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Prescription or OTC Painkillers in BKK?


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Hi guys,

I just arrived in BKK from Chiang Mai. I have 4 herniated discs in my thoracic spine, 3 in cervical and levoscoliosis in both thoracic and lumbar spine. Long thoracic nerve damage; lack of function in left serratus anterior, left shoulder impingement/bursitis ,latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum. Pain 24/7 when standing, sitting, laying down. 


Seen 30+ doctors in the US, got referred to pain management - prescribed Oxy 30s, stopped 2 months in because did not want to rely on them. Went to China to see “traditional Chinese medicine doctors”, in August 2017 until June 2019, around 35-40 different doctors. Also went to Malaysia to see a famous Gonstead chiropractor. Soon headed back to China to see two more doctors.


i’ve been traveling for the past month (Jakarta) and just got to Thailand 5 days ago.

Was prescribed 20mg Codeine Phosphate (Codikaf) in Indonesia for the last 5 days because of extreme pain. Was also offered MST (Morphine Sulfate) and Fentanyl which I quickly refused. However, after taking the codeine for a few days (genetic codeine without an antihistamine I developed angiodema under my bottom lip. 


I am only staying in Thailand until August first with my girlfriend, honestly Chiang Mai was a drag because I was in a lot of pain. I was wondering if doctors here in Bangkok could prescribe something like MST or OxyContin for short-term (3-4 days) so I could enjoy my vacation. Or if there were any other options equal,

NSAIDS don’t work for me, nerve medications do not work, can’t take medications with paracetamol because I have elevated liver values from past NSAID use - prescribed. I know they offer Tramadol OTC - however I am hesitant to take it because it acts as an SNRI, which gives me depression for weeks after I take the med.


All and any help would be appreciated.

I can provide proof of x-rays, some MRIs if needed.


thanks a lot.. 

Edited by Rxckzsocrszy
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Oxycontin is not available in Thailand


Morphine and fentanyl are but you will have difficulty persuading a Thai doctor to order either for outpatient use except in terminal cancer.


Have nerve ablations been considered?


Best to see a specialist in pain management. Suggest:



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Years ago i was in agony due to possible sciatica or gout or both. Im afraid to say not one pain specialist could help in Thailand where there is ludicrous hypocrisy,  as in the west about addiction and pain killing and all the myths that go with it.  You have a right to a pain free life. The law does nor agree. Pain is real, addiction a concept.  Go home to a civilised country where informed medical staff can help you. If in Thailand go a doctor but never believe the law or the authorities when it comes to pain control and addiction.  Just NEVER break the law...or expect help with pain control unless you have senior doctors in your family....anywhere in the world....In the UK we have the ludicrous situation where 87 year old terminal cancer patients, weeping in agony, are denied opioid based pain killers due to addiction issues. For historical reasons Thais have an issue with nature's gift...for hysterical reasons westerners have similar prejudices.  Think Keith Richards....BUT NEVER BREAK THE LAW...ANYWHERE....

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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Oxycontin is not available in Thailand


Morphine and fentanyl are but you will have difficulty persuading a Thai doctor to order either for outpatient use except in terminal cancer.


Have nerve ablations been considered?


Best to see a specialist in pain management. Suggest:




Thanks Sheryl, yes I have used Lyrica, Gabapentin, and Topamax to no effect. The pain is terrible lately, only been getting 3-4 hours of sleep daily

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14 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Years ago i was in agony due to possible sciatica or gout or both. Im afraid to say not one pain specialist could help in Thailand where there is ludicrous hypocrisy,  as in the west about addiction and pain killing and all the myths that go with it.  You have a right to a pain free life. The law does nor agree. Pain is real, addiction a concept.  Go home to a civilised country where informed medical staff can help you. If in Thailand go a doctor but never believe the law or the authorities when it comes to pain control and addiction.  Just NEVER break the law...or expect help with pain control unless you have senior doctors in your family....anywhere in the world....In the UK we have the ludicrous situation where 87 year old terminal cancer patients, weeping in agony, are denied opioid based pain killers due to addiction issues. For historical reasons Thais have an issue with nature's gift...for hysterical reasons westerners have similar prejudices.  Think Keith Richards....BUT NEVER BREAK THE LAW...ANYWHERE....

Sheryl suggested https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/en/doctors/pongparadee-chaudakshetrin/


Have you been there?

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35 minutes ago, madmen said:

How can you even travel all those trips with all the issues you have going on?  Your giving a healthy backpacker a run for his money

Haha, the trips to China/Malaysia have all been for treatment, my girlfriend is Indonesian so not much hostel hopping when I was there. I bring her with me, she gets a free vacation and I get to experience more pain haha 

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