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Allergy And Anafylactic Shock


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My wife is suffering from allergic reactions without any proper indications about what she can react.

Yesterday after using a certain domestic cleaner she got an attack again and was rushed by taxi to the nearest hospital because of very big breathing problems. I found out in the mean time the diagnoses which was although not 100% confirmed by the symptoms. Now she will get an injection-pen with adrenaline in case of emergency. As I do not like the specific hospital very much my question is to which hospital in BKK we can go for further consult for allergies? The nearby hospital we can keep using for an emergency because the breathing problems are that nasty that she gets the fear to die during the transport.

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bumrungrad hospital has an allergy clinic.

your wife should keep the epi-pen with her at all times.

thanks for your reply! It seems that the EpiPen is not widely distributed in Thailand. She has been sent to Rama-hospital to buy (around Baht 4.000) and recalled back to the first hospital for instruction and........to able the doctor to show other staff!

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chemical induced respiratory problems: google for that and u will find tons of info....

and warning: with each exposure, the reaction will be faster and worse so i would avoid using most cleaning materials in general.

u ought to look at the ingredients if they are listed to see what was in it and a potential allergen; and past allergies/and or reactions to things like seafood (iodine); egg white (protein); tetanus shots (horse serums)... there's a host of things....

stick to decent medical sites not wierd little sites that claim chemical conspiracy theories.


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chemical induced respiratory problems: google for that and u will find tons of info....

and warning: with each exposure, the reaction will be faster and worse so i would avoid using most cleaning materials in general.

u ought to look at the ingredients if they are listed to see what was in it and a potential allergen; and past allergies/and or reactions to things like seafood (iodine); egg white (protein); tetanus shots (horse serums)... there's a host of things....

stick to decent medical sites not wierd little sites that claim chemical conspiracy theories.


thanks also. I never knew about these nasty allergy-reactions! One thinks easy about allergy as skin-trouble and itchiness. You are right about the respond: for 2 years ago a pre-warning of a couple of hours but time enough to visit a doctor and now 10 minutes with during the transport fear to die because of lack of air which even lead to start saying things which one says as a final good-bye. Very frightening.

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I read a story of a guy who had a shrimp/prawn allergy,against all advice he took

his honymoon in Thailand.

He died, his wife said that the restaurant staff swore there were no shrimps/prawns

in his last meal.

There were no fresh ones but maybe shrimp sause,dried prawns or traces in the wok

that they used, a sad tale.

When they say you must take the epo-pen with you at all times they mean it.

You take with you even when you take a shit.

take care.

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Make sure that you and your wife know exactly how to use the thing too. Far too many people have them and have never practiced. In an emergency it is easy to flap. Also, check the expiry date on it.

thanks all for your replies! Never knew the danger of certain allergies! By the way, can the use of a small emergency-oxygen bottle during the transport be of a help?

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I would advise against the use of the oxygen. If you are using an ambulance, allow the personnel to give the health care*, if you are driving, how would you administer it and concentrate. How could you regulate the rate it was being delivered, hyperoxaemia a possibility. So, on balance. No.

*Never used an ambulance so I can't say how well trained they are. Maybe someone else has a different take on this.

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I would advise against the use of the oxygen. If you are using an ambulance, allow the personnel to give the health care*, if you are driving, how would you administer it and concentrate. How could you regulate the rate it was being delivered, hyperoxaemia a possibility. So, on balance. No.

*Never used an ambulance so I can't say how well trained they are. Maybe someone else has a different take on this.

fair enough, thanks, somewhere I heard something about the use of oxygen and the risk. Taxi or car: more people. I do not know how fast one can get an ambulance but my feeling says................. but at least they are more or less equipped with instruments only I think that their skills are very limited. I think that they are not trained to make an incision whenever breading is not possible at all anymore and other means are failing. When the "ambulance" is a pick-up one has only the advantage that they have flashing lights and a horn and they are very "trained" to get to the hospital as fast as possible.

By the way this text is not negatively meant! When somebody has other experiences with this kind of emergency-transport please come forward.

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father has seafood allergy and therefore avoids thailand and wehn he comes to visit i will cook all his food in new or borrowed from my kosher keeping friends' pots/pans...

he has epi pen with him at all times too!!!

chemical triggered allergies are slightly different and worth your while to research them well

and look for a good source of psychological help to deal with teh fear and how to handle emergencies. once u know what to do, u will feel al lot better ...

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father has seafood allergy and therefore avoids thailand and wehn he comes to visit i will cook all his food in new or borrowed from my kosher keeping friends' pots/pans...

he has epi pen with him at all times too!!!

chemical triggered allergies are slightly different and worth your while to research them well

and look for a good source of psychological help to deal with teh fear and how to handle emergencies. once u know what to do, u will feel al lot better ...

Thanks bina! Will do!

Good to read all your reactions!

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  • 2 weeks later...
bumrungrad hospital has an allergy clinic.

your wife should keep the epi-pen with her at all times.

thanks for your reply! It seems that the EpiPen is not widely distributed in Thailand. She has been sent to Rama-hospital to buy (around Baht 4.000) and recalled back to the first hospital for instruction and........to able the doctor to show other staff!

In the mean time we bought this Epi-thing. In that government hospital one have to start queuing at 4 am.!

The supplying doctor sent her to the pharmacist in the hospital for the use of it who sent her back to the doctor. So no one there knows the (very easy) use of it or do not want to know. Indeed the Net supplies sufficient info concerning this including a video.

Thanks again for all the answers!

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