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Soi Dogs


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hi all

today i got my leg mauled by a soi dog, and would like any info on what to do with regards to the soi dogs as i believe it was an unprovoked attack outside my condo and i've been thinking what if it was someones child?

so any ideas on what to do? if they done it once im sure they'll do it again :o



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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

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Get youself some dog meat, and mix in about three or four packs of glucouse tablets.

Feed that to the mutt that bit you and it will go all glassy eyed as it goes into glucouse shock and croaks.

Forget the glucose tablets, dark cooking chocolate will do the trick. Its the same for dogs as opium is for humans.

Sends them senseless. Becareful though, an overdose of around 200G of dark chocolate for a dog of about 20Kg body weight will kill the dog in about 12 hours. I have seen it happen. Not pleasant!!!


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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

On a daily basi i come accross more obnoxious,dangerous excuses for human beings in Pattaya than i do dogs ,mabe we should poison that vermin too

Edited by Pattayaman
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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

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hi all

today i got my leg mauled by a soi dog, and would like any info on what to do with regards to the soi dogs as i believe it was an unprovoked attack outside my condo and i've been thinking what if it was someones child?

so any ideas on what to do? if they done it once im sure they'll do it again :o



take care that you don't get a bad infection...

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

Like I suggested, phone your local authority (tessadban) & report the situation.

This thread & others I've read that are similar really make me think. I've been working with soi dogs on the street & in our center for 4 years and I've never been attacked or even been bitten unprovoked. I have been bitten, but that has been because I have moved dogs in pain, lifted terrified dogs, done something else the dog didn't want or got in the middle of a dogfight to break it up. I'm not doubting the veracity of the aggressive dogs stories, but, statistically, you would think that I would be far more likely to be attacked than anyone just going about their daily business. If these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

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The bleeding heart stories you can save, I have experienced many agressive soi dogs around in Pattaya. In packs they are very territorial and if you don't "belong" in their area they'll have a go at you, particularly if you seem scared. Bring a big stick, they seem to have respect for that.

Edited by Phil Conners
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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

"call the local authorities and get the dog caught". .................. yea right. lol

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

And that's exactly why I did take care of it myself on many occasions.

There has been one soi dog killing run organised by the village headman in 3 years but they spared one pregnant bitch. The pups have now grown and are on the loose. :o

There are two soi dogs right now on my hit list, both biters and m'cycle chasers.

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

And that's exactly why I did take care of it myself on many occasions.

There has been one soi dog killing run organised by the village headman in 3 years but they spared one pregnant bitch. The pups have now grown and are on the loose. :o

There are two soi dogs right now on my hit list, both biters and m'cycle chasers.

Clean and painless receipe ?

PM please

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

On a daily basi i come accross more obnoxious,dangerous excuses for human beings in Pattaya than i do dogs ,mabe we should poison that vermin too

I'll drink to that, bloody troublemakers if you ask me.

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Call the authorities in Thailand...surely you jest. If the "authorities" are to underfunded, incompetent or lazy to put out all the fires in the North (which cause problems for thousands of people) I seriously doubt you will ever get one Thai "authority" to even attempt to catch one nasty soi dog.

Don't get me wrong, my bestest friend is Gracie, a 6 y/o Golden Retriever. I love dogs, but I will not be "submissive" to any of them, even Gracie. A nasty soi dog is asserting itself in it's territory. You either dominate or submit. You (humans) are the dominant life type on this planet, especially to a soi dog. Time to start acting, or rather taking , your place.


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Call the authorities in Thailand...surely you jest. If the "authorities" are to underfunded, incompetent or lazy to put out all the fires in the North (which cause problems for thousands of people) I seriously doubt you will ever get one Thai "authority" to even attempt to catch one nasty soi dog.

Don't get me wrong, my bestest friend is Gracie, a 6 y/o Golden Retriever. I love dogs, but I will not be "submissive" to any of them, even Gracie. A nasty soi dog is asserting itself in it's territory. You either dominate or submit. You (humans) are the dominant life type on this planet, especially to a soi dog. Time to start acting, or rather taking , your place.


Skipped the medication again?

We humans ? Which planet are you from? Lemme guess.. Caturn? :o

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I'm sorry about your wound ..indeed

My opinion

1)make friend with soi dog by feeding em

2) after you have been being friend with them ... spend some bucks and take em to see a vet for desexing.

this kind of operation is about 600-900 Bht for a male dog and 800-1200 bht for a female dog

It's pretty cheap when you convert Bht to USD /EURO

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

Like I suggested, phone your local authority (tessadban) & report the situation.

This thread & others I've read that are similar really make me think. I've been working with soi dogs on the street & in our center for 4 years and I've never been attacked or even been bitten unprovoked. I have been bitten, but that has been because I have moved dogs in pain, lifted terrified dogs, done something else the dog didn't want or got in the middle of a dogfight to break it up. I'm not doubting the veracity of the aggressive dogs stories, but, statistically, you would think that I would be far more likely to be attacked than anyone just going about their daily business. If these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

you are welcome to meet me at my house anytime and walk past the dog guarding the gate. this dog belongs to an owner in the first house near the gate and he attacks everyone, has killed other dogs and put people in the hospital. I am only safe when with my dog since this dog made the mistake of attacking mine. when i am alone i carry a large stick and have knocked him out before but he still comes around. lately the owner has been keeping him in but not all the time. After he attacks you please let me know the reason, I am curious myself.

i have always wondered why people get so upset when a subject is repeated on TV. when i dont like a show on tv i dont turn it on and when i dont want to read a subject on TV i dont.

thanks Jimmy

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My dear Khun Marco...

As an Italian, I understand your desire to be submissive to any one or anything that threatens you. This is ingrained in your DNA and there is nothing you can do about it.

Maybe, just maybe, you could be the first & when threatened or attacked by a soi dog, you could at the very least growl back at the little siht, or better off, send him packing off down the road. Wait, I forgot, you are Italian. The only thing you can attack is a defenseless female.

With kindest regards, Tlloyd

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My dear Khun Marco...

As an Italian, I understand your desire to be submissive to any one or anything that threatens you. This is ingrained in your DNA and there is nothing you can do about it.

Maybe, just maybe, you could be the first & when threatened or attacked by a soi dog, you could at the very least growl back at the little siht, or better off, send him packing off down the road. Wait, I forgot, you are Italian. The only thing you can attack is a defenseless female.

With kindest regards, Tlloyd

Yup sure :o Thanks for the racist remark and while you are at it grow a sense of humor you little SOB

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Obviously, Thaialnd needs a major kill off of the steet dogs, also obvious is that it will never happen. Nothing make a place look third world faster than mangy street dogs wandering through the tourist places.

Dogs interact at a very basic level, If they run some one off, they will do it again. You rarely see a Thai person being run off by a dog. This is because most Thais aren't afraid of them. Thais grow up kicking and throwing rocks at dogs as part of daily life. If a dog get's aggressive, out comes the rocks or a stick right away.

Here's what I do when I am going through some bad areas around my place. I always have three rocks, just cocking my arm back to throw is usually enough, sometimes I have to throw one. If you haven't got a rock just pretend to pick one up, it usually works. If you don't believe try it. As soon as you bend down their on the way out. Also, if you have a stick in your hand, dogs will leave right away. This also works for monkeys, which can also be quite vicious.

Actually I seem to have more trouble on a motorcycle because there a less options to be aggressive. I have managed a few well placed snout kicks, and I have put a few dogs on the run. Problem is you look like an idiot doing it.

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these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

I'm with you November. I've lived in Phuket for five years, have walked past many packs of dogs. Never been bitten or even threatened. I think the people who are advocating cruel deaths to semi-feral streets dogs for behaviing like semi-feral street dogs are the more vicious. Dogs sense aggression, fear and lack of self-esteem, and act to assert their superiority.

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these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

I'm with you November. I've lived in Phuket for five years, have walked past many packs of dogs. Never been bitten or even threatened. I think the people who are advocating cruel deaths to semi-feral streets dogs for behaviing like semi-feral street dogs are the more vicious. Dogs sense aggression, fear and lack of self-esteem, and act to assert their superiority.

There is a railway crossing by my place, most of friends know about it. There 11 adult dogs there and they spend their evenings chasing anything that comes by. I would love to see you stroll by there at around 10 at night.

You should be all right since you eminate superiority.

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This subject again? There are at least 3 threads of this type on the Pattaya forum & one on the family & children one, that I know of with a load of suggestions on how to kill dogs. Why not read them, OP instead of starting another thread of that ilk? Don't know about anyone else, but I find threads of this sort offensive & the subject has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere. My suggestion would be to call your local authority & get the dog caught & collected by them, but that's obviously not nearly as much fun as plotting as gory a demise as possible, is it?

There a few real nasty dogs around where I live and they chase anyone who walks or rides past them.

Nobody seems to do anything about it.

When you say nobody, do you mean the thais? So why is it that the farang is the only one who has a problem?

Are those dogs racist? Or maybe they just know who doesn't like them? Never had any problems with any dogs.

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When you say nobody, do you mean the thais? So why is it that the farang is the only one who has a problem?

Are those dogs racist? Or maybe they just know who doesn't like them? Never had any problems with any dogs.

A problem dog will attack anyone. However, one thing that is true is that the different scent, to a dogs keen sense of smell, may trigger a different response. In other words, the dog is not sure about the person, there's something in his mind that doesn't 'compute' and the dog may react by being aggressive.

Not racist, but senseist, from a dogs perspective.


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Call the authorities in Thailand...surely you jest. If the "authorities" are to underfunded, incompetent or lazy to put out all the fires in the North (which cause problems for thousands of people) I seriously doubt you will ever get one Thai "authority" to even attempt to catch one nasty soi dog.

Don't get me wrong, my bestest friend is Gracie, a 6 y/o Golden Retriever. I love dogs, but I will not be "submissive" to any of them, even Gracie. A nasty soi dog is asserting itself in it's territory. You either dominate or submit. You (humans) are the dominant life type on this planet, especially to a soi dog. Time to start acting, or rather taking , your place.


I can see from your post that you REALLY love dogs.

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When you say nobody, do you mean the thais? So why is it that the farang is the only one who has a problem?

Are those dogs racist? Or maybe they just know who doesn't like them? Never had any problems with any dogs.

A problem dog will attack anyone. However, one thing that is true is that the different scent, to a dogs keen sense of smell, may trigger a different response. In other words, the dog is not sure about the person, there's something in his mind that doesn't 'compute' and the dog may react by being aggressive.

Not racist, but senseist, from a dogs perspective.


:o But this farang has been living in the area for some time. So I think the dogs are familiar with him already.

The thing I really don't understand is why aren't the thais having a problem. As the poster said the dogs are chasing everyone.

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