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"you Can Score On Route 24"

Andrew Hicks

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This slander of goods means I really did have to reply and set out the truth... if it goes on I'm going to get banned. But no, they wouldn't. This is a genuine discussion in which I wanted to talk about the joy of blogging and it got side tracked a little bit.

I don't think this topic has been sidetracked at all. You wanted to talk about your blog, which is a place for you to write your thoughts and ideas. So it seems very appropriate to talk about things you've written in the past. It allows people to get some idea of where you're coming from and what you might have (or in this case not have) to offer in your blog.

Judging from your novel (and yes, I have judged the book by it's cover!), I'd say you won't find much of an audience here. Your style may be more appropriate for lonely, middle-aged housewives or bored travellers with nothing better to do.

Edited by jeebusjones
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I have always noticed that thai-visa has more than its fair share of book critics.

As i always ask, those that are continuously critical "Now, let's see what you can do"

Of course, they cant write to save their lives and so with a chip on their shoulder they get off on lambasting writers. I believe that a lot of the time, that its just simply envy. Another author i know, Dean Barrett, also got flamed by a couple of guys over at mangosauce a couple of months ago. You dont need to ask who won at the end of the day though....

Ive written a review for Thai Girl and found it to be decent enough. There is so much literal crap on the book shelves about ladies of the night, that i found a book about a 'proper' Thai girl to be rather refreshing. Andrew has a lotta insight about the mentality of the 'proper' Thai girl and her dating ways. Makes a change to reading novels about easy-lays with hookers.

Edited by stevesuphan
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This slander of goods means I really did have to reply and set out the truth... if it goes on I'm going to get banned. But no, they wouldn't. This is a genuine discussion in which I wanted to talk about the joy of blogging and it got side tracked a little bit.

I don't think this topic has been sidetracked at all. You wanted to talk about your blog, which is a place for you to write your thoughts and ideas. So it seems very appropriate to talk about things you've written in the past. It allows people to get some idea of where you're coming from and what you might have (or in this case not have) to offer in your blog.

Judging from your novel (and yes, I have judged the book by it's cover!), I'd say you won't find much of an audience here. Your style may be more appropriate for lonely, middle-aged housewives or bored travellers with nothing better to do.


Thanks for your understanding. People do draw conclusions from the cover and the design for the edition published in Singapore is very different. It probably gives a better impression of the contents.

It's not the bored housewives that love it but the blokes. Those who rave about it most are men who've come to Thailand and had some sort of confusing experience with a Thai woman and find parallels in my story which provides tham with some insight and reassurance. I think I'm allowed to say all this on this forum but if I was allowed, I'd tell you where that point can be corroborated with some of their actual comments.

Flame on !


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I have always noticed that thai-visa has more than its fair share of book critics.

As i always ask, those that are continuously critical "Now, let's see what you can do"

Of course, they cant write to save their lives and so with a chip on their shoulder they get off on lambasting writers. I believe that a lot of the time, that its just simply envy. Another author i know, Dean Barrett, also got flamed by a couple of guys over at mangosauce a couple of months ago. You dont need to ask who won at the end of the day though....

Ive written a review for Thai Girl and found it to be decent enough. There is so much literal crap on the book shelves about ladies of the night, that i found a book about a 'proper' Thai girl to be rather refreshing. Andrew has a lotta insight about the mentality of the 'proper' Thai girl and her dating ways. Makes a change to reading novels about easy-lays with hookers.

What a load of twaddle! So, I have to be able to write a symphony before I can decide whether or not I like Beethoven? Reviews are the personal opinion of the reader. They should not be regarded as anything more or less than that. I have read thousands of books. Many I have loved, more I have liked, some have bored me & some I've loathed. Do I need to be able to write something comparable, or better, in order to express my feelings about those books?

I love reading, it's one of the greatest pleasures of my life. Could I write? I don't know. For my own satisfaction, maybe. Commercially? I doubt it. That does not detract from my opinions of the books I've read & I certainly reserve the right to voice those opinions if I so wish.

You'll notice I have made no comment about the OP's book. I haven't read it & have no real wish to do so.

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I have always noticed that thai-visa has more than its fair share of book critics.

As i always ask, those that are continuously critical "Now, let's see what you can do"

Of course, they cant write to save their lives and so with a chip on their shoulder they get off on lambasting writers. I believe that a lot of the time, that its just simply envy. Another author i know, Dean Barrett, also got flamed by a couple of guys over at mangosauce a couple of months ago. You dont need to ask who won at the end of the day though....

Ive written a review for Thai Girl and found it to be decent enough. There is so much literal crap on the book shelves about ladies of the night, that i found a book about a 'proper' Thai girl to be rather refreshing. Andrew has a lotta insight about the mentality of the 'proper' Thai girl and her dating ways. Makes a change to reading novels about easy-lays with hookers.

I'm sorry I beg to differ.

Book critics are not able to write books themselves, but they do make a living criticizing.

I don't care what critics write or say about a book I judge the books myself on my personal

likes and dislikes. (which is what the critics also do).



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Whao or what was scampy? :o


I thought a scampy was a type of prawn or shrimp depending on which side of the big pond you come from. It is the dipped and battered and then put into hot oil - from my reading of this thread it is a person who is about to get the same treatment :D


Sorry, that's tempura -- scampi is sauteed in a lemon garlic butter sauce.

The only thing sadder than blogging and then pimping it on a forum would be reading said blog, so umm... maybe when I run out of bathrooms to clean I'll give it a look. ;-)

Andrew: a good buddy of mine has created a website of Thailand stories (dot com). Check it out if you haven't already done so. You might want to submit some of your work over there.

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it was truly the stuff of cliche, the good thai girl (or was she) slow wooing the naive farang in multiple settings, made different only by the awkward writing and vanity printing feel of the book itself.

Afraid I must concur with this assessment.

I'd normally refrain from commenting negatively on a book, but since a quick google has revealed the extent of the self-publicising (& self-aggrandizing :D ) Mr Hicks has undertaken, I see no need to be coy. I don't like to see pushy ex-lawyers making so much noise that quieter and greatly more accomplished writers might be (temporarily) overlooked. Unless you're looking for a disbelieving laugh at the book's inanity, I strongly recommend leaving it on the shop shelf.

I see that the author hopes for a Nobel Prize nomination :o .

Amazing Thailand !

Edited by WaiWai
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Don't know him, don't know his books but - respect - he's got his plug in and you're all discussing him. Mission accomplished.

"It is better to be talked about than not to be talked about" Oscar Wilde

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I wasn't going to get all mucky in this thread, but in a moment of pure procrastination, I peeked in on Mr. Hicks Thai Girl website.

Near the end of the page there is a write-up about his up-coming novel, ‘The Kandinsky Lode’ I believed he misspelled the word load.

It seems to be basically a whacky paraphrase of the Davinci Code, even sounds the same: Davinci Code Kandinsky Load. Considering Kandinsky and Davinci are also famous artists I guess Hicks was covering all the bases in his plague your ism’s.

Hope you made big bucks on Thai Girl, you might need it for a defense fund someday.

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Near the end of the page there is a write-up about his up-coming novel, ‘The Kandinsky Lode’ I believed he misspelled the word load.

It seems to be basically a whacky paraphrase of the Davinci Code, even sounds the same: Davinci Code Kandinsky Load.

That's interesting. In a recent post he mentioned his book was second only to 'The Davinci Code" on Singapore's Best Seller List. I guess plagiarism's one way to get the coveted number one spot..

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As I swish by in my airconned Vigo, I think of each postage stamp of rice field... that this is somebody's millstone, their sweated labour, their inheritance carved out by their fathers, but also their essential means of survival. As I park up in Tescos, I find it a little terrifying, I who's biggest burden today has been writing a blog for Thai Visa.


So now your blog is your rice paddy. It all seems so hopeless and small, innit?

Have another Chang :o

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I wasn't going to get all mucky in this thread, but in a moment of pure procrastination, I peeked in on Mr. Hicks Thai Girl website.

Near the end of the page there is a write-up about his up-coming novel, ‘The Kandinsky Lode’ I believed he misspelled the word load.

It seems to be basically a whacky paraphrase of the Davinci Code, even sounds the same: Davinci Code Kandinsky Load. Considering Kandinsky and Davinci are also famous artists I guess Hicks was covering all the bases in his plague your ism’s.

Hope you made big bucks on Thai Girl, you might need it for a defense fund someday.

Again I reluctantly reply in defense of negative publicity that I would never solicit and would do everything possible to avoid (except by hiding behind a mask).

Possible principles for literary criticism are that the critic should first read the book and secondly should not start out from the very beginning to do a hatchet job. While I cannot comment on general negativity on this forum, that was the point made by Steve Suphan.

As to fair criticism of "Thai Girl" I just have to take it on the nose. One man's book of heartbreaking brilliance is another's derivitive low-level inanity. I just have to tot up the balance of good versus bad comments, and I'm still quite satisfied.

In the case of an earlier post from a world-weary critic, there were some valid points to respond to, and I think I did so fairly and politely, pointing out several ways in which the book is original and distinctive.

As to this post referring to the spoof book review dated 1 April 2006 on my unmentionable website, 'lode' is correctly spelt as in 'lode-stone'. Amazing what you learn on Thai Visa. If my critic were to re-read 'The Kandinsky Lode' book review now I've told him it's supposed to be funny, he might end up splitting his sides. I do hope so.

Well we have achieved some serious discussion of a book, haven't we boys.

Now this one is addressed to God/George. How about a virtual book club on Thai Visa in which books are presented for a sensible and mature discussion by the legions of literary gentlemen who regularly comment on the Forum? I'm confident it'd work and that nobody would be silly or talk to each other at the back of the class.

Always sincerely,

Andrew Hicks

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  • 4 months later...

Well Scamp, or Hicks whichever it is, you sure are taking a helluva ass-spanking my friend.

But thats the lot in life for the writer who 'bursts' the bubble on the Thailand 'Scene'.

I've read the extracts of 'Thai Girl' on your website and though the books title is a little unimaginative the arguing scene is pretty funny. Its just like how a typical southern english girl would react in Thailand to the 'Night Scene'.

Newbies to Thailand will like it I expect, as it acts as a 'guide' of sorts for them.

Edited by JimsKnight
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I have always noticed that thai-visa has more than its fair share of book critics.

As i always ask, those that are continuously critical "Now, let's see what you can do"

Of course, they cant write to save their lives and so with a chip on their shoulder they get off on lambasting writers. I believe that a lot of the time, that its just simply envy. Another author i know, Dean Barrett, also got flamed by a couple of guys over at mangosauce a couple of months ago. You dont need to ask who won at the end of the day though....

Ive written a review for Thai Girl and found it to be decent enough. There is so much literal crap on the book shelves about ladies of the night, that i found a book about a 'proper' Thai girl to be rather refreshing. Andrew has a lotta insight about the mentality of the 'proper' Thai girl and her dating ways. Makes a change to reading novels about easy-lays with hookers.

Its nice to see writers stick together. A bit like the prison governors association declaring they have great faith in each other. I prefer to rely on the prisoners opinion. I read blogs sometimes and they can be very entertaining. In the end they all suffer from the same malaise.......excessive self love, narcissism writ large. Perhaps its the oppressive deadlines, the search for something, anything to say, or perhaps its that no one has such an interesting life that others want to hear them bang on about it day after day. In the end it as bland as a diet of cornflakes and just as boring.

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Quite frankly I do not know or care who Andrew Hicks is or ever was-I do know that IMHO he has written some good posts that are far more interesting than any I have ever written on TV.

As for his book or books, I have never read any of them and maybe never will however I do give him a lot of credit that he has a published book which is far more than I will ever accomplish in the literary world. If they have sold fairly well, I have no problem giving credit where credit is due and obviously Andrew has found a niche in the market for his style of writing.

As for claims that he suffers from vanity, don't you think that it is OK to be a little proud if you have struggled and attained a little success in your field of endeavor ?

As for some claiming he is self promoting, I do not know many people in artistic or any other fields that get very far without in any promotion.

Good luck Andrew in your future books, Hopefully you will gain some interesting insights and backrounds for future books through your TV experiences.


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Quite frankly I do not know or care who Andrew Hicks is or ever was-I do know that IMHO he has written some good posts that are far more interesting than any I have ever written on TV.

As for his book or books, I have never read any of them and maybe never will however I do give him a lot of credit that he has a published book which is far more than I will ever accomplish in the literary world. If they have sold fairly well, I have no problem giving credit where credit is due and obviously Andrew has found a niche in the market for his style of writing.

As for claims that he suffers from vanity, don't you think that it is OK to be a little proud if you have struggled and attained a little success in your field of endeavor ?

As for some claiming he is self promoting, I do not know many people in artistic or any other fields that get very far without in any promotion.

Good luck Andrew in your future books, Hopefully you will gain some interesting insights and backrounds for future books through your TV experiences.


Well, thanks for all that. I guess a nice place like Hawaii generates folk who are well-disposed towards the world and it's denizens. Thaivisa needs more of them.

My sole aim in starting this thread was to draw attention to a quiet corner of Thaivisa. Go to the top of the page and click on 'Blogs' and there you'll find some excellent reading.

My own blog, "You Can Score On Route 24" is mainly about my life in a village in Surin whichcan be humdrum and extraordinary at the same time.

I say thanks to the 3,000 or so who have already visited it.

And no I'm not Scampy!

I am yours sincerely,

Andrew Hicks

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I remember reading "Thai Girl' a few years back and thinking that it made a welcome change from the world-weary efforts of other farang writers. It had a nice innocence about it which was a welcome change from the usual stories about prostitutes taking advantage of westerners. It was a pleasant enough read.

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Andrew ,

Don't worry about the negative post's.

Being creative is positive. Whether you create a novel or a blog, its more than most do.

Every one gets up somebody's nose, some more than others.


PS If scampy was this creative he should be welcomed back with open arms.

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Andrew ,

Don't worry about the negative post's.

Being creative is positive. Whether you create a novel or a blog, its more than most do.

Every one gets up somebody's nose, some more than others.


PS If scampy was this creative he should be welcomed back with open arms.

Thanks a million!

Percy2 and Garro before you, you restore my faith in humanity and in the positive, non-inflammatory nature of Thaivisa.


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Hi Andrew,

For what it's worth, I find your blog interesting and I enjoy reading it. I haven't read Thai Girl, but I respect that publishing a book is a great accomplishment.

As for jealous people -- in French we have a saying: "Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe" -- which means "the dogs bark, the caravan passes" :o

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Blogging is like yelling in a cavern or painting on the walls of a cave as sometimes there's no one around to hear you. But knowing there's an echo, usually gets everyone to let out one good yell. If you give up on the blog, still years later someone may read what you wrote and say whatever happened to this guy?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Andrew,

For what it's worth, I find your blog interesting and I enjoy reading it. I haven't read Thai Girl, but I respect that publishing a book is a great accomplishment.

As for jealous people -- in French we have a saying: "Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe" -- which means "the dogs bark, the caravan passes" :o

Thanks so much!

I write my blog on Thaivisa simply because I enjoy writing and it is very gratifying to know if someone enjoys reading it.

I wish they all could be Canadian girls!


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Blogging is like yelling in a cavern or painting on the walls of a cave as sometimes there's no one around to hear you. But knowing there's an echo, usually gets everyone to let out one good yell. If you give up on the blog, still years later someone may read what you wrote and say whatever happened to this guy?

Very nicely put.

I've just got back to Surin after seeing the amazing rock paintings at Pha Taem national park overlooking the river Mae Khong. I suppose that's the remote ancestor of blogging.

How pleased that guy would be to know that we're still coming to look at his handiwork.

Blog on regardless, say I.

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