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A double healthcare whammy for expat retirees


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I was wondering why the Thai government had gone quiet about its controversial plans to make private health insurance compulsory for certain categories of foreigners living in LOS. Could this possibly be the explanation?




My apologies If this item has already made news on ThaiVisa. If so, I must have missed it, along with any discussion on the Forum of its implications and impact.


Prime facae is looks like an alternative way to skin the falang cat, but with the main beneficaries now being cash-strapped public hospitals rather than private insurance companies. That's about it's only saving grace, as far as thousands of foreign retirees like myself are concerned. 


We are already caught between a rock and a hard place, as Thai inflation rises and the baht continues to soar. Now we can expect to pay double the standard (Thai) price for public hospital services. Other categories of expats, as well as tourists, will also have to dig deeper into their pockets for treatment.


The only consolation would be if the proposed mandatory health insurance scheme has now been binned. Or is it stil lurking in the wings, waiting to be sprung on us at a later date? What a double whammy this would be!


Nothing would surprise me. The message from a clearly-elitist leadership seems to be that retirees who are not wealthy - even those who have raised or are still supporting Thai families - are no longer welcome.

Edited by Krataiboy
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