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I got a new Nokia phone the other day with all the gadgets and gizmos, it also comes with bluetooth that I've heard about before, but not sure what it is.

My impression is that it's not really used in Bangkok/Thailand, whatever it is.

Any ideas??

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It's some kind of wireless technology kinda like, IR or Wi Fi on a much smaller scale. You can use Bluetooth to communicate between all other devices that have it such as a printer or other PDA's. It's been around a while but I haven't really seen it take off - at least I don't know many mobile users who use it.

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Bluetooth is a short range (10 - 100m) wireless comminication technology. You can us it to communicate with a bluetooth capable computer for file tranfers, backing up your phones data or to use as GPRS modem to access internet on a Bluetooth enabled laptop. You can also use it with a Wireless Bluetooth headset for for hands free communication.


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when I bought a new phone last month I specifically went for a bluetooth enabled phone, to enable easy comms to my pc. I also purchased a usb dongle. ( 7-800baht for 10m range, 1200 baht for 10-100m range). apart from backup, and gprs modem you can also transfer notes, contacts, pictures, music, games, movies to another bluetooth enabled phone close by.

if you are not using bluetooth, turn it off as it does chew battery power and stops people sending you messages if you are close enough to them(10-15m)(www.bluejackq.com).

my new phone also takes MMC memory cards, and the manual said 128meg was the max but searching on the web I have found that some people are successfully using 512meg and 1 gig cards in their phones.

the new nokias run the symbian 6.0 os which allows you to do a fair bit with them.

one of the first programs you should put on your phone is the file explorer 'FExplorer' which allows you to move files around your phone.


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thx mate that url has loads of gear...

have got a fair bit off the P2P networks though someone tried to slip me the optix trojan the other day. but you can get zipped packs of hundreds of java games for your mobile.

also the emame emulator allows you to play all those old arcade games on your mobile if you wish..

I bought an ngage and have been quite happy with it.. even though its not super small and I have to talk into the side of it, I think talking into the side works well in loud areas as it fits into your ear and I don t have a problem with looking silly.( am used to that)


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basically .... most new mobile gadgets either have infrared or bluetooth (or both) for short distance, ad-hoc wireless communications.

Bummer with infrared is you need line of site.

Bluetooth is omnidirectional, and the data connection is more robust.

I use bluetooth to connect my laptop to my gprs phone, to surf to web, check email, type sms messages etc...

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Have any of you guys heard of Bluejacking?



have done it a couple of times..it is quite harmless, but a bit of a suprise to people who don t know what is going on.

most phones will automatically accept a vcard name or contact name, and because you can use about 256 characters in this you can create a message instead.

when I have done it a thai discos I have kept it to a short hello...this is a bluejack message, because I am sure it is easy to tell if I write too much and I am the only falang in the place.

the only problem is you cannot tell who you are sending the message to until they recieve it and you happen to see them look or hear the message tone on their phone.


added note: this is different from bluesnarfing



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bluetooth will, i'm sure, gain in popularity

'Toothing' craze goes underground


LONDON, England (Reuters) -- British commuters take note -- the respectable person sitting next to you on the train fumbling with their cell phone might be a "toother" looking for sex with a stranger.

"Toothing" is a new craze where strangers on trains, buses, in bars and even supermarkets hook up for illicit meetings using messages sent via the latest in phone technology.

"Toothing is a form of anonymous sex with strangers -- usually on some form of transport or enclosed area such as a conference or training seminar," says the "Beginner's Guide To Toothing" on a Web site dedicated to the pursuit.

It is made possible by Bluetooth technology which allows users to send phone contacts, pictures and messages to other Bluetooth-enabled equipment over a range of about 10 meters (yards).

Users discovered they could send anonymous messages to people they did not know with Bluetooth equipment, spawning a craze dubbed "bluejacking."

Jon, aka "Toothy Toothing" and the guide's author, explained toothing was born after he was "bluejacked" by an unknown girl while commuting to work in London.

After a few days of flirting, she suggested a brief encounter in a station lavatory.

"The meeting wasn't a romantic thing -- it was purely sexual. Barely anything was said," he told Reuters via e-mail.

He said potential toothers begin by sending out a random greeting -- usually "Toothing?"

"If the other party is interested, messages are exchanged until a suitable location is agreed -- usually a public toilet, although there are tales of more adventurous spots such as deserted carriages or staff areas," his guide adds.

Jon, who's in his 20s and works in finance, estimates there could be tens of thousands of toothers from all sorts of professions and lifestyles. Certainly the Web site's message board is busy.

"Any toothing on these trains?" asks one poster about services between Cambridge and London, prompting positive responses from "Dannyboy" and "Zeke."

"I'll be around London Bridge mainline station around 9.45 - 10 a.m. tomorrow if anyone's interested…," another poster called "Boi" wrote hopefully.

While some happily recount their successful encounters, others suggest there are a few teething problems with toothing.

"I tried toothing in Tooting (south London) last night … not a device to be found," a frustrated "Snowdog" posted sadly.

Although clearly not what the industry had in mind, toothing may lead operators towards similar, more mainstream projects.

Novelty factor

Last month it was reported that a team in Boston had created a service for cell phones called Serendipity, an wireless alternative to online dating.

It allows subscribers to store their personal details and what they want from a partner and when there are enough similarities between two people and they happen to be in the same area, it tells their phones to communicate with each other.

Dario Betti, of the British-based consultancy Ovum, said bluejacking had really taken off, helped by the fact the service was free.

"The element of the unknown, that you are connecting to someone around you that you might not know, it's a novelty factor that is helping it to start," he told Reuters.

If Jon and those who use his forum are right, toothing is certainly livening up life for some bored commuters.

"A lot of my day's taken up with a soul-aching commute into the city, and that just feels like dead time," Jon said.

"Flirting is fun, sex is fun. We're just employing expensive, complex toys to find the most basic form of entertainment."

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If you're running on the Mac OS X then bluetooth gets to be really fun, not to mention enabled. I switched last year and bought myself a Sony Ericsson T68i at the same time. Since this is a bluetooth phone, and since I signed up for the .Mac web functionality, I can sync my phone's calendar and address book together which makes the phone into a PDA (as far as I'm concerned).

Better still, and it's possible these will work with PC's, though I'll let you all read up to find out for sure, if you download the Romeo application <http://www.irowan.com/romeo/>

or the Salling Clicker <http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11007> and install these on your computer you can, for all intents and purposes, use your phone as a remote control for the computer.

I've done this with both Powerpoint and Keynote presentations via bluetooth where the phone was my acting as my mouse advancing the slides as the mouse normally would. Heck, bluetooth with either of these apps. will even command the mouse on your computer if you tell it too. Also, if your watching a DVD or listenting to iTunes it's pretty neat to have a bluetooth (phone) remote to tie them together and control the thing anywhere in the room.

I think Acura cars now have bluetooth enabled such that you answer your cellphone manually then route it thru the car's stereo to then drive while talking hands-free.

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Have any of you guys heard of Bluejacking?



have done it a couple of times..it is quite harmless, but a bit of a suprise to people who don t know what is going on.

most phones will automatically accept a vcard name or contact name, and because you can use about 256 characters in this you can create a message instead.

when I have done it a thai discos I have kept it to a short hello...this is a bluejack message, because I am sure it is easy to tell if I write too much and I am the only falang in the place.

the only problem is you cannot tell who you are sending the message to until they recieve it and you happen to see them look or hear the message tone on their phone.


added note: this is different from bluesnarfing



I have also tried bluejacking a couple of times. It is harmless and can be quite funny.

I saw a guy with a Nokia 6600 in a Japanese restaurant. I tried bluetooth connection and found him. Sent a message "enjoy your meal". This guy was grinning like a Cheshire cat looking for his mate who sent the message.

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