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Tourist And Then Fiancee

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I have contacted the British Embassy in the past and they have been quite helpful. However, over the last few months I am unable to get them to answer specific questions with regard to my girlfriends visa application. All I am getting is a “cut and paste” response taken from one of their web pages. So maybe you guys may be able to help?

If my girlfriend is in the UK on a tourist visa is it then possible to apply for a fiancée visa while in the UK? We don’t want to apply for a fiancée visa to start with because we have too many things to sort out before we can get married, and don’t want to be forever rushing things to hit the 6-month deadline imposed on the fiancée visa.


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You cannot convert a Visitor Visa into a Settlement Visa whilst in the UK. Your girlfriend will have to return to Thailand and then apply for another visa - Settlement or Visitor. You can however, convert a short Visitor Visa (say 2 months) into a long one (6 months) by post.

Visitor Visas to the UK are multiple-entry up to 6 months. You are allowed to visit the UK for a maximum of 6 months in any 12 Month Period, which means that if your girlfriend wants to return to the UK she would have to wait a further 6 months before applying for another Visitor Visa after she has returned to Thailand at the end of a 6 month Visitor Visa.

Some people have difficulty getting Visitor Visas for their Thai girlfriends because the UK Embassy don't believe they will return to Thailand. This is especially true if the Thai lady does not have a letter from their employer stating they have permission to travel to the UK for the stated amount of holiday. If the lady does not have a “proper job” in Thailand then she may have difficulty getting a Visitor Visa, but may be able to get a Settlement Visa if she has known you for a reasonable amount of time.

My Thai girlfriend (now wife) was made redundant after working for 10 years in an import-export company before she came to the UK. Originally she was going to apply for a 6 month Visitor Visa, but we changed it to a Fiancée Settlement Visa because the Embassy was likely to refuse the Visitor Visa because of 'no reason to return' as she had no job.

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Thanks for the info – greatly appreciated especially the part about “maximum of 6 months in any 12 Month Period”. I will just have to face up to the fact that we will have to be apart while I set up home/employment in the UK. I should then be able to get her over on the Fiancée visa. She’s already been to the UK on holiday and we have known each other for 3 years so one hopes the Fiancée visa wont be too difficult.

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If you dont mind me asking, but what were the circumstances of your GF coming on a holiday, did she have a job, What was her age etc ? I only ask as I am trying to get as much info as possible for my GF to come over on a tourist visa.....


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GF is 30 years old, I know her MOT is almost up. She came over to meet my family and sample the excellent food and weather! At the time we applied she had just come out of hospital for a minor operation and her loving employees replaced her. So at the time we applied she had no job. If you require any more detail feel free to eamil me.

cheers and good luck

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If you do manage to get a Visitor Visa, and you live with your girlfriend in the UK, you may find it easy to get a Settlement Visa after she returns to Thailand because there will be ample proof that you have a relationship and she is happy to live in the UK.

If your girlfriend’s Settlement Visa application is submitted along with ALL the required evidence and your case is straightforward then you can request a 'short interview' - which means the UK Embassy invite the applicant back after a few days for an interview that seems to last only 5 minutes instead of the usual 40 minutes.

Otherwise the standard wait for a normal 40 min Settlement Visa interview is about 10 weeks.

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Wow thanks for the extra info, must admit at the moment I am not sure what visa I should go for. My number one priority is to get employment and home sorted in the UK. Will then aim to get the GF over. I think at this stage, before I leave for the UK, I will prepare two lots of docs one for the tourist and one for the fiancée visa


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