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Hi, does anyone have recommendations on where to buy or adopt chihuahua or mixed small dog puppies in chiang mai.  I have looked at the rescue sites already and not really seen anything--it doesn't have to be a pure bred chihuahua, or not even a chihuahua at all--we have large dogs outside and am looking for a pretty small dog to be inside for our children to enjoy.  


For a variety of reasons, we are staying away from poms, or other longer haired smaller dogs, and dogs like pugs, boxers, as all research will tell you they have consistent breathing and eye problems, especially in hot climates--although, they remain very popular in Thailand.  We have several friends with pugs and french boxers, and while they love them dearly, they all have health problems that necessitate many trips to the vet.


Again, a mixed breed or a rescue is great, just haven't seen any smaller, short hair puppies in the category, but sometimes families raise a litter and are looking for someone to adopt or buy.  Perfect Pedigree will sell one for 25,000 baht!!!  We passed.


Thanks for any recommendations


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