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I have been living with my Thai wife and step-daughter for two years and for the last year have been a volunteer helping teach English at my local village government school. I have a work permit, as required, and a one year visa, which is due for renewal in July. I understand that the rules changed recently, so I would like to know what is required when I renew, apart from the necessary letters from the school and education authority?

Is there a financial element, bearing in mind that I receive no salary?

If so, is it a 3 months evaluation (e.g. min. 400,000 for 3 months), which I would need to cover from April?

Thanks in advance.


You posted this almost two hours ago, and no reply yet. I don't know, but I have always understood that teachers fall into some exception on the old salary requirement. I don't know who sets the salary rules, anyway - labour, education, or immigration.

But I guess your question is about the salary level for a alien married to a Thai, which I heard was 40,000 per month (which in your case, is a salary of zero).

Help! Mai kojai. Anybody care to answer?


What type of visa are you on now. If you are on a o-a (due to marriage) then you should be grandfathered in under the old regulations and can use the same rules as last yr.

What did you use last year.

OK. if it is the THB400K in the bank I understand that this has to be in the bank for over 3 months or THB40K / month income.

So what did you do last yr and what income are you living on now?


Forgot to talk about the wp.

I don't see any changes to the wp situation.

They have introduced more regulations and for new teachers a tefl and police clearance certificate is required. I do not know in your situation if it is needed or not.

I personally spreaking would say yes it (the police clearance) because it will show that you have no police record or have past child offences. I know it is not a nice thing to say but we live in a nasty world and there are some nasty people around But I would speak to CMX immi and see what they say, get the local head man or head teacher to help and it may go smoother.

Good luck.


The police clearance from one's country is a great idea, but difficult to actually do. Also, the OP is already teaching, and the rumour mill says only the new teachers are having to show police checks. The ministry of education officials in Chiang Mai were interviewed recently, and their opinons raised shouts from folks in other provinces who said, "they don't do that here." But the OP may not need a teacher's license.

I have been living with my Thai wife and step-daughter for two years and for the last year have been a volunteer helping teach English at my local village government school. I have a work permit, as required,

Wow... you are the first I've heard you actually obtained a work permit for volunteer teaching at a government school. Could you please share with the forum any of the specifics of how you went about doing this? I used to do the same volunteering for four years, but backed off when WP's became an issue and getting one seemed practically impossible.


It's amazing that the powers that be won't allow a dispensation to long stayers doing voluntary work.

Yes I know that were are a lot of problems in that every one could say they are doing voluntary work and they pay your wife..... but in most cases it could be shown that it was proper voluntary work.

But if they don't want to tap into the pool of wasting talent so be it.


Thanks for the replies guys.

I had to go out last evening to a 'healing temple' in San Kampheng, which was an experience!!!! (At one point I thought I witnessed a murder - but I digress!)

To answer your questions;

I originally had a 3 month non-Imm.'O' obtained in England, then extended because of my Thai wife (400,000 in the bank, etc.) to July 2006.

I offered to teach at the school and asked at the Immigration Office if I needed to do anything about my visa. I was told to get a work permit and come back. I visited the Labour Office and was given an application form and details (all to be completed in Thai) and was told that I cannot apply until 10 days before commencing work.

I needed letters from the school and LEA addressed to the department of labour, together with a contract and qualifications - copies of my GCE 'O' level and City & Guilds computer certs. (I do not have a degree or teaching quals.), together with the plus fee and photo. After a couple of visits, getting the letters how they wanted, and ignoring the typical attempt to give a back-hander to get it in time, I got the work permit.

When I attempted to renew my visa (I went early, just in case there were complications), when I produced the work permit, I was told that the process would be done on the day of renewal, rather than sending paperwork to Bangkok, so to come back then. I didn't need a letter from the bank, but I needed letters and contract from the school and LEA. The Immigration Officer did look through my bank book though, and said that I obviously lived here and had money coming in. She also commented that some farang move money between accounts to meet the rules, which she didn't like to see.

Once I had the visa extension to July 2007, I went back to the Labour Office and extended the work permit also (with the fee, contract and new letters).

I am not sure what visa I have, and what the situation is regarding grandfather status.

I actually do have a copy of a UK police check, as I needed one for the adoption of my step-daughter (which is another story, as yet incomplete).

I have copies of some of the letters.

My wife and I did all the office visits, I guess it would have been even easier if the head-master had come along.

I know I should visit the Immigration Office again and check, but as I don't actually have a passport at the moment (it is being renewed - 3 week turnaround), I didn't want that to complicate matters, and by the time I do get it back, the 3 month money thing would have kicked in.....


My best guess is that you were changed to employment extension of stay from support Thai wife - when you get passport back see if that phrase is missing from the current extension of stay stamp.

This may well remove the grandfather provision. Believe you will have to remain on work extensions or convert to 40k family income. As they approved your last extension of stay believe they will continue as long as you have the work paperwork.

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