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Workplace change nonb

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We have a new teacher who returned from Laos with his Non-b. He has checked into immigration and all is fine. The work permit has not been applied for yet. He wishes to change schools and I am wondering about the status of his visa.

Can he keep his non-b and apply for a work permit at the new school. 

Should his visa be somehow cancelled when he quits at our school (current school) 



 (my school is upset as they spent a lot of money on his Laos trip etc) 


Thanks for any info. 

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 He got his Visa in Laos for school "A"  School "A" has not applied for WP yet. He wants to now change schools to school "B" 

Can he use the Non-b he has, which he attained from paperwork for school "A" to work and get a WP for school "B"

Is school "A" supposed to contact immigration and inform them when he moves to school "B" 


Thank you,I hope that is more clear


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Non-B Visas are issued after the applicant signs a contract with a particular school, and submits that, and other documents to the Thai Embassy or Consulate. He can stay in Thailand until his Visa expires, but I don't think he can change schools, unless they are owned by the same employer. There is no harm in asking the Personnel Officer of School B to contact the local Immigration Office and asking.

Edited by allane
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