa wine spilling philandering Eton bully....

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i will be back on the 31st to remind you we left ,,the default position cant be changed ..boris can stop paying the EU bills on 31st..

he wont extend the leaving day and cant be revoked despite all the remoaners ..

and theres is a pending case in the high court we left in march as it is as TM extended the leaving day without having the authority to do so

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1 minute ago, 3NUMBAS said:

i will be back on the 31st to remind you we left ,,the default position cant be changed ..boris can stop paying the EU bills on 31st..

he wont extend the leaving day and cant be revoked despite all the remoaners ..

and theres is a pending case in the high court we left in march as it is as TM extended the leaving day without having the authority to do so

err  that's a no then ........

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Brexiteer MP brilliantly explains why Remainer Tories will not 'thwart will of the people'

PRO-Brexit Conservative Andrew Bridgen MP brilliantly explained how big the task in front of Remain-supporting members in Parliament truly is if they intend to “thwart the will of the British people”.




He told the show: “What it would require rebels to do, who wish to thwart the will of the British people, is to basically seize control of the Order Paper and manage to get all stages of revocation bill of Article 50 through Parliament.

“There are also not that many Parliament days where that could happen.

“The alternative is voting down the Government which would require Conservative members to do that.

“They would then be possibly triggering a General Election where they certainly won’t be the candidates because they will lose the whip.”

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He said: “The key point is this: that in statute law it says we’re leaving on October 31.

“The European community, even if they wanted to, couldn’t impose an extension beyond that on the UK.

“Only the British Prime Minister can ask for an extension, which might not even be granted.

“And Boris has been very clear that he has no intention of asking for an extension.

“So the position remains very clear in statute law - that the UK leaves the EU on October 31 this year.”

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1 minute ago, 3NUMBAS said:

Brexiteer MP brilliantly explains why Remainer Tories will not 'thwart will of the people'

PRO-Brexit Conservative Andrew Bridgen MP brilliantly explained how big the task in front of Remain-supporting members in Parliament truly is if they intend to “thwart the will of the British people”.




He told the show: “What it would require rebels to do, who wish to thwart the will of the British people, is to basically seize control of the Order Paper and manage to get all stages of revocation bill of Article 50 through Parliament.

“There are also not that many Parliament days where that could happen.

“The alternative is voting down the Government which would require Conservative members to do that.

“They would then be possibly triggering a General Election where they certainly won’t be the candidates because they will lose the whip.”

ah the Express beloved of Diana and Madeleine conspiracy stories qoutes some no-name MP who actually mentions revoking A50 - this is not what we are focusing on at the moment - just the thwarting the ability of Johnson to crash out with no deal on 31st. Neither our sovereign Parliament nor the EU want it so it is a done deal. The kamikaze Tories don't care they will lose their seats anyway and are putting country before party for a change. 

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An election is in the offing...from the Torygraph.... oh and we won't be leaving on the 31st - but dream on hey if it makes you happy. 


So Boris will push for no deal, and anti-no deal Conservative MPs will vote him down in a no confidence vote. Most of them currently say they would vote for him, but they have to say that otherwise they will have the whip withdrawn and be expelled from the party. When the moment comes, they will know that the only way to stop no deal, given that revoking Article 50 is not an option, is to vote Boris down. So that is what they will do. Perhaps a few Labour MPs will abstain on the key vote, but Boris faces 30 or more ardent anti-no dealers. He’ll go down by 50 plus votes.

So there’ll be a general election

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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