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Warning ! Bag-snatchers!

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OK ,

There is this motorcycle gang out there that prey on Woman and girl motorcycle rider ,

Their target is usually those who hang their handbag on the side of their bike , or easy prey ,

Please speard the words

one of my friends is not in the hospital suffer broken bones

The attacker punch her without mercy and when we fall from her bike there run in and grab her bags and HP and ran off ,

So if you know anyone having this habbit of hanging their bag on thes ide o fthe motrocycle handler bar .. or just sling it on one side of their arm .. BE WARN !!!!!!

Motorcycle GANG AT LARGE >.

their usually act at night from 8 pm - late night

targeting people who cam eback from party , and travelling alone -

BE safe then sorry

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You were on the bike too Ta22 ? Hope you're alright. I have heard of this crime alot in the last few yrs. One friend had her purse stolen from her bike basket as she rode along, luckily they didn't touch her. But she sure wasn't smart to always ride aorund with her passport and credit cards on her !

I know of several other women who all had this happen to them. Lat year there was one case where it was clear the attackers had masks and gloves, 2 of them onthe bike working as a team. Another case happened where the Frang girl fought back when they went to cut her purse off her arm and was cut severly and nearly bled to death - she was foudn by Brit stumbling back to his guesthouse at 4 am or something. She had passed out from bleeding. She ended up alright though.

Have also heard of a few instances where they will attack men too - both Farang and Thai. They will ride up along side you and kick you off your bike and then rob you. I'm definitley cautious when I head home late night after a few drinks. I think I look too big and strong to mess with, but you never know what these guys might be thinking.

Other than the occaisional house or condo robbery this is the only crime that I hear of that concerns me out here. Glad to say I still feel safer here than on the streets of LA at 3 am.


She is in the hospital with a few part of her face bone broken , from the fall during the attack ,

The attacker ,, is using a very dangerous tatic here .. and is risking the victim life cos a bad flal can kill the person easily at speed no more then 50km is enough and this sudden attack can break the neck .. cos usually during an accident the rider can brace him or herself in time cos you see yourself getting into an accident your body will tense up and protect your bone . BUT this kinda attack is sudden . and leave the person little time to react .. and you risk breaking your neck when fall and usually due to the suddeness the body is not ready for a fall .. so you have higher chances of breaking yoru bone and suffer badly ,,

If i am the police i will SHOT AT SIGHT !!

This type of robber is worst then house breaking and gun point robber ,

cos all there care is the MONEY disregarding the life of others ,

I assume her family would had called the police ,

This happen last night at 12 plus close to 1 am .. when she knock off from work

- over this years this is not the first case ,

I suspect is done by the Same gang ,

and also it might be a proof or royality to the gang to perform such act ..

5 years ago , there is this gang calll samurai nd is very dangerous gang ,

one of their gang rule to be promoted or to proof of royal , you got to cut the head off a stranger ,

there are known to travel in the outer ring of sankampeng

the thai police had order SHOT AT SIGHT on them . that why is safer now.

but there are still small pocket of gang out there ,

some while back me and another aus guy went drinking and we witnes an attack when a gang of 4 beat up 2 thai ,

i got to know is a show of power a few days alter when i follow up teh attack news ,

so , Be safe then sorry tell your mrs to take care ok ..


Nope i am not with her when this happen

if i had been there , i think i might be able to at least help out ,

anyway i would not know how i would react , till it happen ,

i am angry and sad this happen mainly it had happen to a friends of mine

so i am warning people out there cos this gang is not a one time only thing , once there get the hang of it , this is going to happen more offen as there perfect their tactic


i am thinking to buy a crossbow and put it in my car sop if i spot one i can test my Crossbow , and it would be self defence

and if i do shot one i would still be a hero ..

if you wanna shot someone make sure you do it the right way


Thanks for the heads up, Tatutu.

She is in the hospital with a few part of her face bone broken , from the fall during the attack . . . .

Reminds me to point out this kind of attack is another good reason -- not that another is needed -- for wearing a good helmet.

. . . . . and this sudden attack can break the neck .. cos usually during an accident the rider can brace him or herself in time cos you see yourself getting into an accident your body will tense up and protect your bone . BUT this kinda attack is sudden . and leave the person little time to react .. and you risk breaking your neck when fall and usually due to the suddeness the body is not ready for a fall .. so you have higher chances of breaking yoru bone and suffer badly ,,

My understanding has always been that you are much better off being relaxed in a fall, and that stiffening or tensing up increases the chance of injury, including broken bones. Do we have any doctors or other experts who can enlighten us?


Not sure about , motorcycle ride , but i know that during a accident ,

alot of victim die for there are sleeping on too tired ,

during a accident upon impact there break their neck from the sudden jerk . forward or backward ,

too tense is bad , same apply that during a high speed accident , if you grab too strong on your steering . you break youe your bone on it . but if you not holding chances you smash your lung from the forward moving , so a seatbelt is relaly helping to some extent .

the trick is get a chair that surcure your body from moving left or right like a bucket seat ,

I was thinking why not we add a Spring on the steering wheel which is like at least 30 kg .. so when you grab it during impact it will have some room so you do not break you arm ..

car accident is scarey , i lost a friends last years due to a high speed accident .

helmet in thailand is cheapo fake , chances is get killed either way from the broken plastic of the helmet ,

a helmet got to withstand about 1 ton of impact . to be at least call save .

you be lucky those 99 baht - 250 baht helmet can within 200kg .

So i alway say the helmet is to prevent the police from taxing you for their coffee

well accident do happen . but if you practice what i call the defencsive driving or riding , you should be fine ,

Think before you go ( plan out your rounte before you leave in your mind )

Go slow if you must ,( there is really no rush , better late then never reach )

if you enjoy riding or driving fast ( do it on a clear traffic not in heavy traffic )

All junction is dangerous ( you mught be sure but there is alway idiot that treasure their life less )

Alway check blind spot when you move off . or turning ( thai trafic over take form left and right )

Don't every do a sudden turn , if you miss the turn , DO the distance and make a U-turn )

If you unsure about at any moment stop to make sure

Last but not least DON"T TALK ON YOUR F.u.c.k.i.n.g Mobile phone .when you drive ( there should have a rule that hang such people )

Be safe then sorry , be ready then worry , be late then dead

helmet in thailand is cheapo fake

Not all of them. You can find good ones here, but it takes some work and they are not cheap. Personally, I've always valued having my brains intact in my head enough that I don't mind paying for a good helmet.

helmet in thailand is cheapo fake

Not all of them. You can find good ones here, but it takes some work and they are not cheap. Personally, I've always valued having my brains intact in my head enough that I don't mind paying for a good helmet.

those 199 or 99 baht ones sure can help increase the injuries as compared to not wearing one. ! :o

and about the thieves, curse them till all eternity. same thing happened to my sister while we were having dinner in kuala lumpur. didnt realise chiang mai had gotten this bad.


I'm sorry to hear about the same thing happening to your sister tigerbeer, hope she is fine

This is getting real bad i got to warn all my friends about this

I ride relatively slow on my Old honda dream ,usually 30-40 km / hour m and i ride even slower when i am in heavy traffic

that one way to keep safe

but i also have a way which sometime if needed i will spee dup and be up in front . to have a clear traffic ,

there is really not 100 % sure safey , just a mind full to " you got to becarful even on a clear road ,

Ride safe and be safe good luck to everyone and do speard the words about this nasty snatch robber



Unfortunately this kind of robbery is not unusual in coutries where motorbikes abound. My wife rides with her handbag hung cross-shoulder and in front where it isn't so visible. We have a lady friend who dresses like she is well-heeled and wears all her gold which establishes her as a worthwhile target but she, like most people, is resistant to change.

A male farang friend in Phuket was tagged when he walked a few steps to an ATM and left his fanny pack in the basket of the bike (he knows - dumb!) and even dumber gave chase after the bandits! He ended up skidding out on a turn and plowed down a Thai lady on a bike and had to pay her doctor bills. Could have been worse - had he caught the guys he could easily have been knifed or shot. I don't care what is in the bag, it is NOT worth dying for.

Helmets are always a subject of debate. I have had much experience in studies of their effectiveness and it isn't much. Most injuries/deaths in Western countries where there aren't as many bikes are crush injuries anyway and even the strong DOT mandated helmets are only rated to 15mph or 24kph; and use of helmets causes such an increase in fatal neck injuries from the added weight strapped to the rider's head that it outweighs the imagined benefit of a helmet. Light one's are better if strong which is indeed possible - I found one here that is small, made with a thin/hard steel shell covered in black leather. And I actually found it in CM!

Be safe out there, eh?

sorry... totally mis/read the topic title....


me too! :D

Likewise. I was afraid all the men were going to get guns to protect their womenfolk, or sumpin'.


I just got News and as i follow up the event ,

It happen along


So be very carfully . about this ,

to add to the serious of this event .

4 Cases of the robber happen that night ..

sorry... totally mis/read the topic title....


me too! :D

Likewise. I was afraid all the men were going to get guns to protect their womenfolk, or sumpin'.

Well, the thread title has been mysteriously changed as if to rob us of some humour, but somehow, in another way entirely, it still seems to work! :D

Helmets are always a subject of debate. I have had much experience in studies of their effectiveness and it isn't much. Most injuries/deaths in Western countries where there aren't as many bikes are crush injuries anyway and even the strong DOT mandated helmets are only rated to 15mph or 24kph; and use of helmets causes such an increase in fatal neck injuries from the added weight strapped to the rider's head that it outweighs the imagined benefit of a helmet. Light one's are better if strong which is indeed possible - I found one here that is small, made with a thin/hard steel shell covered in black leather. And I actually found it in CM!

Be safe out there, eh?

Ahh that explains why anyone involved in motorsport including motorbike racing wear helmets - it just for show is it? Added surface area for sponsor's decals? wow now I know. I have slid a motorbike in excess of 200 kpm down the back corner of Oran Park Race track in Sydney and it ground the side of the helmet and wore out my one piece racing leathers but apart from a REALLY bad headache and transferred friction burns through the leathers I was fine. I have also been wiped out on a bike in road traffic where my helmet was between the car and the road and saved my life. I know my skull is thick but it is not going to support that sort of abuse.

Old motorbike saying $5 head $5 dollar helmet - me I wear the best one I can get and replace it at least once a year. They deteriorate with the heat and sunlight and the foam inside expands making them too loose.

There has been all types of evidence similar to what you are citing. They are all flawed and has been discounted by every expert in road transport. It is used by people who want the choice to "ride free". I agree with them, you don't want to wear a helmet don't but don't then claim accident insurance afterwards when you head gets mashed like an egg.

Still don't think a helmet is any good in an accident here's a simple test

step 1 - put on a helmet and walk out onto the road. Look around in case there are cars coming because I don't want you to hurt yourself. Kneel down on the road and smash your head, face first, as hard as you can on the surface.

Step 2 - remove the helmet and repeat - when you regain conciousness think about what it would be like to do at high speed.

OK ,

There is this motorcycle gang out there that prey on Woman and girl motorcycle rider ,

Their target is usually those who hang their handbag on the side of their bike , or easy prey ,

their usually act at night from 8 pm - late night

targeting people who cam eback from party , and travelling alone -

Ta22 - thanks for warning everyone. A little while back there were a few girls who had the same thing happen to them as they cut through the Anusarn markets late at night (after midnight). They slow down at the speed humps and at the second one get jumped and pushed off their bike by guys lying in wait at the corner of the restaurant. A friend of my wife lost her bag with her salary for the month, plus id card, atm card, etc.

The have also hit girls at the traffic lights on the end of the night bazaar. Usual trick is to walk across the street near the corner, kick the girls over on their bike, grab the bag, then jump onto an accomplices bike and turn left then straight down to Th. Charoen Pratet - left or right turn and they are gone before anyone knows what happened.

They are dangerous and cowards

Hope your friend is better soon and hope the guys are caught.


Crow Boy, some people sincerely believe that not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is a sensible option. I am very much of the view that it is better all around for such people not to wear helmets, and that the rest of us should not try to talk them out of it.

helmet in thailand is cheapo fake

Not all of them. You can find good ones here, but it takes some work and they are not cheap. Personally, I've always valued having my brains intact in my head enough that I don't mind paying for a good helmet.

yah, they have real helmets here, starting from baht 10,000 and up. any professional bike gear shop has these, i saw some in the small shop in Pantip Chiang Mai, downstairs.

Still don't think a helmet is any good in an accident here's a simple test

step 1 - put on a helmet and walk out onto the road. Look around in case there are cars coming because I don't want you to hurt yourself. Kneel down on the road and smash your head, face first, as hard as you can on the surface.

Step 2 - remove the helmet and repeat - when you regain conciousness think about what it would be like to do at high speed.

Good one, Crow Boy! :D

Somehow I can see you smasing your head on the pavement to prove a point. :o

As I said, any discussion of helmets ends up in heated debate but what I wrote is unfortunately true. Nowhere however did I say the helmets do not save lives and I also mentioned that I wear one. In a low-speed, skidding down the road type accident, a helmet is a good way to "save face".

This is not the thread to discuss this but after 30 years of investigating the effectiveness of most helmets, especially the large/heavy and archaic DOT approved ones, I do not think that emotionalism or the limitations of personal experience match pure statistics. American States who have instituted helmet laws do see a decrease in motorcycle fatalities but they do not equal the drop in motorcycle registrations and fatal neck injuries rise dramatically. Helmet laws are being reversed in many, if not most by now, States for that reason plus many, many more.

Oh, and per capita, auto accident victims suffer head injuries more often than motorcyclists but try convincing auto drivers to don them... :D

Crow Boy, some people sincerely believe that not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is a sensible option. I am very much of the view that it is better all around for such people not to wear helmets, and that the rest of us should not try to talk them out of it.

Rasseru - in my message I wrote " I agree with them, you don't want to wear a helmet don't but don't then claim accident insurance afterwards when you head gets mashed like an egg."

I have seen way too many accidents with people not wearing helmets. However that is my personal opinion. This topic is really about bag snatchers and I don't want to be pinged for keeping this off topic.

Maybe need to start a new topic in motoring forum?

However that is my personal opinion. This topic is really about bag snatchers and I don't want to be pinged for keeping this off topic.

Maybe need to start a new topic in motoring forum?

Thank you for this - beat me to the draw by a few moments.

Future posts on topic please, or the thread will be closed.


Bandits exist in every country and I am sure no more so in Thailand but it is always distressing to hear of someone victimized in such a manner.

While on Phuket some time back and while walking along a dark street alone, I was accosted by two young Thai men on a motorbike. They pulled rapidly up and while one tried to keep my attention with threatening gestures, the other went behind me and was clumsily attempting to pick my rear pockets. When I sent one of them sprawling, they immediately hopped on their bike and sped away. I couldn't help but think that my move was stupid indeed as they could easily have been armed and I didn't have much money with me anyway.

Those who physically assault someone by knocking them off of a moving bike however are deserving of nothing less than arrest and serious jail time. I would rather be confronted and given the option of handing over my cash than be harmed AND robbed.

My apologies if I participated in taking the topic off-subject but I do have a question. The original post was both about a robbery and injuries sustained after a fall from a motorbike. It seems logical that the discussion about helmets began as early as the 7th post and the OP himself went into detail about helmets and safety/availability of same. My post included comments about this type of robbery and the helmet issue. Do we go with the OP's intent/discussions or with the title of the thread (which I have forgotten since it was changed)?

No matter as I feel the discussion about helmets has gone way far enough and I as a long-time mediator am happy that it didn't deteriorate into an actual dispute as many threads tend to do.

Shall we talk about guns and crossbows? :o

Be careful out there...


i was thinking ,

if one day some guy try to rob me at GUn point ,

maybe i would tell him i need a daring guy to run a operation ,

if he dare to rob me and dare try killing me he is the guy i been hutning for , take out 5k .. and tell him to give me his contact number so i can get back to him .

tell him that he won't get rich doing such dangerous act , and one can only get rich using brain

so i get a guy whom i can keep and use when i need a-

or maybe i would aks him how i can help him .

cos robbering me now only get him small money .

whahahhha just idea .. who know i may make a new friend :o

i was thinking ,

if one day some guy try to rob me at GUn point ,

maybe i would tell him i need a daring guy to run a operation ,

if he dare to rob me and dare try killing me he is the guy i been hutning for , take out 5k .. and tell him to give me his contact number so i can get back to him .

tell him that he won't get rich doing such dangerous act , and one can only get rich using brain

so i get a guy whom i can keep and use when i need a-

or maybe i would aks him how i can help him .

cos robbering me now only get him small money .

whahahhha just idea .. who know i may make a new friend :o

What have you been smoking Tatutu ? Can i have some ?post-31110-1174923432.gif

What have you been smoking Tatutu ? Can i have some ?post-31110-1174923432.gif

As I thought, it took all of about five seconds for that new icon to be austhaied into submission! :o

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