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Firefox Internet Browser -- Worth The Bother ?


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I tried the much-ballyhooed Firefox browser but still prefer using Internet Explorer 6 with Windows xp.

IE6 has a nicer interface, no pop-ups, same speed as Firefox, and I have no virus issues by updating AVG antivirus twice daily.

However I am still open to persuasion by the learned forum members!

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Firefox, better faster more secure.

From my perspective, Internet explorer tells you what you can and cannot do, Firefox, you tell it what you want it to do and it does it, if its not sure it asks you, whereas IE has made the decision for you already. Firefox can be customized to fit what ever you would need.

Personaly I haven't used IE for several years now, even windows updates can be completed through the IE tab plugin. That, adblock, FEBE and faster fox are the only addon's I use. For me its a better browsing experience, plus ya don't get that annoying click every time your go back/forward or click a link.

If configured correctly I think FF is the superior browser both in speed and ease of use.

Theres my 2cents anyways.

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IE and AVG. Two of the things that most computers I have to fix due to virus and malware infestations have in common.

Firefox is more secure, far more configurable, and is not so integrated into the kernal of the system as to create vulnerabilities to future attacks.

As for AVG, there's signs it's improving (had nowhere to go but up) but Antivir is also free and has been outperforming even most of the paid AVs lately.

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The only negative about Firefox is that it is a memory hog. I can leave it up for a few hours and it jumps from 125mb to well over 300mb in memory and 100 % cpu.

As the others said, it is fully configurable by YOU, not Bill Gates. 100s of plugins to fit all tastes. And with the IE plug in, who needs IE?

IE and windows explorer all "call home" when you start them. Not Gates' business to know who or where I am. :o

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The only negative about Firefox is that it is a memory hog. I can leave it up for a few hours and it jumps from 125mb to well over 300mb in memory and 100 % cpu.

there must be something wrong. never experienced that problem.

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Well you are the first person I've ever heard that prefers IE to Firefox. Did you actually try it longer than a day? If you did and configured properly and to your liking (they have tons of amazing plugins), it's really hard to believe that you would still prefer IE over Firefox. Then again, if you like IE, continue using it. Simple as that.

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The only negative about Firefox is that it is a memory hog. I can leave it up for a few hours and it jumps from 125mb to well over 300mb in memory and 100 % cpu.

100% cpu? Sounds like bigger problems than just Firefox. Never encountered a problem like that and I've been using Mozilla browsers since the beginning.

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The only negative about Firefox is that it is a memory hog. I can leave it up for a few hours and it jumps from 125mb to well over 300mb in memory and 100 % cpu.

there must be something wrong. never experienced that problem.

Then I would really like to know what that "something" is. I have had the same problem with Firefox - 100% CPU usage and total lockup of computer when more than a couple of tabs open. I have removed program 4 times and re-installed with new downloads. Have removed all registry entries. Have tried everything and it is c r a p on my computer (2.4 Cel and 512 mem). It is slower than IE (I use Maxthon now) and I even tried that tweak program mentioned with no improvement. Maxthon is noticeably faster and much smoother loading pages. The only problem with Maxthon is this site emotions will not work and when try them get locked out of TV for about 5 minutes. :o

I am able to run Opera without problems.

I also tried Thunderbird as a replacement for Outlook. Within 24 hours had power glitch and that program died - exe would not open - tried re-install and that worked as a new install over previous without any memory of accounts/messages or contacts. Will not set it up again with that kind of risk.

Sorry but not all of us are Firefox or Mozilla impressed!

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I really must mention Opera in this discussion of "best browser".

In my experience, with the "cache image" function enabled, fastest browser on the planet.

The "Wand function" is another brilliant piece of software engineering, that

makes typing passwords, and user names, a one click operation.

Just luv it :o

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The only negative about Firefox is that it is a memory hog. I can leave it up for a few hours and it jumps from 125mb to well over 300mb in memory and 100 % cpu.

I'm amazed (truly) some of you have never heard about Firefox memory problems. It is probably the biggest longstanding unresolved issue with Firefox, in fact it was one reason l gave Opera another try. Try opening the same number of tabs in Opera, Firefox and IE and then take a quick look at Task Manager and you will see the problem. The longer you leave Firefox running the worse it gets. On my old computer Firefox would freeze, when it closed you could see the memory usage plummet. You only have to take a look at the Mozilla forums if you don't believe it's an issue. With so many people having this problem and with no apparent fix it's a big turn off for many. I lost count of how many different "solutions" were proffered to fix this issue, apart from many blaming the people complaining. Now with lots of computers having 1GB RAM or more it may not be as big a problem. I still remember someone posting a screenshot of a Task Manager window where memory usage was over 1GB :D but l've grown to prefer Opera anyway.

never heard of "maxthon" before. got curious downloaded and installed it. computer froze after start.


Maxthon is based on the IE engine. It's an improvement over IE and has some handy features which is why l use it for a couple of specific websites. You can play around with it a bit and while l prefer Opera, Maxthon is not bad at all.

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Maxthon is based on the IE engine. It's an improvement over IE and has some handy features which is why l use it for a couple of specific websites. You can play around with it a bit and while l prefer Opera, Maxthon is not bad at all.

Yes, the memory leak problem has always been there, though never seen it as bad as some members have posted. Avant is another excellent IE front end and one I always used until I installed IE tabs.

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never heard of "maxthon" before. got curious downloaded and installed it. computer froze after start.


You didn't install the beta version by chance? The release version has been 100% stable for me but the bata is a bata and very likely to crash.

Also not sure if it plays nice with IE7 if you have that installed - it is for IE6 and adds tabs to that version.

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You didn't install the beta version by chance? The release version has been 100% stable for me but the bata is a bata and very likely to crash.

Also not sure if it plays nice with IE7 if you have that installed - it is for IE6 and adds tabs to that version.

I had Maxthon freeze the other day for the first time ever. I thought it was because of something else l was doing, never thought of IE7. Downloaded the updated Maxthon 1.5.9 #80 and no further problems.

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The main problem with using IE is that it is fully integrated into your operating system so if anything does get in you may not find out till its to late. Third party software like Firefox and Thunderbird is a lot more secure as they do not do this.

Just the ability to add plugins like skype etc makes it a far better product to start with. As for pop ups etc it can do all the same things As IE.


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Firefox is MINE...

It is in every way a personalized browser...

I can make it look the way I want it to.

I can add any extension or plug-in that I need and want.

I can toss out all meaningless clutter.

Most importantly, it's safe and secure...

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I tried the much-ballyhooed Firefox browser but still prefer using Internet Explorer 6 with Windows xp.

IE6 has a nicer interface, no pop-ups, same speed as Firefox, and I have no virus issues by updating AVG antivirus twice daily.

However I am still open to persuasion by the learned forum members!


If you're so happy with IE6 why are you even asking people to convince you otherwise? Stick with what you're comfortable with. Everyone is different and what suits one person is completely unsuitable for others. It's an individual's choice and you have said you don't like Firefox so I don't understand why you want people to convince you otherwise?



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As another poster put it, the memory hog issue is a very old unresolved bug. I was hoping it was fixed with 2.0 but that has not happened.

I use 3 browsers. IE for updates (though I can use Firefox's IE rendering engine), Opera and Firefox.

Opera is very stable now, at 9.## version. I use it as a back up. I like Firefox's color tabs and hundreds of other additions.

I just wish that sessionsaver would work for 2.0. I loved it in 1.5##. I kept IE basically because I had to (built into the OS).

If one wishes to switch to another browser, you gotta give yourself a week with it and not just a day.

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Things I like about Firefox:

1. Small

2. Doesn't get infected daily by trojans/virii daily

3. Simple

4. Updated regularly

5. Now has a questionable spell checker

Thinks I hate about Firefox:

1. Too simple. Things you take for granted in other browsers have to be installed as add-ons (like session saver). Just this one fact can put off a *lot* of people who just want a turnkey "out of the box" experience.

2. The tabbed browsing is now very annoying. You need to scroll the tabs to see them all.

3. Bad Thai support (and never fixed, never will be fixed)

4. Can keep on increasing memory usage until infinity when you open certain pages

5. Options are *sparse*, like advanced network options

I personally use IE (very little), Firefox (somewhat) and Opera (a lot). They all have their weak/strong points, some more than others. Thing is, if you've already decided, no one is going to change your mind.

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Firefox is MINE...

It is in every way a personalized browser...

I can make it look the way I want it to.

I can add any extension or plug-in that I need and want.

I can toss out all meaningless clutter.

Most importantly, it's safe and secure...

You can't get the top toolbar to reduce as much as IE. BAD

Firefox icons are bigger -- take up more space. BAD

Firefox cannot save web pages as single .mht archive files -- this is the clincher. BAD

You can get all Firefox files saved automatically to desktop instead of stupid locations like My Documents with IE. GOOD

The Bookmark feature works a bit better with Firefox in the ability to move them around. GOOD

As for extensions and plug-ins ... what do these have to do with the browser? I have to download Skype just the same if I want to use it, and there will be an icon on the lower-right desktop taskbar to start it up. Overall, not much to choose between. For a simpleton like myself IE6 looks and works marginally better, but thanks to all for your comments.

Edited by Trevor
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