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They start up at around 4am and crow to each other , how do you keep these damned fuggers quiet so as not to get woken up too early ..

the owners wont cover them up i have asked them ..

They start up at around 4am and crow to each other , how do you keep these damned fuggers quiet so as not to get woken up too early ..

the owners wont cover them up i have asked them ..

No idea! Know how to shut the damm frogs up? :o


you got to distinguish between fighting cocks and the simple barnyard variety. The former screeches loudly to the delight of their owners (if in latin america they would say 'que macho...') and the little guys just go about their business with a cock-a-doodle-do.

If no agreement can be reached with the neighbor maybe it's time to reach for the strychnine lased pellets. Trouble is that people that breed fighting cocks are tied up with local mafia...that dumbsh1t bandana/ponytail Carabao on the TV was exposed as a semi gangster when he hid his stock from the exterminators during the bird flu crisis.

Believe me I hear what you're talking about...20 years ago in central america my sleeping arrangement was such that I was awake at 4am every morning from shreeking pet cockerels going back and forth from yard to yard. I wanted to shoot them and their owners. Plenty of AK47s around at the time but I did not want to appear to be a cultural imperialist.

Pay off the local cops and poison the cockerels to insure no objection from the neighbors...

you got to distinguish between fighting cocks and the simple barnyard variety. The former screeches loudly to the delight of their owners (if in latin america they would say 'que macho...') and the little guys just go about their business with a cock-a-doodle-do.

If no agreement can be reached with the neighbor maybe it's time to reach for the strychnine lased pellets. Trouble is that people that breed fighting cocks are tied up with local mafia...that dumbsh1t bandana/ponytail Carabao on the TV was exposed as a semi gangster when he hid his stock from the exterminators during the bird flu crisis.

Believe me I hear what you're talking about...20 years ago in central america my sleeping arrangement was such that I was awake at 4am every morning from shreeking pet cockerels going back and forth from yard to yard. I wanted to shoot them and their owners. Plenty of AK47s around at the time but I did not want to appear to be a cultural imperialist.

Pay off the local cops and poison the cockerels to insure no objection from the neighbors...

what i was hoping for is a electronic device that bugs them so bad they clam up .

something that imitates their natural enemy somewhere .

thats if they have one ...

i usually throw a rock at them that frightens them a bit .. and they stop for a while .


listen eric...fighting cocks are bad ass chickens...they don't even like to fukc, just preen, show off and fight...why would you think that 'bantam weight' refers to anything than small ferocious boxers?

I say poison the mothers and their friends...

what i was hoping for is a electronic device that bugs them so bad they clam up .

something that imitates their natural enemy somewhere .

thats if they have one ...

i usually throw a rock at them that frightens them a bit .. and they stop for a while .

No electronic devices - their hearing is pretty bad so they just don't care. Dogs is a different story, I got a couple of ultrasound emitters for my mother in law. All dogs on the soi went quiet.

Chickens on the other hand are afraid of birds of prey. Get a big plastic eagle, preferrably one with its' wings stretched out and put it in a place where it will be visible for the cocks. Should make them run and hide.

A friend of mine used a slingshot to keep his neighbor's pets away. Wouldn't harm them but scared them off.

I wouldn't recommend poisoning or in other ways harming the birds. That will just escalate things and if these are prized fighting cocks you could be in some trouble.

But if you want to go down the "kill 'em" route do it with style. Wrap small pieces of metallic sodium or potassium in aluminium foil. Mix with chicken food. Feed them. Watch them explode. :o (no, don't do this)


More to the point how do we get Ad Carabao to eat metallic sodium or potassium in aluminium.

Now if that were to happen I might just start watching Thai TV.


Earplugs :o

Over time (say 7-10 years), I eventually got used to the sound and now no longer hear the stupid things. Although the plastic hawk thing is a great idea. Will scare the heck out of them, just make sure you rig it so the wings move a bit.

I got a couple of ultrasound emitters for my mother in law.

Did it shut her up?

Are they painless I think we should be told.


Neck wringing is always effective. However, failing that, string a line with a card cut to a hawk shaped outline over their territory. They will see it and hide, quietly.


Cockerals can only crow when they can stretch their necks up. So the answer is to ensure that the height from their perch to the roof is a little too short for them to stretch their necks. Result = perfect bliss

Alternatively, you could try stretching their necks a little too long :o


Anyone remember reading a book called "Danny the champion of the world" as a kid?

You know the one, about the boy whos dad was a poacher and he had the idea of putting sleeping pills in the food to make the birds fall asleep...

I'm thinking a similar approach here, Xanax, bird food and give it to em when they start making a noise...

Humane way of doing it, wont kill em and more importantly the mafia owners wont have a reason to blow your knee caps off with a shotgun.

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