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I'm about to move to a house out in the sticks after 18 months of fairly bug free life in an 8th floor condo.

My new house is only a couple of weeks away from completion and I have noticed that there are flies and mossies everywhere due to being next to a resevoire.

Does anyone know where I can buy a couple of those blue electric light mossie mashers from?

Also I've been told that a certain shrub can be planted outside doorways which stops flies coming in. Does anyone know anything about this?

Any help will be appreciated


my place is on the edge of undeveloped land that is flooded during the wet season and I have found that tight fitting screens on all doors and windows does ok with flying insects as long as you are scrupulous regarding keeping them in place especially in the evenings. A mozzie light like you describe is usually to have on the patio when you want to sit outdoors and catch the air in the evenings. The little buggers usually go after your ankles anyway.

For a good sleeping arrangement seal off all the doors and windows and switch on the fan and/or the A/C in the bedroom...maybe spray down with Baygon before retiring as the case requires.



i will move also but from a townhouse to a highfloor condo i hate moskitos :D

i am alergic against that shit....

so i would by one of those blue lamps for about 500 baht and install nets on all windows and doors....

anyway they got me yesterday 3 little suckers sucked me dry .......

thy catched me with my pants down in soi post :o but only 2 of them bit me :D:D


The "blue" (uv) lamps will just attract all mosquitoes and other insects in a radius of a km. A better bet is to have one or a few normal fluorescent tubes hanging half a meter over the surface of the reservoir. That will attract the mosquito’s, flying ants etc _and_ all the fish in the reservoir. The fish will eat the bugs. Problem solved.


we had big mozzie problems until buying the raid vapour plug in mozzie destroyer last week.I havent been bitten since.Before we used screen doors,baygon spray and burning coils which didn't totally stop/kill them.260baht or so for no more mosquitos.Bargain!


And eat your daily MARMITE! :o

Seriously, though, do not use the UV zapper indoors, it only encourages all manner of flying things into the house. Hang it outside, under an overhang, away from windows.

Use mosquito netting on all windows and doors. If your electric sockets are installed horizontally, the plug-in vapour things are OK, but most places I know have vertical sockets and these things don't work very well on their sides.

but most places I know have vertical sockets and these things don't work very well on their sides

you can buy 3 to 1 adaptor plugs that will allow them to sit vertically.

they catched me with my pants down in soi post :o but only 2 of them bit me :D:D


Yeah, that's an infested area. My personal inclination would be to spray them somehow frontside with any type of fluid you'd have readily availble... :D


Many of them can twist through 90 degrees, which solves the problem.

I swear by these 90 day mossie killers. Use them in bedrooms, living room and business. Very efficient.


If you are getting bitten, then try Sketolene.

It is a local product and therefore not so expensive.

It does keep the mozzies away from the exposed parts,

well most of them

but most places I know have vertical sockets and these things don't work very well on their sides

you can buy 3 to 1 adaptor plugs that will allow them to sit vertically.

Most of the three-way adaptor plugs I have seen, the sockets keep the same configuration as the pins. Difference between (..) and ( : )

Many of them can twist through 90 degrees, which solves the problem.

I swear by these 90 day mossie killers. Use them in bedrooms, living room and business. Very efficient.

Any brand names? I've been through Big C, Tesco/Lotus and Carrefour looking for ones that will adapt. No luck so far.

If you are getting bitten, then try Sketolene.

It is a local product and therefore not so expensive.

It does keep the mozzies away from the exposed parts,

well most of them

If this is a citronella derivative, my wife refuses to use it and refuses to come near me if I use it. Not just a mozzie repellant - seems to keep Thai girls at arms length too :o


My Thai gf also has a problem with citronella stuff. Most Thai girls are crazy for farang brand names though. Get Johnson's baby clear lotion anti-mosquito, which smells like their regular baby oil. As effective as Sketolene but without the citronella smell.


there are battery-charged 'tennis rackets' with a metal mesh, which will zzzzap anything flying that touches it. Great fun when sipping your ale on the front porch.

Available on streetmarkets for 90-150Bt

there are battery-charged 'tennis rackets' with a metal mesh, which will zzzzap anything flying that touches it. Great fun when sipping your ale on the front porch.

Available on streetmarkets for 90-150Bt

Available in Tesco-Lotus for 65 baht :o

But that means you let the little buggers into your space. I do not want that. So the UV thingy outside is my preference, plus geckos (outside), bat colonies and so on.


The blue light Mozzy Mashers that you mention are on special offer at Makro this month from the 9th until the 22nd

Price is 495 baht , product code 572078


I avoid the plug-ins as the air gets saturated with the smell, mosquitoes do drop dead but remember you end up breathing the stuff...

I use a spray can in all rooms before leaving for dinner every night and come back later to find dead mossies all over and the smell is gone.

They will also lay eggs anywhere they find water inside the house, potted plants, washroom, etc. I found out they were laying eggs in the washroom's ceramic tub where we keep a water reserve. I solved the problem by adding a bit of bleach to it every now and then.

Our daily food shop hangs plastic bags with handles, filled with water, near a light source. The bugs all stick to the inside or fall in the water.

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