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Pakistani Man Gets Life For Murder Of Thai Teacher


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He is low life scum I don't think any punshiment will be good enough for this man, It always sickens me when things like this happen, we all have one life to live and we would hope we all get this best out of it we can. Who cares were he is from he is a wart on all our ways of life.

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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

I hope they mess this guy up in prision. What he did, he deserves only the hardest punishment.

You are not wrong there, when I was in Germany, there where many Kosovans, Pakistanis and Albanians that used to say that they where Italians or Spanish.

I remember chatting to one Albanian who thought he could try that one. My work colleague at the European Space Agency was Italian, he caught him out big time.

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:o:D "down with womens' inequality and indoctrination with menaces" - yes, surely now, non-muslim nation states must re-consider including religious freedom in their constitutions - piers beckett - 31.03.'07 Pakistani man gets life for murder of Thai teacher

BANGKOK: -- A Pakistani man - convicted of killing a Thai teacher whom he had met through an internet chat service and dismembering her body last year - was given a life sentence Friday.

The Criminal Court at first sentenced 35-year-old Mohammad Arif to death, but lowered the punishment to life imprisonment because his confession was useful to the case.

The court also ordered Arif to pay Bt2 million in compensation, Bt150,000 funeral expenses, and Bt30,000 for the valuables he stole from the victim to the parents of Dissanee Thongnarkthae, an English language teacher from Ubon Ratchathani's Phibun Mangsahan district.

According to the lawsuit, Dissanee on May 7 last year had flown from Ubon Rathcathani to Bangkok to meet Arif - who had misrepresented himself as a handsome Spanish national - in the flesh after they had chatted over the Internet from April to May. The two met at Racha Palace Hotel and Arif then killed Dissanee, dismembered her body, put the parts in a travel bag to be dumped in a canal, before he got away with the victim's valuables worth Bt30,000, the lawsuit said.

-- The Nation 2007-03-30

This is going to be long thread about something that comments itself. Another opportunity to get the racists started - not yet, but will come for sure. I better leave.

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it takes a pretty messed up head to have this kind of idea and then be willing to go through with it- especially with a stranger.

worst case scenario, he wishes he was dead by next week, and wishing for something you can't have makes it all the better. the thai inmates are gonna have FUN with him.

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Always good to come to a lynching.

Very sad, but who will pull the rope? Remember when you do this you will never forget it. :o

Just give me the rope I won't feel a bit of guilt after I see the scumbag hanging from a tree with his pants full of his own shit You want to talk about guilt we killed Vietnamesse people because they were communist a far cry from axe murderer

Won't feel guilty about putting a rope personally around this mans neck but feel guilty about the Vietnamesse :D

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What's the difference between him and those people who wish a distressful punishment?

Well said!!!

This man whether evil or insane or both will come to know the gravity of his crime angainst this lady by the amount of pain and suffering that he will come to know in the future.

Of course he may decide that death would be better for himself and act accordingly.

My heart goes out to those who loved this lady and all those who have suffered oin the same way. LOS seems to attract more than its share of deviants like this man. It saddens me imensely.

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So what , he is a muslim man and he killed this poor girl, Even Budist, christian jews and etc kills people . Why you guys need to trash this pakistani guy . Why just because he is a muslim ?

What if its a budist,cristian or jew who kills this poor english teacher will you also trash them in your thread ?

Leave the religion trashing away ... Be neutral

I hope this guy won't be released from jail. Ever.

Anyway he should be hang to death ... I wonder why they sentence him to life sentence in prison. Is thai prison too big ? and could accomondate lots of murderer ? :o

I think some guys trash him because of what he did - he would have been trashed if he was a pure WASP like me and deserved it.

Not because if what he is but because of what he did.

I must admit I do not believe in capital punishment but I would not blink if this guy was getting a punch or whack every couple of days. Some cultures think less of women - I witnessed my own wife getting grabbed by someone once as I was metres away - it was an interesting few hours in Lumpini let me say that.

Edited by Prakanong
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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

I hope they mess this guy up in prision. What he did, he deserves only the hardest punishment.

You imply that he is an 'arab' although it is stated that he is a Pakistani national. He is probably Moslem by religion. You then go on to say 'A muslim will..........etc'

Don't confuse a person's nationality with their religion.

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Maybe this is why some muslims may try and use anotner nationality??

Why? is there no American Caucasian Muslim ? English Muslim ? or Spanish Muslim ?

<< You should describe is as ''Maybe This is why some arabs,indian,chinese or etc may try to use other nationality <<<

So is the Singer Cat Stevens who is now a muslim known as Yusof Islam is using other nationality too ? e.g English ?

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The guy is a Pakistani, and from his name we know he's a muslim....!! so, what's the big deal ?

Do those people who posted their hateful thoughts about Islam and Muslims know that what this crazy man did is an awful thing, is a crime not acceptable by all means by Islam or Muslims people around the world !!!

This guy deserve death penalty for killing an innocent girl, regardless of her nationality or religion or background...!!!

for god sake, learn to distinguish between wrong doing and religion (specially Islam). Islam has nothing to do with so much of the crazy things happening around the world, and done by "so called" muslims- if it's proven done by muslims !! there is a world-wide misconception about Islam and true muslims. I would encourage everyone interested to seek the right sources to get the right picture, and not just attack a religion and its followers due to someone's story or experience or view !! that's not fair !!!

We are here to learn from each other's experience, views in a professional way...etc not to spread racism and hate.

Thankx to all !!

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&lt;deleted&gt;? i think you need to go back and read my post again...preferreably with your glasses on, and a dictionary in hand if you need to. :o

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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

I hope they mess this guy up in prision. What he did, he deserves only the hardest punishment.

I let you go of your grudges

-I also know many TG in both bkk and pattaya like to go with arabs only, doesn't matter what you pay them, so pretend you are an arab next time

-Many girls don't care whethere you have nose, blind, deaf,...They care about how deep your pockets are...

Btw, i don't understand what relevance between this guy and differance religion and nationalities, this guy is

just another mad farang in thailand

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Many in the teaching profession are considered professional common sense people.

Surely this lady should have been aware of the dangers of meeting someone from the Internet. No different than getting into a car with a stranger offering a lift.

Was the lady accompanied by a friend when she first met the guy and as a teacher of language, surely she should have been able to tell the difference between a paki and a Latin?

Nop, not convinced, must be more to this case than what they are letting out.

Sadly there are many naive people out there. An education does not always go hand in hand with common sense. Condolancies to the family.

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Its amazing how many arabs lie about there true background. You hear many bar girls say that also. A muslim wil say he is either Spanish or Italian to get a woman.

thanks westybrook for your enlightenment. a mystery is solved! when i was working in Saudi Arabia i used to hang out and booze a lot in local go-go bars were nud_e dancers offered a variety of services. it always surprised me that other guests hung a cross around their necks before entering these establishments and later knelt down saying the Lord's prayer in spanish before they took one of the women to a room at the back for some fun.


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Always good to come to a lynching.

Very sad, but who will pull the rope? Remember when you do this you will never forget it. :o

Just give me the rope I won't feel a bit of guilt after I see the scumbag hanging from a tree with his pants full of his own shit You want to talk about guilt we killed Vietnamesse people because they were communist a far cry from axe murderer

Won't feel guilty about putting a rope personally around this mans neck but feel guilty about the Vietnamesse :D

And the nightmares just keep coming! :D

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We've all see these sorts of headlines so many times in our lives. Of course this one grabs our interest because it is more relevant: a foreigner killing a Thai. An of course the brazennessof it.

For me, that thing it really triggers for me is not really, "what a sick f*** he is,

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We've all see these sorts of headlines so many times in our lives. Of course this one grabs our interest because it is more relevant: a foreigner killing a Thai. An of course the brazennessof it.

For me, that thing it really triggers for me is not really, "what a sick f*** he is," which is obvious, but rather (and once again), "how do humans, who are born full of wonder and sensitivity, get somehow influenced in their lives to the point where they can imagine doing something like this?"

I have no strong feeling one way or the other about the death penalty, but I do have fairly strong feelings about how we influence the growth of children. As adults we must take responsibility for our actions, no matter how messed up our upbringing might have been. But my guess he had lots of helped getting as screwed up as he is.

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Now he'll get what he really deserves and more. I guess they've run out of cockroaches in the prison and have to resupply!

Hey hey hey, is language like this really nessacary???................ what did a cockroach ever do to you to be compaired with such a thing as that creature.

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Now he'll get what he really deserves and more. I guess they've run out of cockroaches in the prison and have to resupply!

Hey hey hey, is language like this really nessacary???................ what did a cockroach ever do to you to be compaired with such a thing as that creature.

Cockroaches don't pay rent when they come and invade your house, but, I must admit, I did think I was insulting them as I wrote that post.

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should have let the death penalty stand. But seeing as what he did, i don't think his fellow Thai inmates will be very impressed, so his deserved punishment will probably come sooner rather than later.


He got the death penalty all ready,Thai intimates will take care of that in less than a year


Actually, these days he will probably be put in protective custody unless Thailand has a prisoner exchange treaty with Pakistan.

Virgil, Out!

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I'm not sure if it is racist to say Muslims seem to cause more trouble than most in this world? Or do we blame the press? Yes I know that not all Muslims are a problem.

It is fair to say that a fair portion of my posts on this forum are speaking out against Muslim control in Thailand. But when it comes to individual acts like this one it has nothing to do with religion. The guy is just a sick maniac. Who knows what goes through his head?

Virgil, Out!

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Hm, she has asked to pay for the plane ticket as agreed, he didn't wanna pay; after that he has killed and chopped her? Very mysterious

Wonder what the guy's real motive for killing that unfortunate woman was?

Thirty thousand baht worth of jewelry is hardly something that any sane person would kill for .

Did they get into an argument , or, something ?

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Hm, she has asked to pay for the plane ticket as agreed, he didn't wanna pay; after that he has killed and chopped her? Very mysterious

Wonder what the guy's real motive for killing that unfortunate woman was?

Thirty thousand baht worth of jewelry is hardly something that any sane person would kill for .

Did they get into an argument , or, something ?

Yes, they did get into an argument after she found out he wasn't really the person he said he was on the internet. You can read the full story on this link.


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I'm not sure if it is racist to say Muslims seem to cause more trouble than most in this world? Or do we blame the press? Yes I know that not all Muslims are a problem.

You are right and you are wrong. :o

Islam, the literal meaning is Peace, does not preach this kind of attitude.

You are right in a way that very few Muslims are doing some bad things and the press magnifies it and blames the Islam. You are wrong in a way that a vast majority of Muslims are not extremists and they want to live peacefully. Jews, Christianity and Islam are the links of the same chain, i.e. these religions are the continuation of Abraham's religion.

I am not sure how many Muslims you have met so far, but I am sure that all the Muslims you know personally or met, 99.99% are those who love peace and harmony. :D

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Hm, she has asked to pay for the plane ticket as agreed, he didn't wanna pay; after that he has killed and chopped her? Very mysterious

Wonder what the guy's real motive for killing that unfortunate woman was?

Thirty thousand baht worth of jewelry is hardly something that any sane person would kill for .

Did they get into an argument , or, something ?

Can't open the damned link.

Anyway, I get the picture.

Wonder why any guy, or, gal, would like to portray themselves on the internet as being different from what they actually are. This sort of deception can never last long, so why do it ?

Agree that this thread does have an anti Muslim / Islam bias.

While I'll be the first person to say that I firmly support the Palestinian cause and consider the neo-con crowd with their supreme leader - G.W. Bush - to be 'intellectually challenged'; I really can't think of any section of a religious community , other than Islam, to be as fervent in venting their beliefs, on to others. Consider what the Taliban did to women in Afghanistan.

CNN reported today, that a bunch of religious fanatics (men & women) in Islamabad, Pakistan, destroyed video rental shops and cable TV service venues, as activities related to these functions are "immoral". Well, I can't think of any faction of another religion being so bigoted and stupid. What's so wrong with cable TV? it's pretty dull & boring anyway.

It really is a pity that a minute faction of Muslims behave in a manner that is clearly brainless and that their inane activities are trumpeted by the likes of FoxNews and Benjamin Nathanyahu (of Israel) to portray the entire Muslim world as being a bunch of lunatic bigots.

Personally, would love to see the sticks that the men & women were carrying in Islamabad, shoved up their relevant orifices - and I'm not referring to their mouths.

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