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Collecting Snake Data Of Chiangmai -


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There had been snake in my house for many many month now .

usually we leave it alone .

as my family do not really kill animal .

Today is the 8th or 9th snake that my father caught - we usually catch and release -

my father would drive out to the mountian and release it .

poor animal . city area is no place for snake


This morning he was beaten by a small snake - lucky it was not serious .

he was even laughing at it :o

i would like to start some kinda data photo of snake found in chiangmai - so i can let him know which to avoid .

the common grass snake and rat eater i am not so worry -

the most you get is a painful few hour which will not kill .

i am worry about those that is toxic which can make you suffer and lose a few finger


So if anyone can post me some photo of snake and it name .

so if in event of snake poison i can at least show the doctor what beaten us .

so thee can better find cure for it .

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There had been snake in my house for many many month now .

usually we leave it alone .

as my family do not really kill animal .

Today is the 8th or 9th snake that my father caught - we usually catch and release -

my father would drive out to the mountian and release it .

poor animal . city area is no place for snake


This morning he was beaten by a small snake - lucky it was not serious .

he was even laughing at it :D

i would like to start some kinda data photo of snake found in chiangmai - so i can let him know which to avoid .

the common grass snake and rat eater i am not so worry -

the most you get is a painful few hour which will not kill .

i am worry about those that is toxic which can make you suffer and lose a few finger


So if anyone can post me some photo of snake and it name .

so if in event of snake poison i can at least show the doctor what beaten us .

so thee can better find cure for it .

if its not green stay away from it find a thai when you have another one normally non venomous and venomous dont mix the venomous ones will eat the non :o

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The snake that got my father finger is a green one and we had caught smiliar snake before .

we saw a dark brown one before kind abig also - try to caught it but it got away had not seen it -

if it python is not that scary - i more worry of the cobra and and some of the poisoness one .

so i am looking for more data in case if we mistaken it with one .

extra knowldge will sure help when shit happen

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Tatutu - Best not to catch it if you are unsure what it is. Call somebody who knows what they are doing. The Mae Rim Snake Farm is one place, or I have several contacts who could give a hand at a push.

There are lots of venomous snakes around here not worth trifling with. In recent months I have seen a couple of cobras. (One at least 3 Meters long.) A family of multi-banded Kraits, lethally venomous if you are not treated and with a bite so gentle you sometimes don't even notice it. There have also been a couple of pit vipers along with several non-venomous rat snakes. I caught a copper-backed racer only a week ago (not venomous, but the bite hurts and can swell up a lot.)

I am looking for more rat snakes, if anybody catches one. I have a rat problem that they are very good at solving.

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my snake i caught this morning is a rodent and grass snake that feed on rat and smaller animal .

if i knew you want it i would had pass it to you - my father and mother just left a while ago - driving to the mountian side and let the snake go .. we repeat the process a few time already .

that is why i am collecting data - if the snake get too big . i am not so worry

i am not going to teach how to catch a snake here cos i would not want anyone to try cos is a risk that can kill or seriously give you pain ..

my father on the other hand is a old school guy and he do many thing . which is hard for me to stop him .. so what i can do is advice and be ready ..

i spotted a cobra once and i got real worry

like p1p said .. alot of the snake is dangerous specially if you are unsure of what is it .

you got any thai number which i can call ..

and also - i do not wish the snake killed in the process .. if it going to be some meal on someone table i rathe rlet it be in my house

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Actually there are some pretty nasty and dangerous green snakes around. I believe that the Russell's viper is a green, as are some other pit vipers, and are not easy to distinguish from a common green tree snake.

I recall this thread from a year or so ago.


There is a link to a site with lots of snake info.

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There are quite a few trouser snake experts in Loi Kroh but they expect to be paid for consultations by the hour.

they can be deadly as well these snake experts, it is a well known fact that once a snake's venom has been milked the snake has no bite left so it may be vulnerable to the experts charm and mercy, there are many symtoms but the most common is shrinking bank funds :o

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Ah yes, the age-old question: should one milk the snake alone or hire a so-called expert who may milk more than the snake.

You be strange people - not unlike myself.. :o

A few blocks straight East from Thaphae Gate is a little bookshop across from the big temple that has a paperback entitled, "Snakes and other reptiles of Thailand and South-East Asia" that is excellent. It is quite likely that Gecko Books has it as well - another of my favorite bookstores. The book has a green banner on the top that says, "A Photographic Guide to" and a lovely pic of a green snake below. I paid 395B for mine and would not be without it since we recently had a black and while cobra in our carport.

But then, having a book don't mean doo-doo in an emergency. Study the book, learn which ones are indiginous to your area and refer to it as often as you shower (not often is my guess). :D

If bitten, kill the snake if possible and take the remains with you to the hospital if you are not absolutely positive as to the kind of snake that has beaten you. Extreme pain is a good indicator that you need medical assistance NOW but better safe that sorry, eh? Only the neuro-toxics are deadly unless you have been bitten on the face or neck by a viper where swelling will shut off your breathing.

Education saves lives...

Regards, snake-in-the-grass Dustoff

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i was watching Snake on the plane some week ago .

this woman drink Oil first or rather coat her mouth with Oil .. then suck the poison out .. sou8nd logical to me as coating the mouth with oil will kinda prevent your from getting poison ..

is it a good idea or just some sound good but total myth

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i was watching Snake on the plane some week ago .

this woman drink Oil first or rather coat her mouth with Oil .. then suck the poison out .. sou8nd logical to me as coating the mouth with oil will kinda prevent your from getting poison ..

is it a good idea or just some sound good but total myth

I have seen this done (I was the victim) and the person who did it for me (my father) first rinsed their mouth with potassium permanganate solution, which was a common disinfectant in the olden days, and again after sucking the poison and blood out. The fear was that the venom could enter the first aid giver through any unknown dental cavities or mouth lesions.

This method is not recommended anymore. I was bitten by a tiger snake, which are quite venomous, but the method was done immediately and neither I nor my father had any ill effects although we were able to get to a hospital within 30 minutes that had the anti-venene.

I also saw SOAP and it reminded me of this incident. I do know that coating the snake in olive oil and then frying them renders them much less harmful.

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i was watching Snake on the plane some week ago .

this woman drink Oil first or rather coat her mouth with Oil .. then suck the poison out .. sou8nd logical to me as coating the mouth with oil will kinda prevent your from getting poison ..

is it a good idea or just some sound good but total myth

This achieves nothing. The correct first aid treatment for any snake bite is to put a pad of cloth on top of the bite site and bandage very tightly. Immobilise the area with splints if possible and get straight to hospital for antivenin treatment.

The only hospital in Chiang Mai to hold most antivenins in stock is the Maharaj, on Suthep road. Other hospitals will either send you there, or send there for their injectibles.

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