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Depressed After Leaving Thailand


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I just arrived in Denmark after a fortnight in LOS, doing a business trip to Bkk and Chiang Mai.

I am born in Thailand so naturally my heart stays in Thailand.

When the plane landed in Copenhagen Intl. Airport it felt like a heavy blanket fell on my shoulders. With the crummy weather and the unwelcoming rude attitude folks here have towards each other, I wanted to get a plane right back.

And I will go back asap.

Do you folks have the same feeling when arriving from a trip/stay from Thailand ?

If I wasn't building a business in Denmark I would be looking at the option of setting up a new life in LOS !

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I just arrived in Denmark after a fortnight in LOS, doing a business trip to Bkk and Chiang Mai.

I am born in Thailand so naturally my heart stays in Thailand.

When the plane landed in Copenhagen Intl. Airport it felt like a heavy blanket fell on my shoulders. With the crummy weather and the unwelcoming rude attitude folks here have towards each other, I wanted to get a plane right back.

And I will go back asap.

Do you folks have the same feeling when arriving from a trip/stay from Thailand ?

If I wasn't building a business in Denmark I would be looking at the option of setting up a new life in LOS !

I have been going to thailand for 20 yrs, sometimes, twice a year, usually for a month at a time. I always get depressed when I leave and always plan my next visit asap.

Coming back to europe is a shock, especially northern europe. I am an australian who has been living in Holland for 15 yrs and just dream of living in thailand.

My husband of one year, feels the same, and we are currently looking at ways of living there, but its not that easy being a brit and an aussie.

Just concentrate on your business, so can sell, and make your life back in beautiful thailand, with kind people, more comfortable.

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My business is mainly furniture import from Thailand. The business has some great perspectives and breakthrough success could come soon and bring the option (money) to make more business. :o

So to expand the business I am looking at some new ideas for businesses in Thailand.

When I was back in Thailand first time (1999) since being adopted to Denmark (1976) it looked like a place where oppotunities just waited to get explored.

If I return to Thailand for a longer period it should be to make new jobs or something constructive.

I can't drink like as much now as when I was younger...

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Hang in there my friend, I too suffer this when I return. It takes me at least 2-3 weeks to get back to thinking about work and everything non Thai. Then on the 3rd week I buy my plane ticket for the next trip over and that gives me the stregnth and something to look forward to. In the meantime I go to the gym and this also helps mentally. Good luck.

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I have been home less than a week and I'm now thinking about digging up the funds to go to Thailand in the fall or over X-mas/new year...

(I'm not going to sell my business as it has the potential to make 50K baht profit a day if I get it where I want to...)

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I know exactly how you feel. Almost exactly two years ago I stumbled out of terminal 3 at LHR on a cold, damp, grey morning after twelve years in LoS with no job, little money and no prospects of return.

But I got my head down and slogged away and two years and three jobs, contracting, later I have plenty of money and can return anytime I want. You have to maintain your goal clear in your mind and know with every dawn that breaks you are one day nearer achieving it.

Keep smiling, it beats the hel_l out of the alternative. :o

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Know a Danish couple who spend part of the year here and part in Denmark and other countries. One of the most friendliest couples we met here in Thailand, would like to think they are exactly the same when in Denmark!

I might have been generalising a bit but not that far off.

This may be due to the lifestyle in western countries. In Thailand you don't want to "lose face".

This might be seeping into western societies too, although in a bit different way.

As material wealth increases in the western countries, expectations also rise.

If a family doesn't "have it all" or a "perfect life" many feel they are being cheated or left out. And this leads to folks who just aren't very polite. There is quite a few of them.

So I think people in the west gets stressed out about the Playstations, new homes etc. they feel a need to buy. And they bitch about it.

Going to Thailand is a real stress relief, your money gets you more.

Looking at how hard life is for some in Thailand, you may realise all the unnessesary material items you got don't actually make you happy.

Oops, ranting a bit. My point is that for some reason I feel more happy when in Thailand.

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another positive thread for the good old los. :o

im sort of over the getting depressed thing, as its not too long before trips back to los for me and ive always got my return booked before i leave. :D

so its all good and not long now till i get there full time.

as another dude said,

keep your focus happenning and the " MOJO " flowing. :D

thank you very much :D

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My advice to the OP is quite straight forward:

Either move to Thailand and live there OR set about enjoying your life where you are.

Better still aim to have a fulfilling life in which holidays in Thailand are only one part.

Making yourself misserable by wishing you were somewhere you are not, is no way to live life.

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My advice to the OP is quite straight forward:

Either move to Thailand and live there OR set about enjoying your life where you are.

Better still aim to have a fulfilling life in which holidays in Thailand are only one part.

Making yourself misserable by wishing you were somewhere you are not, is no way to live life.

I'd like to move to Thailand, but as things are for now I need to focus on my current situation and work hard to get success, maybe 5 to 10 years.

Doing business importing from Thailand gives me a reason/excuse to go to LOS as often as possible.

When things are up and running in Denmark I will shift my focus to Thailand and the option of relocating to build a future in Thailand. I think I'd go nuts if all I did was watch television and drink beer so I'll want something constructive to do like starting another business in Thailand.

If you open your eyes and mind, there are many great oppotunites in Thailand, product quality is no longer an issue when you have some tight control. It's all about finding the right business idea.

I'm too young to be on a "Never-ending holiday", and retirement is years from now too.

I'm sure many people living in farangland is looking for a solution that enables them to combine the best of both places.

I have not found the answer for what will work for me yet, but I will.

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I might have been generalising a bit but not that far off.

This may be due to the lifestyle in western countries. In Thailand you don't want to "lose face".

This might be seeping into western societies too, although in a bit different way.

As material wealth increases in the western countries, expectations also rise.

If a family doesn't "have it all" or a "perfect life" many feel they are being cheated or left out. And this leads to folks who just aren't very polite. There is quite a few of them.

So I think people in the west gets stressed out about the Playstations, new homes etc. they feel a need to buy. And they bitch about it.

Going to Thailand is a real stress relief, your money gets you more.

Looking at how hard life is for some in Thailand, you may realise all the unnessesary material items you got don't actually make you happy.

Oops, ranting a bit. My point is that for some reason I feel more happy when in Thailand.

I think you're right - there is a lot of stress in the West, and Thailand is a good place to unwind and relax. But I also think much of the stress is caused by how a person looks at things. I used to feel down when I'd have to leave Thailand, even when I'd enter the airport knowing I have to leave. Of course, jetlag doesn't help much either. But I also would be planning my next trip back to Thailand, and that kind of focus helped not to feel down, but helped to look forward to the next time.

I still don't like leaving Thailand, but it's okay for me now when I do, because I know I'll be back there again soon.

I also think to focus on your priorities and goals (Priorities = things you need to do; Goals = things you want to do), is helpful in not feeling down or depressed. Planning for the next trip gives a sense of something to look forward to doing.

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I hope to do the big move this year, asap, had a good offer on my Business in the UK yesterday, looks good, just got to think about it for a couple of days, as it is the biggest desision i have ever made, i am so anti UK at the moment, all this red tape etc, i work every morning at 5 am to 7 pm at night i get home, my family are suffering as just got no time for the youngest daughter, time i get home she is going to bed, this is no quality of life, i want to spend more time with my family and relocate to Thailand, we have everything set up there, so that is one good thing. also i would like to learn the village kids english in my spare time and do something for the community.

There is only one problem i can see when moving to Thailand, VISA, as i am only 42 and got no income coming in once i sell, i am going to build another house in the UK and rent out. so it will cover the 40,000 baht.

In the UK you are working for the tax man, not yourself any more.

I also use to import furniture and carvings from Hang Dong, this was 12 years ago, now everybody has got on the bandwagon, so stopped , but still have all my contacts. which may come in handy.

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I hope to do the big move this year, asap, had a good offer on my Business in the UK yesterday, looks good, just got to think about it for a couple of days, as it is the biggest desision i have ever made, i am so anti UK at the moment, all this red tape etc, i work every morning at 5 am to 7 pm at night i get home, my family are suffering as just got no time for the youngest daughter, time i get home she is going to bed, this is no quality of life, i want to spend more time with my family and relocate to Thailand, we have everything set up there, so that is one good thing. also i would like to learn the village kids english in my spare time and do something for the community.

There is only one problem i can see when moving to Thailand, VISA, as i am only 42 and got no income coming in once i sell, i am going to build another house in the UK and rent out. so it will cover the 40,000 baht.

In the UK you are working for the tax man, not yourself any more.

I also use to import furniture and carvings from Hang Dong, this was 12 years ago, now everybody has got on the bandwagon, so stopped , but still have all my contacts. which may come in handy.

You might want to consider keeping the business in the UK and hiring someone or finding a partner to run it. This way you'll have an income, it might not help you on the visa side of things, but it could see you have a flow of money coming your way and something to fall back on.

This is how I'm imagine a future for myself in Thailand, in about five to ten years.

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