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Transferwise August Updates

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Since all the other related threads are so long, I thought I would make this new thread for people to post their latest updates when using TransferWise.


Please let us know your latest experience using TransferWise this month and if there is anything to add good or bad. Thanks

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When I got an email from Transferwise actually recommending i use the more expensive but 100% FTT Swift method from my own bank, that was it. After 6 x 65k Transfers this year all FTT, then last month's being SMT, I have now put Bht 900k in my FCA and there it shall stay.

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58 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

When I got an email from Transferwise actually recommending i use the more expensive but 100% FTT Swift method from my own bank, that was it. After 6 x 65k Transfers this year all FTT, then last month's being SMT, I have now put Bht 900k in my FCA and there it shall stay.

Good for you. Wish I could do that, I would sleep better at night.

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