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Now that the first six month or 180 day period has ended after 1 October 2006, visitors and long-stay expatriates are running into even more trouble. The obvious answer must be too easy: "Just get a real visa, jack!" But we should hear them out before pouncing on them.

Maybe some people cannot get a visa. Maybe they can't travel around the world. Maybe they don't know, because they cannot figure it out. Surely, it's not simple to decipher. Maybe they're too busy to leave the country, interrupt their regular schedule, etc. Maybe they don't want to pay thousands of baht.

Let's see if we can listen to them with at least some patience and respect, without flaming them as cheap charlies, stupid, lazy, or whatever. Not everybody is the same. We know that many foreigners don't qualify for long term visas. Consulates in neighboring countries are not generous.

This is the "Thai visas" forum of ThaiVisa. How may we help you?


Hi PB, i got my visa in sept last year and arrived 20 oct 06, got it extended to 1 year retirement visa in jan 07, valid till oct this year, with the usual90 day checks, I have a small pension income from home on a montly basis, but nowhere near the 40,000 bht stated on some sites, I do have a thai bank book showing over 800,000 bht all the time, is this suffiecient for another year visa, also my GF runs a busy salon, if she pays monet into my acc, and i " move" some now and again, does this count? Thanks, Lickey


What is the purpose of this thread? To bash people who aren't married, aren't employed in Thailand and aren't over 50?

I see no constructive purpose at all to this thread.

Hi PB, i got my visa in sept last year and arrived 20 oct 06, got it extended to 1 year retirement visa in jan 07, valid till oct this year, with the usual90 day checks, I have a small pension income from home on a montly basis, but nowhere near the 40,000 bht stated on some sites, I do have a thai bank book showing over 800,000 bht all the time, is this suffiecient for another year visa, also my GF runs a busy salon, if she pays monet into my acc, and i " move" some now and again, does this count? Thanks, Lickey
Sorry, Lickey, I know much more about certain sub-paragraphs of Code section 6229 of Title 26 of the United States Code. My opening post doesn't relate to your situation, since you got a proper visa, extended it to an annual basis, etc. As I understand it (I am on an extended retirement visa, as well), the 800,000 baht in the Thai bank is what qualifies you. Under new rules, you may be required to keep that balance for the 3 months prior to your renewal date. I qualify solely under pension rule. Actually, you can combine a modest pension and not have to have the entire 800K baht.

I also used to be a real whiz at Code Section 6653(a)(1)(:D computations....not on visas. :o

If you're not sure yet (you have quite a few months), try posting a new topic on this Visas forum. Thanks.


Well three of my mates are desperately trying to get their one year non imm B visa's but keep hitting brick walls. 3 months ago they all went to Penang and were promptly turned away because the night before without warning the Thai embassy declared that criminal records where now required.

So off they went and got 60+30 day tourist visa to buy themselves some time. On wednesday they all trotted off to Cambodia and where turned away as the border was closed.

They went to Laos on Friday instead and all three were once again refused a non imm B visa despite having all the paperwork. No explanation was forthcoming but I suspect it was because the schools they wanted to teach at were not listed or something.

The only option left is to go back to their home countries and try from there...

But, I agree with you PB, had they done it right the first time (as I did) when they first came to LOS they wouldn't be running around like headless chickens now.

You reap what you sew in my opinion.

What is the purpose of this thread? To bash people who aren't married, aren't employed in Thailand and aren't over 50?

I see no constructive purpose at all to this thread.

Sorry, jeebus; on the contrary, I was trying to nicely ask us not to start bashing lots of people who for one reason or another, still get stamps on arrival, rather than visas.

I thought before such people start posting why they're having problems, we'll realize why they aren't all lazy plonkers, or whatever.

If this topic tanks, I'll delete it. Now, I'll revise the opening post to make it to sound better. Thanks for your constructive criticism.


I also think we need a kindler, gentler approach in responding to people who have visa problems, especially in these confusing days of (apparent) transition. I think comments from posters who are comfortably situated need to be especially sensitive, as they can all too easily come off as "I'm ok, you should be more like me!" After all, the problems many of our members are recently experiencing are simply a matter of degree- the law could be changed to make things much harder for all of us, and then wouldn't we also complain?


I have not tried to get my visa yet (late this year or early next year) so I don't have a problem (yet). :o

If I do have a problem this is the place I will ask my questions, secure in the knowledge, that the people on this forum have the Information, experience and more than anything else, the patience to answer (again and again) any problems put before them.

I for one have gained vast amounts of knowledge (in preparation for next year) by asking questions on this forum, due, for the most part to the fact, the responses are given in a affable, supportive manner. :D

I guess what I am trying to say is I agree with PB so lets keep it up in these trying times all you TV guys, we all need help sometimes so why make people to frightened to ask. :D

Steve :D:D:bah:


Hi P B, thanks for the post.I don't think I am dumb, but I do have trouble understanding visas. I have read for days about visas on this forum and other sites, and am still confused.I don't think I will ever need to spend more than 90 days out of 180days, since I work alot,so I think I am OK with visa exempt stamp. I called the thai embassy here and they were no help about getting a visa. I downloaded a visa application and was still confused, about fees and what I need to send them.Also I didn't know how to apply for the multi entry visa, or what date to put for date of arrival since I need to work around my jobs here, and won't know until just before I leave. I am not rich,but the price of a visa wouldn't faze me. I'm over 50 and 800,000bt isn't a problem ,but I'm not sure how much time I will be spending there yet. It depends on the GF.

Anyways what I'm trying to say is thanks for showing some compassion for those of us who are confused,or undecided about what to do. Thanks, CS


Well PB thanks for the opening of this thread. I do have a non imm B multi entry at the moment. It ends in September so I am safe ....... for now. I am wondering though if with the tightening imm B issuance I will get a new one in my homecountry, the Netherlands. Maybe some of the people here might have some ideas.

I am working for a company in telecommunications set up by me, my father and a very good friend. We are doing well and a letter from the companies lawyer got me a non imm B in about 15 minutes. The issuer even complemented me for it being the nicest letter they had ever seen.

Basically I am based in Thailand as the companies contact for the Asia and Pacific areas. We deliberately have a policy of no dealings with companies in Thailand. But I am working for the company at my home (email). I could theoretically be anywhere in the world where I have internet and a computer. I do both administration and customer contacts. I am earning above the minimum of 50.000 baht required by imm in case I would apply for a WP.

We do not plan to setup a company in Thailand, so I could not get a WP as far as I know. I would love to get one and would love to pay taxes here. Currently all my payments actually go through Hong Kong.

Now I am planning on going back to NL in october or so to get a new 1 year Non Imm B. But I am starting to read on TV people being refused back to back non Imm B's. So I am getting a littlebit worried.

I actually also play comedy in a Thai comedy group and am on Thai tv regularly and in some movies ... just to complicate the matters.

With the comedy group we have actually played for immigration 10 times or so already this year and for the heads of the labour appartment twice in the past 3 months. I always ask them ... I am working (playing comedy) ... shouldn't you arrest me? And they are always all smiles and say I should not be worried. Even the heads of these institutions tell me that. Even so with everything seeming to go crazy lately I do start to worry.


Peace Blondie is a voice of reason and a top class guy. thank you for the thread

I will second that Blondie is a very helpful Mod.

Some people will get Visa problems as they don't understand the system.

The system has changed new rules etc just go with the flow.

Cheers Tony :o

What is the purpose of this thread? To bash people who aren't married, aren't employed in Thailand and aren't over 50?

I see no constructive purpose at all to this thread.

Maybe you should reread it. Read slower this time. PB was being helpful.

Hi P B, thanks for the post.I don't think I am dumb, but I do have trouble understanding visas. I have read for days about visas on this forum and other sites, and am still confused.I don't think I will ever need to spend more than 90 days out of 180days, since I work alot,so I think I am OK with visa exempt stamp. I called the thai embassy here and they were no help about getting a visa. I downloaded a visa application and was still confused, about fees and what I need to send them.Also I didn't know how to apply for the multi entry visa, or what date to put for date of arrival since I need to work around my jobs here, and won't know until just before I leave. I am not rich,but the price of a visa wouldn't faze me. I'm over 50 and 800,000bt isn't a problem ,but I'm not sure how much time I will be spending there yet. It depends on the GF.

Anyways what I'm trying to say is thanks for showing some compassion for those of us who are confused,or undecided about what to do. Thanks, CS

I think there are only two questions here:

1) How to apply for the multiple entry visa

On the visa application form there are some check boxes, one say "single entry" one say "multiple entry". To apply for the multiple entry visa tick the multiple entry box :o

2) What date to put on arrival as you don't know the exact date.

It's just a "not valid before" date. Visa's are usually valid for a certain period starting that date, so if you put in todays date you can enter Thailand on the visa up to (normally) 3 months from that date. After that the visa is no longer valid.

Hope this explains :D

With the comedy group we have actually played for immigration 10 times or so already this year and for the heads of the labour appartment twice in the past 3 months. I always ask them ... I am working (playing comedy) ... shouldn't you arrest me? And they are always all smiles and say I should not be worried. Even the heads of these institutions tell me that.


Hah, that's a bit like asking why the traffic cops are allowed to drive without helmets and against traffic flow without getting fined...

In Thailand the law does not apply to those who enforce it. :o


Over the years I have been to many Thai Immigration officers border crossings consulates and what I have found is if you treat the Immigration officers with respect you will find life much easier.

I have seen some foreigners "some drunk some just idiots" arguing with the Immigration officer What can they expect?????

I would not like to see some of these people coming into my country (Australia) and behaving like this so why should the Thai's have to put up with it???

On one occasion at Poipet there was a Geman guy so drunk and out of it they had to push him around in one of those barrows now how would you like this guy coming to visit your country?????

Im not bashing people that are having problems getting Visa's here but lets be real about it a lot of these people cause their own problems.

Cheers Tony :o

Hi PB, i got my visa in sept last year and arrived 20 oct 06, got it extended to 1 year retirement visa in jan 07, valid till oct this year, with the usual90 day checks, I have a small pension income from home on a montly basis, but nowhere near the 40,000 bht stated on some sites, I do have a thai bank book showing over 800,000 bht all the time, is this suffiecient for another year visa, also my GF runs a busy salon, if she pays monet into my acc, and i " move" some now and again, does this count? Thanks, Lickey

The pension income requirement is 65k per month. But you can use whatever you have and combine it with the bank deposit to meet the total requirement if you like. You need to visit your Embassy and obtain a letter from them if you take this option. That way you would not require as much in your bank account. Although for many having such an account balance may be a good idea for a medical/emergency.

At some point renewal applications will require that the 800k (if using just bank money) be at or above that amount for the previous three months. But it does not sound as if you will have any problem in that regard and there is no need to move money around - even a fixed deposit account is normally acceptable for retirement extension of stay. I would keep the account my money and with wire transfer type proof of it being sourced from outside Thailand (just to be completly safe).

What is the purpose of this thread? To bash people who aren't married, aren't employed in Thailand and aren't over 50?

I see no constructive purpose at all to this thread.

Maybe you should reread it. Read slower this time. PB was being helpful.

I have reread it, and I agree I misinterpreted the intent of the thread. PB is a helpful mod and a constructive poster. Apologies for the misunderstanding.


Doc Patpong, Jeebusjones was properly reacting to my original title here, which accidentally sounded abusive. I corrected it, and jeebus and I and you and y'all seem to be doing fine now, being helpful to the folks.

When I had spare dosh, I would annually whinge, grumble and fly around the world to get yet another one-year multiple entry visa because my employers - prestigious Thai schools - were basically ignorant, confused, lazy, or uncaring about such matters. So, I stopped teaching! I got a retirement visa, and everything's fine, dandy and boring now. Meanwhile, those schools have started to get their act together slightly.


Good topic

i suppose there is not one reason but many reasons

Some foreigners do it for lack of finances

some do it for change of circumstances ie before they had money,but during living in thailand they were stitched up by a loved on, leaving them scouring the jobs pages looking at ways to rebuild their lives after migrating

some get stitched up by their employers, mainly thai language schools, who promise help on visa's when in reality its nothing more than a false sales pitch to get u working for them

some feel that in any third world country, they can stay under the radar due to the overly corrupt system and gain visa's under the table

some just dont care and will risk being caught with overstays

some will not give up on their dreams on living a life in thailand and will keep looking, searching for different ways to stay


Its all well and good to say lets not bash some on the visa question or to have the improper visa for what they are doing.

But really lack of knowledge is no excuse. The reasoning that saying I did not know when they get caught by the law enforcement is not viable at all.

What really bugs me is some who knowingly skirt the rules and know the laws and just disregard them till they are caught then its whoa is me its not fair as they being punished even when they are in the wrong.

Good topic

i suppose there is not one reason but many reasons

Some foreigners do it for lack of finances

some will not give up on their dreams on living a life in thailand and will keep looking, searching for different ways to stay

Got me on two counts :o (but I will not give up :bah: ) and one day, I will be answering questions, not just asking them. :D

Steve :D:D:D

Its all well and good to say lets not bash some on the visa question or to have the improper visa for what they are doing.

But really lack of knowledge is no excuse. The reasoning that saying I did not know when they get caught by the law enforcement is not viable at all.

What really bugs me is some who knowingly skirt the rules and know the laws and just disregard them till they are caught then its whoa is me its not fair as they being punished even when they are in the wrong.

I don't see how PB's post could be read as condoning any contravention of Thai immigration

rules. It was merely a very timely call for restraint in these confusing times.

The implementation of the rules has changed in the last year , and even the new rules

seem to be applied in different ways depending on the immigration office involved.

I have read posts in the last few days which cause me some alarm. I had planned to

do effectively a visa run to Cambodia (Koh Kong) this month but at the same time

time take a few days to scout out Cambodia as an option for one month later. Now

I read that border posts with Cambodia are maybe wanting an onward ticket before

re-entry into Thailand. Do I have to buy a throwaway plane ticket if I do this ? If I ask

a question will you flame me ?

The "law skirters" I have seen posting normally adopt an "I have been stupid , I am

now in the sh*t , anybody any ideas ?" approach , which is fair enough to ignore but

flaming is uncalled for.

All in all I approve PB's post.

Well done PB

Good topic

i suppose there is not one reason but many reasons

Some foreigners do it for lack of finances

some will not give up on their dreams on living a life in thailand and will keep looking, searching for different ways to stay

Got me on two counts :o (but I will not give up :bah: ) and one day, I will be answering questions, not just asking them. :D

Steve :D:D:D

Good on you

met so many good foreigners over the years with or without real visa's, all great people and all looking to live a great life in thailand.

ok i have also met many, many not so cool guys in thailand but that is what makes the world tick along, good and bad in every society.


I fully agree that we should do our best to help any genuine visa seeker with as much information as we can - either from first hand experience or our knowledge of what is what. For the bludgers, urgers, lay-abouts, spives, users, general mis-fits and complainers why should we be of assistance - they only give the rest of us a bad name which subsequently leads to other problems with changing rules and regs. put in place as a means to control the undesirables.


I am in LOS with a work permit working for a company in bkk that everyone has heard of. I have a WP and a visa, of which is taken care of all by my employer. The 90 day reporting is done by them etc.

I am not married, however, I am here with my girlfriend (who is from my home country), and living here. She can not get a visa of any kind other than a 60 day tourist with the 30 day extension.

If I were married, my company would cover her visa. If there was a fee to pay for her visa, I would pay for it, not a problem, however, there is not. She is unable to find employment, thus a work permit and a long term visa is not an option.

This means that every 90 days or so, I take a week vacation somewhere that has a Thai Embassy/Consulate.

If I was able to secure long term visa for her, it would benifit LOS, as I would love to spend my time (and money) here in Phuket, Krabbi, the islands, Chiangmai, etc.

I am sure that I am .05% of the situations here on Thaivisa.....

I think there are only two questions here:

1) How to apply for the multiple entry visa : tick the multiple entry box :D

2) What date to put on arrival as you don't know the exact date. : put in todays date you can enter Thailand

Hope this explains :D

You just forget the main question: "What is the purpose/raison of your visa ?"

And for a under 50, not married, not working guy, there is no more valid raison for long term visa. :o

PS: I precise that I have "enough" money from my previous internet company and that I do not whish to work in Thaïland. Just having an early retirement.

Im not bashing people that are having problems getting Visa's here but lets be real about it a lot of these people cause their own problems.
Some people will get Visa problems as they don't understand the system.

The system has changed new rules etc just go with the flow.

Ok. So what should I do to go with the flow and get a long term visa ?

Guys: If you have no positive solution, we don't need your advice here. Thank's :D


I think there are only two questions here:

1) How to apply for the multiple entry visa : tick the multiple entry box :D

2) What date to put on arrival as you don't know the exact date. : put in todays date you can enter Thailand

Hope this explains :D

You just forget the main question: "What is the purpose/raison of your visa ?"

And for a under 50, not married, not working guy, there is no more valid raison for long term visa. :D

PS: I precise that I have "enough" money from my previous internet company and that I do not whish to work in Thaïland. Just having an early retirement.

Im not bashing people that are having problems getting Visa's here but lets be real about it a lot of these people cause their own problems.
Some people will get Visa problems as they don't understand the system.

The system has changed new rules etc just go with the flow.

Ok. So what should I do to go with the flow and get a long term visa ?

Guys: If you have no positive solution, we don't need your advice here. Thank's :D


Positive solution??? Hmmm, how about drinking a beer instead of crying in it. :o


well i've kind of had visa questions before the last time i went over to thailand. but it was recommended from my agency, the person whom i bought my ticket with, that it's easier just to go in for the stamp, "no need for the visa, it's easy, just walk in and get your book stamped." at the time, unitil i was clarified on this forum, i thought that stamp was just like a visa, since i was told from my agent.

sometimes, i don't think it's about money or anything behind the reasoning of not getting a visa, but it's all from miscommunication. because of people's word of the mouth regarding visas and entry stamps.

i'm going to thailand in about 3 weeks from now, and i have gotten my visa. i reckon, it will not be a hassle to get an extension as last time, i had no idea what was going on. now traveling from doing my own bookings and getting the visa from the close by consulate, i feel i don't have to worry when i need to get my extension when i need it.

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