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"tookair" Lizard Problem - Help Wanted

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A "tookair" (large lizard which makes a loud noise overy so often at night) has taken up residence in the wooden panelling just behind my bed and is making a good night's sleep difficult. Banging on the panelling doesn't help. I have 3 cats but they can't get in the wall space.

Any ideas about displacing it humanely (eg spray? Electric signal emitter?), or as a last resort, some kind of poison?


please do your best not to have to kill it. i know they can be annoying and messy in the house, but they are quite lovely in their own way. best of luck.


I wonder if you had a light up in its space that you could turn on when the problem occured if it would solve the problem....seems like they like dark places so maybe a light on occasionally would deter them altogether....don't know though.


Don´t they like light since they as the rest of the smaller lizards hunt in the night and around sources of light? You´re more likely to find lizards around light since it attracts small bugs for them to eat.

A "tookair" (large lizard which makes a loud noise overy so often at night) has taken up residence in the wooden panelling just behind my bed and is making a good night's sleep difficult. Banging on the panelling doesn't help. I have 3 cats but they can't get in the wall space.

Any ideas about displacing it humanely (eg spray? Electric signal emitter?), or as a last resort, some kind of poison?

Mosquito / ant insecticide spray should kill or at least displace it.


I feel sorry for you. I wouldn't call them "lovely" at all, unlike their regular and smaller house lizard cousins. Perhaps, they are special in their own ecological way, but they are scary looking lizards, with their big heads, big eyes, and weird colors. If they were in my room, either they or I have to go. People say that if these Tokays get a hold of you, they would not let go!! Just the thought of it make me want to faint!

This is the info from Wikipedia:

Tokay geckos are aggressive carnivores which will eat a variety of insects and even small mice. Their aggressive behaviour can lead to attacks on other male Tokays, other gecko species, and also human handlers.... They are renowned for their aggressive disposition and (unusually for lizards) their loud vocalizations....

The bite of a large tokay, while unlikely to cause lasting damage to a human, is painful and can easily draw blood. Furthermore, a tokay gecko, once having bitten, will not readily let go. Tokay owners report that the only effective way (other than waiting) to get the lizard to release its hold is to submerge it in water....

And more here with their "ugly" picture:



Apparently they like Thai tobacco. I have used this once to catch one & relocate it. Put a big wad of tobacco on the end of a stick & poke the lizard. It will bite the stick & eat the tobacco. After a while, the tobacco will make it drowsy & you can then pick it up.

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