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Why Does Thaivisa Suddenly Stop Working?


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For the past few weeks have noticed that Thai visa will just stop working or time out when selecting threads for reading. Usually will work fine for a while then stops.

I know its not at my end. Will open another browser page and access other sites without a problem.

Will wait a few minutes and try thaivisa again and working fine.

Whats going on?? Need to upgrade or new hardware?? :o

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I was going to ask the same question but wasn’t sure if it was my connection. I get messages of TCP ERROR and other messages saying thaivisa server is too busy and to try again later.

I try other Thai, Singapore, Oz and UK websites when these errors occur and they load fast. This has been happening for the past week at all hours of the day.

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With me, from Europe, also.

Especially annoying when I'm replying to a post...and stops or "Thaivisa" is disconnected for some reason.


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Have to say the last few days from BKK on ADSL has been very poor on this site, other external not so bad but for the reason we all have commented on {the long vac.} I'm assuming that is where the problem lies as opposed to Singapore hosting of TV itself.


I hope......

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Same here (Chiangmai), just hangs for a while then back again - for the last few days. Quite a few times every day. Happens several times while I'm in the chat room and monitoring the forum. The chat still is working as are other sites but the forum stops responding. Noticed it last night around 7:00pm that it hung and when it responded again the last post was 12 minutes old meaning know one was able to post for that period.

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I've recieved the Network error message 7 times and the Connection to server failed message 4 ttimes since my earlier post. Other web sites don't have a problem and load fast.

Network Error (tcp_error)

A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"

The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.

Connection to server failed

Connecting to the requested server (URL "http://www.thaivisa.com:80/forum/index.php?act=Search&CODE=getnew") failed.

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Have to say the last few days from BKK on ADSL has been very poor on this site, other external not so bad but for the reason we all have commented on {the long vac.} I'm assuming that is where the problem lies as opposed to Singapore hosting of TV itself.

Same from Europe.

There could be another explanation : denial of service (DoS) attacks.

MangoSauce experiences the same. And some other websites... So why not ThaiVisa ? It would be a target de choix. :o


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Yeah, I thought this was just me too.

Been having the problem for over a month now, no-one else posted so thought it was just me.... :o

In the North of England too if that might help isolate or find something....?


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In the North of England too if that might help isolate or find something....?

probably those steam powered computers they use there , get the missus to chuck a bit more nutty slack on the fire ,that should help.

Edited by taxexile
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Intermittent problems for me here in Bangkok, too. Especially seems to get worse if, while it seems to be hanging a bit, I try to click on another link on the page- then it can lock up to the point that the browser can't even link directly to Thaivisa.com. If I sit back and wait at that point instead, it goes slowly but eventually does load and then service is temporarily back to its speedy normal.

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It has been happening to me here in Korea too, but it isn't as bad as it was a year or so ago.

I have notice others have duplicates posts at times, so it appears it is the same for them too.

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It has been happening to me here in Korea too, but it isn't as bad as it was a year or so ago.

I have notice others have duplicates posts at times, so it appears it is the same for them too.

I have sometimes, duplicate "news clippings" subscription messages whilst other subscriptions to certain threads don't arrive at all... :o

The BIG question -and answer- remains. WHAT'S HAPPENING ?


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