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£10 in big sums at SuperRich

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Does anyone know if SuperRich are fine taking big sums (£2k) of £10 notes?


Just went to the bank before flying on Monday to get cash out but they just gave me £10 notes and £50 notes because the £20 notes are mostly damaged. I remember reading somewhere a few years back that they don't like big sums of £10 notes so I only used to bring £20 notes.



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2 hours ago, blackcab said:

No problem at all. The only difference is that on GBP 2,000 you will receive 100 baht less than if you exchanged fifties.


If there is a problem change half at Super Rich and half at Vasu. Almost identical rates.

Have Vasu just got that one branch in Nana? Or any others?

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