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Soi Dogs


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Obviously, Thaialnd needs a major kill off of the steet dogs, No, what it needs is a country wide neutering programme. That goes for "owned" dogs, too. As well as the population control benefits, neutering also reduces aggression

Dogs interact at a very basic level, If they run some one off, they will do it again. You rarely see a Thai person being run off by a dog. This is because most Thais aren't afraid of them.Most Thais aren't afraid of dogs? Really? That's not my experience. Thais grow up kicking and throwing rocks at dogs as part of daily life. If a dog get's aggressive, out comes the rocks or a stick right away.

Here's what I do when I am going through some bad areas around my place. I always have three rocks, just cocking my arm back to throw is usually enough, sometimes I have to throw one. If you haven't got a rock just pretend to pick one up, it usually works. If you don't believe try it. As soon as you bend down their on the way out. Also, if you have a stick in your hand, dogs will leave right away. This also works for monkeys, which can also be quite vicious.Agreed, carrying a stick usually is deterrent enough

Actually I seem to have more trouble on a motorcycle because there a less options to be aggressive. I have managed a few well placed snout kicks, and I have put a few dogs on the run. Problem is you look like an idiot doing it. This is why people get bitten. You're putting your leg near their mouth, for goodness sake

I also agree with Yamantaka, people are more likely to get bitten if they are scared or overtly aggressive towards the dogs. Body language & reading it is what a dog's existence is based on (within their own groups). They are also pretty good at picking up on human body language.

For the 2 members who gave specific dogs & locations that they feel no-one can safely walk past, you may well be right (although in the case of the owned dog, I feel the dog's aggression is both the owner's fault & his responsibility to make sure passers by are safe), those particular dogs are not ones I have any knowledge of. My statement was that, working with dogs, I have never been the victim of attack or unprovoked biting. It's very possible I've just been lucky, it's possible that all soi dogs around here are passive, benign creatures, it may be my body language, or it may be that I don't go around trying to give them a kick on the snout.

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Strays rarely bother me. BAI in a deep, loud voice usually works for about ten seconds if they come after me for something I'm eating. Then I cave in, take another bite and give the rest to the starving mongrel.

Just carry dry dog treats in your pocket and throw a few to scatter the pack. Friends for life.

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When you say nobody, do you mean the thais? So why is it that the farang is the only one who has a problem?

Are those dogs racist? Or maybe they just know who doesn't like them? Never had any problems with any dogs.

A problem dog will attack anyone. However, one thing that is true is that the different scent, to a dogs keen sense of smell, may trigger a different response. In other words, the dog is not sure about the person, there's something in his mind that doesn't 'compute' and the dog may react by being aggressive.

Not racist, but senseist, from a dogs perspective.


:o But this farang has been living in the area for some time. So I think the dogs are familiar with him already.

The thing I really don't understand is why aren't the thais having a problem. As the poster said the dogs are chasing everyone.

The chances are that they {Thais} are, but the poster is not aware of it, though, forgive me, I'm not sure which poster you are referring to.


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Strays rarely bother me. BAI in a deep, loud voice usually works for about ten seconds if they come after me for something I'm eating. Then I cave in, take another bite and give the rest to the starving mongrel.

Just carry dry dog treats in your pocket and throw a few to scatter the pack. Friends for life.

I give you Jet Gorgon, ladies & gents: Meals on Wheels for hungry soi dogs! :o:D:D

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Obviously, Thaialnd needs a major

Actually I seem to have more trouble on a motorcycle because there a less options to be aggressive. I have managed a few well placed snout kicks, and I have put a few dogs on the run. Problem is you look like an idiot doing it. This is why people get bitten. You're putting your leg near their mouth, for goodness sake

I also agree with Yamantaka, people are more likely to get bitten if they are scared or overtly aggressive towards the dogs. Body language & reading it is what a dog's existence is based on (within their own groups). They are also pretty good at picking up on human body language.

For the 2 members who gave specific dogs & locations that they feel no-one can safely walk past, you may well be right (although in the case of the owned dog, I feel the dog's aggression is both the owner's fault & his responsibility to make sure passers by are safe), those particular dogs are not ones I have any knowledge of. My statement was that, working with dogs, I have never been the victim of attack or unprovoked biting. It's very possible I've just been lucky, it's possible that all soi dogs around here are passive, benign creatures, it may be my body language, or it may be that I don't go around trying to give them a kick on the snout.

My first point is: It is very inconvenient for me to respond to you post if you are adding words to my own paragraph, this also changes what I say. Write your comments in your own paragraph.

Secondly: I don't go around putting my feet in dogs faces, the three dogs I have kicked in four years, were all in the process of attacking me, all while I was on my motorcycle. One such dog trapped me at a busy intersection; I guess I should have got to know him better first. The other dogs just ran out from the side of the road and made a good show of scaring the crap out of me with their snapping teeth inches from my leg.

I have taken people with dog bites to the hospital before, it hurts a lot. And it sucks watching a kid get his face stitched up. I have raised many dogs in my life; one was a attack trained security dog, that was as gentle as a lamb until told to be other wise. He was even used as a demonstration dog for proper training.

Dogs that bite without provocation should be moved to the homes of people who think the victims are the enemy!

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I'm sorry about your wound ..indeed

My opinion

1)make friend with soi d og by feeding em

2) after you have been being friend with them ... spend some bucks and take em to see a vet for desexing.

this kind of operation is about 600-900 Bht for a male dog and 800-1200 bht for a female dog

It's pretty cheap when you convert Bht to USD /EURO

An excellent suggestion. Please exhaust all other avenues before resorting to extremes.

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I have seen this topic on the forum before and still do not understand why everyone wastes time bitching about something that has such an easy simple solution. Just go out and buy some 'Pepper Spray' which is also know as 'OC Spray' or 'OC Gas' ( Oleoresin Capsicum ) and you will stop the soi dogs cold in their tracks without hurting them. It is also used for a Bear Spray so if it can stop a bear, it will definitely stop a soi dog. It is small and can be carried in your pocket, can have a 3 or 4 meter range, inexpensive, and I have seen it for sale in Thailand. I have used it and can assure you it is totally effective on dogs and humans ( which is why many Police and Mail Carriers carry it) .

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QUOTE(November Rain @ 2007-03-22 23:48:03)

these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway

I'm with you November. I've lived in Phuket for five years, have walked past many packs of dogs. Never been bitten or even threatened. I think the people who are advocating cruel deaths to semi-feral streets dogs for behaviing like semi-feral street dogs are the more vicious. Dogs sense aggression, fear and lack of self-esteem, and act to assert their superiority.

i have to say that i am a dog lover and i take care of a lot of the dogs in my village- but there are still a couple that will threaten me any time i am near- perhaps because they often see me with my male dog and relate me to him. also, dogs bite for other reasons too, a dog was just put down here who had distemper and it had affected his behavior... it can happen to anyone.

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hi all

today i got my leg mauled by a soi dog, and would like any info on what to do with regards to the soi dogs as i believe it was an unprovoked attack outside my condo and i've been thinking what if it was someones child?

so any ideas on what to do? if they done it once im sure they'll do it again :o



A bit off topic, but this Reminds me of when I was in Nong Khai around 5 years back, a pack of around 10 soi dogs come running directly for me (late at night down a quiet soi) I froze with fear, they were like a pack of hungry wolves! Luckily a bunch of thai lads drinking lao and playing guitar got up to scare them off. Scary stuff!


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I have five dogs at my factory.

One of the dogs is absolutley useless. It was a stray I took in a couple of years ago. It comes around five evrey afternoon for feeding, & promptly dissapears to the local moo bahn. It spends less than 20minutes per day on my property.

Recently it has taken to biting other dogs, people & vehicles in the moo bahn. Everybody blames me. So i have had its balls cut off, its teeth filed, and even bought numerous muzzels for the bast!!d.

Hasn't fixed its habbits, still chasing people, killing chickens etc.

What can I do short of having the animal put down??

Advice pls.


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  • 4 months later...

Yes, a while back, some child did get mauled on the face and elsewhere. I have suffered unprovoked attacks from soi dogs so now I go out with a bottle of toilet cleaner with a small hole in the top part so I can squirt that or bleach in their faces.

I just want to walk along the soi minding my own business and not interfere with them at all. They see it differently. They are in packs and have very sharp teeth; I have brains and Domestos! I also make sure that I always carry a ball point pen in my top pocket so that if any dog ever latches on to me it would be easy to blind it (at least in one eye) before it escaped howling down the soi.


You can get an ultrasonic deterrent in other countries but I've never seen one here and none of my Thai friends had even heard about such a thing until I mentioned it to them. Does anyone know where these could be obtained?

I haven't actually been bitten yet (came close once) but I have vowed that if I ever did, I would personally destroy as many dogs around my area as possible.

Still, it's better than being in England where it's not safe to walk in certain areas during the day for fear of packs of yobs!

Charmed, I'm sure,


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these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

I'm with you November. I've lived in Phuket for five years, have walked past many packs of dogs. Never been bitten or even threatened. I think the people who are advocating cruel deaths to semi-feral streets dogs for behaviing like semi-feral street dogs are the more vicious. Dogs sense aggression, fear and lack of self-esteem, and act to assert their superiority.

I worked in a few horse barns as a teenager, and I've been around all kinds of animals. Even "problem" animals are usually good with me -- I really like animals and they tend to like me back. But even I've had problems with soi dogs on a few occasions. It seems to be fine in the day when they are used to people going by, or dogs on your own soi that know you, but I once had quite a big scare at night with a few dogs on the beach in Ko Samet. I had to run back to my bungalow in a hurry, and grab a big broom to be able to go meet my friend down the beach!

I'm pretty shocked as well by people advocating poisoning these dogs -- have you no compassion at all? But the dogs do cause problems. One of my friends got bitten in Chiang Mai, and she had to take antibiotics for almost a month and get a million shots.

A few people here run animal shelters for soi dogs. Do you have any ideas about a more compassionate solution that would work? Both in terms of personal protection (carry rocks?) and the general population problem (as Bambina was suggesting, maybe catching them and neutering them?)

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hi all

today i got my leg mauled by a soi dog, and would like any info on what to do with regards to the soi dogs as i believe it was an unprovoked attack outside my condo and i've been thinking what if it was someones child?

so any ideas on what to do? if they done it once im sure they'll do it again :o



make sure to get the bite looked at -- my friend got bitten by soi dogs and she got a terrible infection!

(as for what to do? maybe sic the cat in your icon on them? looks like a fighter to me!)

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Im with the extermination gang, these blo-ody dogs cause no end of troubles. Just last night I saw one leap into the road in front of a car ripping off the cars bumper in the process so that will cost the owner hundreds no doubt. Then theres the all night howling, the dog sh-ite everywhere, rabies etc etc. They all need to be got rid of.

Everytime I drive past thenm I think they will run out, I will try to swerve and have an accident maybe killing myself or somone else in the process. All the bitches seem permanently pregnant or feeeding pups. Kill them all!! Dogs should be free only on your own premises not roaming streets.

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My dear Khun Marco...

As an Italian, I understand your desire to be submissive to any one or anything that threatens you. This is ingrained in your DNA and there is nothing you can do about it.

Maybe, just maybe, you could be the first & when threatened or attacked by a soi dog, you could at the very least growl back at the little siht, or better off, send him packing off down the road. Wait, I forgot, you are Italian. The only thing you can attack is a defenseless female.

With kindest regards, Tlloyd

How do you feel about the French? :o

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I'm pretty shocked as well by people advocating poisoning these dogs -- have you no compassion at all? But the dogs do cause problems. One of my friends got bitten in Chiang Mai, and she had to take antibiotics for almost a month and get a million shots.

Chocolate doesn't sound like a bad way to go. :o

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Hey people:

Time to start thinking out of the box…..suggest you be proactive by biting the dog first. Guaranteed to make the headlines too. “Feral Farangs Terrorize Neighbourhood Canines”

Better work up to it first though, start by growling and then start chasing for a few weeks before working up to actual biting!

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Did the OP get rabies?

no i didnt get rabies, but what i did get was probably the biggest hassle in my life had to got to the doctors every day for nearly 2 months for them to clean and make sure that all the shit was out on top of that some days it was ok then i'd go to see the doc the next day and would find out that it was infected again then it was ok ,then it was infected this went on and on and on

but the real thing that got me is that they wouldnt let the wound close just kept it open.


i have got a nice battle scar to show off

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Gerald (The Traveling Soi Dog) wants me to say this;

Have you ever thought that the dog in question is the way it is because it's received one to many "good kickings" ? Feed the poor guy a little something and utter some comforting words - in time he'll look forwards to the source of food you offer, and not look at you as the food source. Just show a little compasion, and i'll bet it'll pay off and give great satisfaction.[1]

Hope you sought medical attention for the harm this dog caused, and wish you a speady recovery.

[1] And if you don't do this, Gerald (The Traveling Soi Dog) will send the lads around to knock your block off. :o

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Footnote from Albert, top mongrel, Soi Buakhow:

We never bite the hand that feeds us so all you stingy farang gits, please dig deep in the pocket and stand us to a lump of chicken.

Thank you in advance, Albert and gang.

P.S. Stuff Gerald, I whupped that wimp's ass good - he's history.

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but the real thing that got me is that they wouldnt let the wound close just kept it open.

Puncture bites should not be stitched. Once closed possible dirt etc can't come out and can cause major infection.


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Thais seem to be in love with their version of the sacred cow, these vermin ridden mongrel mutts scurrying around every back alley & street in the country, as bad as rats. They should eliminate all the loose GD dogs. They are a hazard in various respects, let alone to have to listen to the perpetual yapping day & night. Quite a concert with the roosters crowing.

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these soi dogs are so aggressive, how come they're not towards me? Not if they don't have a reason, anyway :o

I'm with you November. I've lived in Phuket for five years, have walked past many packs of dogs. Never been bitten or even threatened. I think the people who are advocating cruel deaths to semi-feral streets dogs for behaviing like semi-feral street dogs are the more vicious. Dogs sense aggression, fear and lack of self-esteem, and act to assert their superiority.

I worked in a few horse barns as a teenager, and I've been around all kinds of animals. Even "problem" animals are usually good with me -- I really like animals and they tend to like me back. But even I've had problems with soi dogs on a few occasions. It seems to be fine in the day when they are used to people going by, or dogs on your own soi that know you, but I once had quite a big scare at night with a few dogs on the beach in Ko Samet. I had to run back to my bungalow in a hurry, and grab a big broom to be able to go meet my friend down the beach!

I'm pretty shocked as well by people advocating poisoning these dogs -- have you no compassion at all? But the dogs do cause problems. One of my friends got bitten in Chiang Mai, and she had to take antibiotics for almost a month and get a million shots.

A few people here run animal shelters for soi dogs. Do you have any ideas about a more compassionate solution that would work? Both in terms of personal protection (carry rocks?) and the general population problem (as Bambina was suggesting, maybe catching them and neutering them?)

Catch em & fry em. They are worthless and a hazard to people & traffic, particularly motorcycles.

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Whenever I'm feeling a bit jaded about life & a bit down, I come across (resurrected) threads like this, where my fellow TV members demonstrate their tolerance, kindness & downright humanity towards their fellow living creatures... :o Uplifting, really... :D:D

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