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I remember 2 years ago, this section of the forum was a great read. Posts from the likes of monochaser, DJPat and others were intriguing and thought provoking; most importantly, they were a great read and got great responses. Look now at this section with such effeminate topics as "name game" "change a letter" and so on. <deleted> is this? The bingo section? Do sponsors really and truly pay for space in this boring section? Nobody can possibly read this femine stuff. I know I sure dont. I pass it by daily when I used to read it cover to cover. Enjoy your bingo and crocket whoever still reads this junk

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I remember 2 years ago, this section of the forum was a great read.

I agree - there are stupid threads now like change one letter etc.

Seemed to start when some idiot started one called What's the City?

This whole forum section is not like it was - seriously, I think the mods should close some.

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If the OP doesn't like it......post something else that you think will inspire.

stop whining about things you can easily avoid, and contribute something productive.

Get a life.

People moaning about silly threads, political discussion, senseless posts....really need to get out more.

This calling on the mods crap needs to stop.

It's an internet forum.

It ain't rocket science.

Embrace free speech, it's a right many of our fathers and sons have died for.


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This section of the forum is about as interesting and exciting as the daily routine in a nursing home. pumpuiman is the chief architect here with his snoozer threads. Clearly you people need stimulation in your lives if this junk turns you on

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so recluse, tell us something about yourself. With nine posts and three months of membership, you must surely have vast experience of the forum, judging by your o.p and the mention of the "old days" of Tv.com...

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what next? is lopburiguy going to start a shirades thread? LOL. Lame

How about spot the spelling mistake in every post that recluse makes?

1)Chirade's not shirades.

Let the game begin!! :o

Ooooh, can I play? Here's a twofer.

Jack and Danny, sons of billionaire recluse Howard Hughes were hoisted on their own petard recently for misspelling the word charades.

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This section of the forum is about as interesting and exciting as the daily routine in a nursing home. pumpuiman is the chief architect here with his snoozer threads. Clearly you people need stimulation in your lives if this junk turns you on

Your post about your desire for gay sex got 27 replies.

My song title game has at present 3,324 replies.

People don't seem too "stimulated" with you do they.

In more ways than one.

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This section of the forum is about as interesting and exciting as the daily routine in a nursing home. pumpuiman is the chief architect here with his snoozer threads. Clearly you people need stimulation in your lives if this junk turns you on

Your post about your desire for gay sex got 27 replies.

My song title game has at present 3,324 replies.

People don't seem too "stimulated" with you do they.

In more ways than one.

Hey fatman, no need to gay bash, dont you know people get banned for that shit? and 2 or 3 very good moderators here are gay too, mr provincetown. anyway. let's get back to the fun! basket weaving thread? please, pretty please? oh yeah, 3324 replies and half of them were you while a handful of other bored individuals comprised the rest. oh the joys of being brain dead

Edited by recluse
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so recluse, tell us something about yourself. With nine posts and three months of membership, you must surely have vast experience of the forum, judging by your o.p and the mention of the "old days" of Tv.com...

Kayo, I've been reading the forum for a few years and been very entertained (at least in the "old days"). Never felt the need to post as I live up to my name but enjoy a good read. After seeing this section go down the shitter, I felt it was time to stand up and make a comment to that effect. It's an abomination what has happened here. Anyone wanna play some checkers? Hooray!

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This section of the forum is about as interesting and exciting as the daily routine in a nursing home. pumpuiman is the chief architect here with his snoozer threads. Clearly you people need stimulation in your lives if this junk turns you on

Your post about your desire for gay sex got 27 replies.

My song title game has at present 3,324 replies.

People don't seem too "stimulated" with you do they.

In more ways than one.

Hey fatman, no need to gay bash, dont you know people get banned for that shit? and 2 or 3 very good moderators here are gay too, mr provincetown. anyway. let's get back to the fun! basket weaving thread? please, pretty please? oh yeah, 3324 replies and half of them were you while a handful of other bored individuals comprised the rest. oh the joys of being brain dead

I remarked about your lack of being stimulating, not your sexuality.

Guess I struck a nerve.

Post something creative we can all be in awe of.

Show us how it's done.

I await your glorious chirography oh' great one.

Wow us with your unrivaled splendor.

Wait.....I'm kind of enjoying this thread.

Useless and silly.

Fits my criteria.

Nicely done!!

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This section of the forum is about as interesting and exciting as the daily routine in a nursing home. pumpuiman is the chief architect here with his snoozer threads. Clearly you people need stimulation in your lives if this junk turns you on

Your post about your desire for gay sex got 27 replies.

My song title game has at present 3,324 replies.

People don't seem too "stimulated" with you do they.

In more ways than one.

Hey fatman, no need to gay bash, dont you know people get banned for that shit? and 2 or 3 very good moderators here are gay too, mr provincetown. anyway. let's get back to the fun! basket weaving thread? please, pretty please? oh yeah, 3324 replies and half of them were you while a handful of other bored individuals comprised the rest. oh the joys of being brain dead

Thats it when in doubt pull out "I am a gay card". Makes me reach when people do that, same as I am a Muslim, dont make funny cartoons about me, but we can blow you up and say you are all infidels on a daily basis. Crock of <deleted>, gag the <deleted> masses and pamper the minority. Look "Mr Gay Recluse" do not try and get people on side because people like me do not give a shit about forums and gagging peoples speech, I play fair if you do....


Edited by lopburiguy
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From your lurking position, I assume no-one is there with you holding a gun to your head? They're not forcing you to read threads you don't want to? If someone is, alert us now & we'll phone the police.... Naah, thought not. OK, here's the great thing about internet forums - ready?

You don't have to read or participate in anything that doesn't interest you!!! Isn't that wonderful? Technology's great, innit? Other people enjoy the games & fun threads, so leave them alone to play them or enjoy them. You don't like them, fine. I've heard the swimming pool forum is scintillating...

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