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I'm trying to get some additional background on Phuan-Thai ethnicity, roots, culture, demographics, etc.

Anyone have any info regarding:

- where the culture originated from (southern China, I think, but not sure);

- current population in Thailand (I know they are one of the small minority cultures, but don't know how small)

- are they spread out or have they tended to migrate in specific locales

- anything else ??

A couple of weeks ago, my TGF/fiance' told me her heritage is Phuan-Thai. I haven't been able to dig up much info and would like to learn more.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


My wife's family is Thai-Puan but she doesn't speak the language. It's a long time since I heard that name. If it's the same group you're referring to, her family come from around Kabinburi.


Most Phuan reside in Laos, primarily in Xieng Khuang Province though you'll find them sprinkled throughout several other provinces in Laos as well.

I just returned from a month in northern Laos, and spent some time in XK. There are Phuan everywhere there, particularly in the current and former capitals, Phonsavan and Muang Khoun (formerly 'Xieng Khuang'). Phuan houses are very distinctive, sort of a longhouse with roof gables perpendicular to one another -- one long roof over one wing parallel to the road or stream, a smaller roof running perpendicular over a smaller wing. They're raised very high on stilts but the houses are much larger and sturdier than the average traditional Thai or Lao house, using thick wooden planks for floors and walls alike. I was quite struck by their size, their stability and the practicality of the floor plan. The stairway or ladder to the front veranda is always roofed, unlike the stairway for most Thai houses.

Virtually all the Phuan found living in Thailand today can probably trace their roots back to Laos. Where they came from before that is as big a mystery as where the Thais come from.

In Laos they refer to themselves as Thai Phuan although the Lao PDR government typically refers to them as 'Lao Phuan'. I heard the language spoken, and it sounded similar to Thai and Lao, but different enough that you knew it was not either Thai or Lao. About the same 'distance' from central Thai as, say, Tai Lu, subjectively speaking.

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