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What's Right About Thailand?


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LOS might not be the place of choice for most people, rather a better place than frigid Europe or North America or wherever in the western world. Cheap cost of living certainly attracts a lot of people that would not be able to maintain the same lifestyle in their home country. Thais are totaly indifferent to Foreigners, the perception of Thais being xenophobic is probably true but having spent my entire adult life on 5 continets I can assure anyone that it is the norm everywhere, if you are different you are suspect by definition. So what? Thailand is a great place but I would never call it home.

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I have worked in more the sixty countries and now stationed in Thailand, not on my request by the way.

Sometimes I like it here and many times I do not.

But I try to make the best of it.


PS, Don't give me that crappy reply : Why you do not move to some other place...

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The CHAOS... That's what i love about it.

I agree -its the chaos - everything may be regulated- but you can still eat at a street stall and feed the odd hungry dog, and fresh meat is sold in the open air. Yes many things are hugely frustrating - especially the dicing with death attitude of motorbike riders, and a kind of fatalism about life that seems to pervade Thai thinking.

But I'm here because I love my wife, the country we live in and the relaxed lifestyle. I no longer get into the social conversations in Oz, about how much you sold your latest house for, or how much stuff you have, or which O/S destination your going to on the 1 week package tour to deal with your stress. None of that really matters. I have many better and more genuine relationships here, and I don't speak much Thai. My fear is that many Thais think that acquiring more western stuff and values is the way to go. Dont do it ! I say.

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