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Cutting MDF/Foil


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I had a new kitchen fitted a while ago but the company didn't do pelmet for under the kitchen wall cupboards to conceal lighting.  I have obtained some matching pelmet in the UK and will be bringing it over on my next trip.  Most people will know that despite how kitchen units may look, most are made from MDF - the surface material is actually a foil.


I'm fairly handy but I'm not a joiner and haven't cut foil covered MDF before. I will need to make several 45 degree cuts and I'm concerened about getting these clean and sharp - no damage to the foil.


I would guess that a joiner would use a fine blade on a cross cut saw but I don't have one in Thailand. However, I could be wrong and there may be a better way of cutting this material - anyone?


If I'm correct, does anyone have, or knows a shop/joiner that has a cross cut not to far away from Pak Chong that could help, it would be much appreciated.


Failing that I could use a mitre block and cut it by hand, what's the best type of saw for this?

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Pretty much all UK kitchen units of a decent standard are foil wrap so its not unusual.

Its only an external corner I suppose that is the concern.

 Most importantly always cut from the foil side only. Going from the back with leave the face in a mess.


One technique is to score the cut line with a Stanley knife or similar, it will cut the foil ckeanly before you get the saw in.

As its only a pelmet, so 50/75 deep you can use a fine tooth back saw.

Infact Global have some great ones for 90bt or so and with a single handle and a reverse teeth set almost a copy of a Japanese Shokunin saw.

You can buy the plastic corner and soffit blocks anywhere. Glue and screw from the back...obviously.

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