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American and Thai wife on the run after police officer ‘shot and stabbed’ in Pattaya


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34 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Yeah right, we had two in Canada that probably thought the same thing (in Northern Manitoba in summer)... and they were self-styled survivalists on the run for murder... they went in, and in a matter of weeks they were dead.  I suspect the jungle in Thailand is actually more hostile.

Far more hostile if you are not native jungle borne.

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14 minutes ago, NoComment said:

I agree with BestB

Lots of brown envelopes.

Someone knows everything about this.

That someone will be in deep poo poo very soon.

Only if the escapees are still alive to provide the required information.

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6 minutes ago, cryo said:

The someone on the inside must be very very high up to arrange a court breakout. Or the other option is the higher ups are deeply involved in said drugs and decided the potential death of a police officer or two was worth paying to have these three silenced. I greatly suspect the death sentence the court would have announced has already been carried out, no passports, no boats or planes and no border crossings these three are now part of some new local motorway project. Everything to do with this was way too easy and flowed way too well for it to be arranged by a guy in prison or his associates.

Have you ever seen Dannemora?



Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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41 minutes ago, cryo said:

Only if the escapees are still alive to provide the required information.

None of them provided any information during or after the arrest, highly unlikely they will provide any even if taken alive.


Thai guy was in an armed stand off with the police during his arrest, so his kahunas are not small, and i am guessing nor are his backers.


Saying that they may not even know who was paid off to plant the weapons.


I recall someone posting earlier that only police allowed weapons inside court, that is incorrect, police are not allowed any weapons inside court. The ones who deliver prisoners are armed, but the ones who receive inside the cage are not armed.


From video it is not very clear if all 3 were already placed in holding cell or were on the way to holding cell.


And keep in mind holding cell has a lot of people, so i am guessing on the way to holding cell, but if thats the case, how did they get their hands on a gun and a knife?


I seriously doubt we will ever know the truth because even if they find out who was on the take, highly unlikely they would make it public as it would make courts look bad.


If i had to to place a bet, i would say it was one of the escorting cops who handed weapons prior to being handed over to court guards/police.


HOWEVER and it is a big HOWEVER, court guards/police are corrupt as well, you can await in general holding cell with 50-80 people, 1 fan or pay 1000 baht and they move you to AC room with about 5-8 people, pay another 1000 and your family or friends can stay in room with you.

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11 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

The female commentator on the video is heard to say that it was a Thai pradit gun, i.e. home made break action handgun that takes a 12 guage shotgun cartridge.  If that was the case he did well to survive a 12 guage shotgun blast in the stomach.

He might regret to have survived.

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16 hours ago, Wake Up said:

I read the Bangkok post and it had photos of all three. Nothing in that article suggested thais good farang bad. Think about why you are jaded against thais and Thailand. I hope you can leave this place and be happy somewhere before it is too late. ???? 

Maybe I read an earlier version of the story than you as I can assure you there was no other photo than the American.  I am blissfully happy here but unfortunately am cursed with a strong perception of right and wrong.  I rail against corruption; unfairness of property-owning laws; road deaths; ineffective police. 

I enjoy doing this as I am a professional writer.

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21 hours ago, Matzzon said:

What a worthless comment! You should feel ashamed making a statement like that. They are all criminals, and I am pretty sure they have been showing pictures of all suspects both in the videos here and in news as well as facebokk and other newspapers.

This has nothing to do with good or bad and who is what! It has to do with that this bad foreigner, is one of the lousy pack thta makes it more bad for all of us to try and be representative citizens form other countries.

I am sure that later pictures of the bad Thais will show up on FB/etc. I was reacting to breaking news.   Do you not agree that Thais never accept that they may be at fault and always seek an alternative scapegoat?  Usually foreigners.  All this fuss about tightening Immigration laws in the name of 'National Security' is further evidence of xenophobia - any terrorism in Thailand is wrought by Thais generally.

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:56 AM, ravip said:

So, the American is innocent? An innocent man falsely accused?

Another quality tourist.


Please get someone to read my post to you.  I did not say the American was innocent.  I commented on the edition of the story breaking in the Bangkok Post that ONLY showed a photo of the foreigner.  Later versions included photos of the Thai criminals.  Please do not deny to yourself that most Thais view foreigners with suspicion.

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

They said the hunt and its resolution would fully test the capabilities of the provincial police and other agencies.

Ohh dear, reputations on the line... so far not looking good with a knife & gun in a police cell !

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22 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Does everyone understand why the visas are becoming more and more difficult ? The next time you have a complaint about Thai Immigration focus your attention on all the foreign criminals wandering freely around Thailand. Many are easy to spot a mile away. Focus all your attention on the foreigners that are causing problems . I am sure there are more than a few foreigners that know the criminal backgrounds of others. Before you bitch and moan any longer about Thailand turn the criminals in. Pattaya does seems to attract the majority of foreign criminals. You could not pay me enough to ever set foot there.

before you bitch and moan on here think of what you are saying . Visa`s getting harder because of incidents like this . Pray please tell me how many thai police hhave been stabbed and shot by farangs in the last 100 years ?There are criminals in every country locals and immigrants and there are  probably not many farang criminals in thailand and most of those are in pattaya or phuket .

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18 minutes ago, mikebell said:

I am sure that later pictures of the bad Thais will show up on FB/etc. I was reacting to breaking news.   Do you not agree that Thais never accept that they may be at fault and always seek an alternative scapegoat?  Usually foreigners.  All this fuss about tightening Immigration laws in the name of 'National Security' is further evidence of xenophobia - any terrorism in Thailand is wrought by Thais generally.

Nope, the only thing I will agree to is the right to disagree. ???? 

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

Please get someone to read my post to you.  I did not say the American was innocent.  I commented on the edition of the story breaking in the Bangkok Post that ONLY showed a photo of the foreigner.  Later versions included photos of the Thai criminals.  Please do not deny to yourself that most Thais view foreigners with suspicion.

Please do not deny to yourself that most Thais view foreigners with suspicion.

To be very frank, I have not experienced that myself first hand. I guess, all these problems arise according to the environment a foreigner moves around - this is something not unique to Thailand, only.

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