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My Day Out In Patong Phuket.


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Yep that was a great story, I loved the bit where he wrote:
The fat guy kept yelling in thai, "do you know who I am?" I did not.

Before going physcho on them, classic. :o

I KNOW that I should have not flipped out like that and it DID scare the dickens out of my wife. She was crying all ove the place which made me only angrier. I have promised her that I would not do it again because she is afraid that one day, "bad thai guy might have a gun". I think the other thais watching, who were working on the road, were cheering me on because I beat the fat guy's BMW around and they are lucky if they can afford a motorbike. You live and you learn, I guess even though I do now carry a shiny metal road with me just in case I run into another "machete" incident. But, I have promised that I will try to be calm and reasonable like. They are more into "ganging up" here than where I am from.

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Like our man Terry says, it's good to kick ass if you can follow it through.

Me, I'd have probably been used as a punch bag too. It's not that I'm weak, it's just that I'm allergic to fighting - I come out in cuts and bruises.

'Choke Dee' to the OP and I hope that we get some news about how things progress, hopefully by nailing these gits to the wall.


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A guy hits you, you do not retaliate, you can have him charged by the police, without any problems concerning yourself.

If you retaliate in kind the police are usually obliged to lay charges against you as well & then the court will sort it out, laying appropriate blame to the concerned parties. (read being involved in a melee for Australian people)

The self defense theory in Thailand doesn't exactly work the same way as in the west. If you have a friendly lawyer, a little advice on this situation would be very much advised.



While I might agree with your sentiments the guy was coming at him with a knife. Such occasions are not the time to be worrying about etiquette or swotting up on what the Marquis of Queensbury would recommend. You have one chance and, whatever your physique, you have to use it to take the other guy out by whatever means are available, fair or foul.

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Yep that was a great story, I loved the bit where he wrote:
The fat guy kept yelling in thai, "do you know who I am?" I did not.

Before going physcho on them, classic. :o

I KNOW that I should have not flipped out like that and it DID scare the dickens out of my wife. She was crying all ove the place which made me only angrier. I have promised her that I would not do it again because she is afraid that one day, "bad thai guy might have a gun". I think the other thais watching, who were working on the road, were cheering me on because I beat the fat guy's BMW around and they are lucky if they can afford a motorbike. You live and you learn, I guess even though I do now carry a shiny metal road with me just in case I run into another "machete" incident. But, I have promised that I will try to be calm and reasonable like. They are more into "ganging up" here than where I am from.

Nice story, but I don't believe it. 3 guys, 2 with weapons and you ripped your shirt off and battered them and smashed up his brand new BMW, yet no charges were pressed! Did you say "don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry" before turning green??

Yes their reason is that they are lazy. This is the only country where I hae seen this happen, except for Baghdad, but they probably have good reasons. I do the same thing. If they won't take me then I leave the door open. Only once, did the the driver try to confront me and I chased him back into the car. The thai people around seemed to cheer me on. It must happen to them too, then. Go to New York city and see what happens if a taxi tries to turn down a reasonable fare.

Another quote from you in the Taxi driver thread. Seems you have a habit of getting aggressive while Thai people cheer you on.

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What a stories guys,just bad experiences and lucky also that it did not escalate even further.I mean a couple of years ago a farang guy got killed when using his middle finger to a guy,stepping out of the car and shot him straight at the place.My wife repeats me over and over just too avoid people who try too make problems,to be polite,cuase you never know who you have infront of you.I got a family and they need me,so even when I can punch several when approaching me,I will leave it.Unless what happened to the OP,it's unavoidable,he did the best he could,and should charge them,but let the police take care of it,just not make the guys want revenge,loosing face too farang,they showed allready they are 'EU",if you underatand what I mean.

I am even more careful,after a good friend of mine,who is a former LUmpini champion,ex world champion kickboxing and thai boxing and famous karateka,get killed in the Netherlands(Rotterdam) after helping a friends problems,he slammed the guys down ,they got back and shot im instanly dead as revenge.He had a so big heart always wanting to help people,cause did not like non fairness,but has left his family with some chlidren behind.Please people do not thing you are such a hero,be carefull,especially when you got a family,there is too much at stake,keep your temper,but never ofcourse let people intimidate you into have to do something what you do not want.Sometimes things just are un avoidable.I wish the Op the best recovery,and drive away the next time around......

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Thanks for all of the kind words, it really is appreciated.

To make a few things clear, the guy was still there when the police came, so yes I know who it is and yes I do have his number of his car.

I just met with the police an hour ago and they are still waiting for my say so on pressing charges or leaving them. My Thai friends, say press charges, but now I know where the guy lives/works, thanks to the police telling me exactly where it is - so I have to think hard whilst Im in hospital tomorrow for 2 days.

The police also checked out my car and although I have no damage to the panels of my car, I did have a swipe mark on my back left tyre, it has been rubbed, so maybe I did "hit" his car and wasnt aware of it as my truck is quite large and with the music / bass on, I wouldnt of felt it.

They showed me the alleged collision mark on his car, it is about 4 cm long, no dent, just a black mark on his back colour coded bumper. Typical young hero car with Never Die crap on the back windscreen. I think what has happened is he was backing out and actually hit my car as I was going along, basically he must of backed into me as I was going past, although so slight I didnt feel it, or was changing the music or something. who knows, I didnt feel it anyway and was none the wiser.

so basically I think he would be in the wrong anyway as he was backing out and hit me as I went past. Not that it matters now.

The reason I dont want to press charges is I dont want to put my wife or myself in harms way or have the stress of thinking about bad things. As many here know, my wife was kidnapped last year over a house I was purchasing went sour because of a greedy little thug, who wanted to extort money from us. (that is a whole other story itself) That is being tried next June. It nearly ruined our marriage and we have just reconcilled over the last two months and then another ######ing problem comes.

Sometimes its better to flee and fight another day when things quiet down. One thing I have learnt in life is if someone causes you grief, let it blow over and then one day knock on the door with a bat and say remember me. Fist fights are for the hot headed (many in my younger life), revenge is best served cold.

I suppose the last 9 months has been very difficult for my family here and I am just sick of it, Im sick of the disregard for peoples welfare and Im sick of being stressed over keeping my family and myself safe from really bad people. Since the kidnapping, we have had 24 hour security, we bought two guns and we have a police check point out the front of my house. Even with some of the most powerfull people in Phuket as my family/friends/colleagues you cannot be safe 24 hours a day unless you are away from the problems.

My wife and I have decided to leave Phuket and head upcountry to our land and build a house.

To me Phuket has become a very violent place and Im sick of being nice/looking the other way, when some prick decides to take thier frustrations out on you. I realise its not just Phuket, but it is immaterial to me as this is where I live.

sorry for the sob story, but Im just sick of the people in Phuket and Im sick of the way we get treated even after all of the staff we employ, the taxes we pay and the donations we make to schools etc - I have tried to fit in for to long and this broken nose has made me re evaluate what is important to me and what I am prepared to put up with.

cheers to all.

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A guy hits you, you do not retaliate, you can have him charged by the police, without any problems concerning yourself.

If you retaliate in kind the police are usually obliged to lay charges against you as well & then the court will sort it out, laying appropriate blame to the concerned parties. (read being involved in a melee for Australian people)

The self defense theory in Thailand doesn't exactly work the same way as in the west. If you have a friendly lawyer, a little advice on this situation would be very much advised.



While I might agree with your sentiments the guy was coming at him with a knife. Such occasions are not the time to be worrying about etiquette or swotting up on what the Marquis of Queensbury would recommend. You have one chance and, whatever your physique, you have to use it to take the other guy out by whatever means are available, fair or foul.

Totally agree with you Phil, the guy had to defend himself. If someone is going to kill you you can't stand their like a stuffed turkey.

My comments were in relation as to whether the OP is or is not going to press charges in the seven days that the police have given him to file a complaint.

Tornado would be wise to have a quick word to a lawyer regarding this situation. (I really hope you got a couple of slamming uppercuts in for good measure dude)

I, for one, hope it goes to court & the little punk has a fair while sitting in a box still wondering "who we think he is".



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Just doesn't sound too believable to me. Car honks and u wait 2 min. to find out what he wants? A 100 people and noone at all comes forward?

people never wade in to help, its the same the world over when something kicks off, they either watch or ignore it

Nightmare scenario Tornado, I hope you fully recover soon.

What has happened to Phuket? All I seem to hear from that island these days are stories of violence.

What happened with the other 5 people, I wonder if they knew the guy from the car or just jumped in because they saw a farang fighting with another Thai? What a bunch of ######.

i go with that as the reason. perfect opportubity to have a go at a farang

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To the OP,

This sounds like a classic story of extortion. I am sure these young "men" were hoping to intimidate you in to paying them for thier trouble and the "damages" to thier car.

It is never a good idea to get into a physical altrication but it looks like you had no choice and did the best you could to survive.

No matter what country, (as this can happen anywhere and is a classic scam) try to drive to a safe populated area preferably with police before you get out.

My advice.

PS did the police ask for any money since they were bothered to show up?

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I felt it the pulling over safe part needed to be repeated. I am glad that you were able to understand and digest this information so quickly but maybe others needed it to be repeated.

Safety needs to be practiced like CPR everyone should take a self defense course yearly to brush up. Clearly avoidance and awarness are the first rules but when things get tight sometimes we dot always do the right things.

Is your question some sort of personal attack?

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Jimmy in Bangkok

I wish you a speedy recovery as well mate and I'm only sorry I wasn't there to lend you a hand. That really p#sses me off......100 people standing around watching a guy get beaten up with the possible outcome being death....aaaaagggggghhhhh
thanks, I wouldnt of stood around and watched someone get beaten either, right or wrong, it would of been instinctive. I appreciate your post!


Press charges....... Go for a civil case with financial implications as well. This guy needs to do jail time at a minimum. Doesn't matter what his issues are behind this behaviour (drugs, family, girlfriend problems etc), his pulling a knife on you needs heavy police action (you need to make heavy threat of financial damages in the civil suit so you have something to negoitate down after he sobers up and comes crawling too you for forgiveness, an insurance policy as such).

The others that joined in where trying to protect there own(happens here and other places as well), there part in this was unnecessary and a knee-jerk reaction to a countryman in distress. I would guess that these guys would be happy to have a drink with you (not that you would like too) under other circumstances, if they knew you and how the situation developed. In no way is it right, but your the odd one out and always will be.

I have seen the pack-of-dogs sydrome here many times. Nothing has changed in 20 years, so don't feel this is an immediately problem with todays youth. The main issue is to avoid situations where it can develop. You had little chance to avoid, my sympathy is with you at this time... cheers..

thanks for your post and your insight. Yes a civil case is ok to proceed with, but in my limited experience in the court system here, if the guy has no money, you end up footing the lawyer fees and also the 100k that you have to pay to the court, to even get it listed for trial, and then you get nothing out of it at the end. Appreciate your post though, if it was my country I would proceed for sure.


Wish you a speedy recovery.
thanks very much.


thanks for your post.


Very sorry to hear of this.

I agree entirely with the reasons others have given for pressing charges. I would, however, understand if you did not.

All the best for your physical and mental recovery. Counselling may be a good idea. You will undoubtedly experience shock and post-traumatic stress reaction is possible.

P.S. What do others think about bringing his story to the attention of newspapers - good or bad path to pursue ?

Appreciate your post, its funny that I thought this happened last week, it actually happened only on Saturday, maybe I am in shock, or Im just not thinking straight. Newspapers seem to cover many worse things and nothing gets done about it, so dont bother on my account. cheers.


I've only been here 1.5 years but I made a decision early on to stay away from the touist areas. The Thai's see the constant stream of farang throwing around 1K baht notes like water; some can't handle it and become very bitter towards farangs and then...............
Im not a fequenter of the tourist areas myself, I even tried living in Patong after my wife and I split and found myself staying in away from the crap.

So this day was the first time Id been to Patong for 2 months and over he last 6 years (since maried), Id been on only a few occasions to visit mates. I get your meaning though and thanks for the post.

Jai Dee

I agree... do not let him off the hook... it will discourage him and his mates from trying a similar stunt on someone else.

In the meantime, you can use some of your contacts to find out more about him... and his past. It may prove dividends.

Sorry to hear about this Torny... for this to happen to a farang local is appalling. I wonder what would have happened if it had been a non-Thai speaking tourist victim, rather than you.

Don't let him get away with it.

PS. I hope you mend quickly... take care.

cheers mate, I wont let him off the hook, Ill just wait a while. I appreciate your post mate.


Just doesn't sound too believable to me. Car honks and u wait 2 min. to find out what he wants? A 100 people and noone at all comes forward?

Ulysses G.

Tornado is not a liar.
Thanks me old foe! I hope you are well.


thanks mate, appreciated.

To many to list, my fingers killing me, Thanks to Terry57, Chonabot ( I needed your Muay Thai skills!), Crossy, phazey, YaiJung (your thoughts are also mine), taxexile, soundman, Jet Gorgon, bkkmadness (the others were friends - Ive heard from someone who is finding things out), gbt71fa, Jim's_a_Thai_Fox, PhilHarries, tijnebijn, dave111223, kratindaeng and Donna for the nice PM - Im ok thanks.

cheers again.

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Is your question some sort of personal attack?

Wasn't a personal attack, I just didn't see a classic case of extortion here.

And you was talking about 'their car' but only one guy was driving the car, the others just jumped into the fight. So I thought you may have read the OP wrong.

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I was joking about the attack thing .

Wow I must of misread it or my mind wouldn't allow me to see what I was reading! The other people jumped into the altracation unprevoked just because it was a Thai versus a Falang situation?

I do not belive in the American Hate Crime law but if this is what happened I think this incident would be a perfect example of it and I really hope they catch the other guys more than the first.

Anyone can be a hot headed violent jerk but to attack someone just because he is there is sick and premeditated. Total crime of oppretunity makes me sick. I hope the OP got his pound of flesh!

Of to read the OP ten times and let it sink in!

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Terrible experience, but starting to sound more "par for the course", especially around the tourist places. :o

You sound like you can take good care of yourself, Tornado, and maybe you made that f#cking nimrod and his pals think again about attacking other people. Its certainly up to you, but maybe pressing charges against this dog's c*nt might prevent him from seriously injuring or even killing someone less able than you... :D

Anyway, hoping you mend soonest, and best wishes.


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Be prepared for a lot more of these incidents.

Thai Nationalism/Xenophobia is increasing at disturbing levels. You can feel it just walking around. You can see it in the news. You can read about it in the papers. You can hear about it from your friends.

*** The only people still pushing Thailand on this forum are those with a vested interest in the Tourism industry there, and thus, trying to protect their diminishing investments from going under. Don't be fooled.

I've only recently got out, moved to Sihanoukville. You can feel the relaxed atmosphere as soon as you arrive.

What a relief.

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*** The only people still pushing Thailand on this forum are those with a vested interest in the Tourism industry there, and thus, trying to protect their diminishing investments from going under. Don't be fooled.

I still love Thailand and I have no involvement whatsoever in the tourism industry.

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farangs just have no clue as to how much expensive possessions mean to poor Thais. take the post about the guy cleaning his balcony and dumped filthy water (by mistake) on a thai guys vehicle. that guy went ballistic as well. get it together farangs and see the light on this or you are going to get smashed and hurt. after hearing of all this shit, if I do damage to a thai's property, I will pay restitution on the spot. It aint worth it man

Edited by Beavis and Butthead
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farangs just have no clue as to how much expensive possessions mean to poor Thais. take the post about the guy cleaning his balcony and dumped filthy water (by mistake) on a thai guys vehicle. that guy went ballistic as well. get it together farangs and see the light on this or you are going to get smashed and hurt.

Young guys all over the world can be <deleted> when it comes to their cars getting damaged, not just a Thai trait is it.

if I do damage to a thai's property, I will pay restitution on the spot. It aint worth it man

Unfortunately from the OP it looks like he didn't have a chance the guy went straight into knife attack mode.

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farangs just have no clue as to how much expensive possessions mean to poor Thais. take the post about the guy cleaning his balcony and dumped filthy water (by mistake) on a thai guys vehicle. that guy went ballistic as well. get it together farangs and see the light on this or you are going to get smashed and hurt.

Young guys all over the world can be <deleted> when it comes to their cars getting damaged, not just a Thai trait is it.

if I do damage to a thai's property, I will pay restitution on the spot. It aint worth it man
Unfortunately from the OP it looks like he didn't have a chance the guy went straight into knife attack mode.

A car here is like a family jewel and most people cannot even think about affording one. In the west, most people have a few cars.

anyway, I feel deeply about tornado and his injuries. I hope he recovers soon. I would like to add, however, that he was asleep at the wheel and this is a no no in Thailand. Driving here is no walk in the park and alertness is a must at all times. I hope other posters can learn from this. as I stated earlier, I have never nor will I ever drive in this insanity (thailand). I will live where I have public transit to everywhere I go, or I will go back to the USA. I think somebody has to have a screw loose to drive here and believe me, I know many people who do. Be careful out there

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Yep in the west a lot of people have cars but it's still the same thing, hit a guy's car and you might be on the receiving end of trouble wherever you are. The guy didn't flip out because he was Thai, he flipped out because he was an ######.

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Tornado ... sorry to hear about what happened to you. All the best for a speedy recovery.

After what has also happened previously with your wife, I can understand why you are reluctant to press charges ( even in the 'farang' world it takes forever to get a result) but I would go ahead and press for a court case so they learn they cannot attack people over such a trivial matter.

Congrats on giving the B*st*rd some of what he deserved.

Anyway... I hope you keep your good looks after surgery.... if you are a hansum man to start with ... (joke)

Seriousy.... all the best.

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Hope you recover swiftly Tornado, your a brave bugger.

Tornado is a veteran of the world's most elite military unit and a martial artist as well.

This just proves that anyone can be caught off guard, but the truth is that most of us would have never lived to talk about it. :o

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