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"Grisly" death of a teen on a motorcycle on her way to a funeral


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6 hours ago, Seismic said:

Fact is she had no license or protective gear. She was riding illegally and had little or no road sense or situational awareness. Yes, it is very sad, but she should not have been on that bike in the first place.

wow - a poor 15 year old girl with her whole life before her, now cruelly snuffed out and you leap to the (unfounded) negatives of her actions.


You ever made a mistake that you deserved to die for ?

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6 hours ago, HanSRT10 said:

The legal age to ride motorcycle in Thailand is 15, so before accusing the girl of breaking the law better get your facts straight first.  The fact that she had the legal age to ride a motorcycle of course doesn't mean she actually has a drivers' license.  In fact she most probably didn't but that doesn't change the fact that there was nothing wrong with her riding a motorcycle at her age.  It's just sad that a young girl with good intentions got killed in traffic by a coward who didn't have the common decency to stop.  RIP little girl

Thank you. And considering that she's on the way to a funeral to help them doesn't make it better.


   And still there were posters saying that she wasn't allowed to ride a bike, had no helmet, etc, without even knowing more than what was reported. Why blaming somebody who got killed? 


     A very young girl got killed by another driver and that's sad enough, i don't care if she had a license or not.


I know many foreigners and Thais here who don't have one. And they are adults. RIP.



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...be a small small world;

if it transpired she was on the way to the very funeral of that other woman who'd gone under the truck she'd blindingly snuck in front of! 


( insert 'vicious circle' here)

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9 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

No license also helmet too I imagine.how long as she been driving a bike.shame she is dead now but she is underage for a license.i am sure it happen again soon as well




If you really not have better comments to give then this ridiculous one then better use your time usefull and get yourself another beer from the fridge.


Show some respect for the poor girl.


Like all those things you wrote could have saved her from those trucks who just drove against her.

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5 hours ago, hansnl said:

Oh yes, and riding a bicycle is losing face, isn't it?

Some areas, the school is shared between a few villages. I have seen along kamphangphet to Tak highway young school children ( below 15 years of age) riding motorcycles home. Definitely a distance too far to cover by bicycles. 

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20 hours ago, Hank Gunn said:

It's also possible that the truck or trucks in this case, were not even the direct cause of this crash.

From the OP: "Witness Wasana Eungsawat, 47, said she was first to find the body. She had been on another bike behind and though she didn't actually see the accident she suspected it was caused by one or both of two truck trailers who were on the road." (emphasis mine)

In any case, very sad.

how do you not see the bike in front of you have an accident?

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2 hours ago, justin case said:

no trucks stop, no police, no cctv


but immigration has time to bother farangs with tm30 bullshit


good use of people

you haters - make your minds up - when police set up road blocks its a total waste of time apparently - now you want them, then you don't blah blah blah


If you're not happy with immigration which doesn't seem to bother 99% of people - go home its really that simple

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3 hours ago, inThailand said:

how do you not see the bike in front of you have an accident?

Where in the OP did it state the position of the trucks relative to this poor deceased young lady? Perhaps you were there and witnessed this incident? Otherwise it is all speculation.

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