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World Bank lists steps for stalled Thailand to become high-income nation


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As simple as this: 

"Sustaining higher productivity growth will require removing constraints that prevent new firms, especially foreign ones, and skilled professionals, from entering the domestic market."


Anyone tried getting a work permit, outside the dozens of forbidden professions?

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On 1/17/2020 at 2:41 PM, webfact said:

Sustaining higher productivity growth will require removing constraints that prevent new firms, especially foreign ones, and skilled professionals, from entering the domestic market.

The requirement for a small foreign business to employ FOUR Thais is counter productive; a small but popular restaurant in Bang Saray had to shut down because there was not enough profit to pay the unnecessary workers.

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high income nation with the national education average as bad or even worse than a third world country! 


Thailand's Education Ministry has the most budget in the country compare to other ministries, Thailands education budget is also one of the highest around the world believe it or not.

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On 1/17/2020 at 3:46 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

I have some experience translating the gobbly-gook of WB reports.


"Thailand; unless you reform your Education System greatly, you will forever remain a backwards, low-growth country that perpetually envies more advanced places. And, all of your neighbours (beginning with Vietnam) will surpass you over time (including Burma). Period."


The key to this report, although they don't say it plainly, is that the growth of productivity requires a well-educated workforce. And, a well-educated workforce requires massive, massive reforms in all levels of the Thai Education system.


Step 1. Enter the Headquarters building of the Thai Education Ministry and fire everyone working there. Immediately. Literally everyone. These people created and perpetuate the current hideous, child's brain-killing monster.


Step 2. Enter the office of every Provincial Education Ministry office in the land and fire the top ten staffers. Immediately.


Yes, this might sound dramatic, but it is a serious proposal. These are the people who created the current, unsustainable, Frankensteinian-working mess and there is no doubt in my mind that they are unable to fix it. Fire them today, literally today.


Step 3. A massive audit of how Education System monies are spent to catch all the theft. Fire at will. Fire thousands. Then fire another thousand or two 'pour encourager les autres'.


Step 4. Make each Head of School responsible for the grades of their students and unless more than 50% of students pass the standard test each year, fire them. Immediately.


Then, begin the real reform of the Education System. With a chain saw.


I am completely serious about every word in this post; it is only the blueprint to getting started...




This would be plan for Italy too, expecially primary and secondary education.

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On 1/18/2020 at 10:44 AM, GeorgeCross said:


hiso kids speak excellent english in fact many families i know of its first language even at home. as one of my friends told me when i commented on it "of course the we speak english at home, cannot conduct (international) business in thai!"


You should have put all this in bold so that Yinn does not pass by.
Besides, we don't see her on this very interesting thread;
Yesterday I was in Khon Kaen, one of the largest cities in Thailand;
when you just pass it it looks beautiful, new, clean (especially if you pass at high speed :cheesy:) ...

But if we visit the streets adjacent to the highway that crosses the city as I do every time I come there.
We discover another Thailand; that of poverty, of ones full of stray and famine dogs;
dozens of houses for sale, others started and abandoned; hundreds of vehicles in the form of wrecks ...

When it explodes, and it happens very quickly, it will hurt a lot.
and it is not the new toys that the military in power has just bought that will change anything.
They will be swept away like straw


Photos shot less than 500 meters from the motorway which pass in front of Sirikit Public Hospital











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On 1/18/2020 at 11:06 AM, spidermike007 said:

And do they want a well education, informed and curious populace? 


especially not ;
it would open Pandorre's box;
give grain to the unions so that workers can finally have wages allowing them to buy cash and not on credit from the shark loans.
Do you realize what you just wrote? :cheesy:
Look at what's going on in Europe; millions of immigrants arriving in countries where there is already 20% of the population unemployed (and barely 7 or 8% who receive allocations);
the goal of Big Capital is to level everything down;
both in Thailand and in the rest of the world.

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On 1/18/2020 at 11:11 AM, spidermike007 said:

Chulalongkorn University is considered the best higher learning institute in the nation. It is ranked 446 in the world. What does that tell you?

Tells me that farang no understand Thailand ;

thailand best country in world 


( in fact it's pretty much difficult  trying to write in thaiglish :w00t:

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