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Tt&t Connection Problems?


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Have been facing very low connection speeds lately. I have the maxnet 256/512 connection.

Have been getting dowload speeds not higher then 30Kbps and upload speeds not higher then 70Kbps

anybody else facing the same problem or did something creep in my computer??

If you face the same any reason for this?


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Yesterday was very slow, technical problems at TT&T.

Today normal again, I'm on Maxnet@life (sme package) 256/125 and getting stable 200+kbps downloads...

Been VERY BAD for me today download speed 8 with maxnet. I called them and all they could say was

"CAT is the problem" no matter what question I asked the girl I just kept getting the same answer.

Loxinfo dial up has been better for me today.

Cheers Tony :o

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same for TOT....also damned slow yesterday.

Guess they are all routed through the same "Chonburi Node" that is most of the time cited as the cause of the problem when you talk to one of their "engineers"....

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bloody good methinks for a mobile connection!

And before everybody runs out buying aircards, unfortunately its only Thailand (often 300+kbps) and Singapore based sites which are fast, European/American based sites come in well below 100kbps :o

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